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Lu Wenji is back!

Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness can be felt in a very remote place.

At this time, Lu Wenji has reached the city gate of Kyoto.

“After 2 years, I finally came back!”

Looking at the familiar Kyoto, the familiar city walls, the familiar people.

Lu Wenji showed a big smile on his face, and then took a deep breath, and was intoxicated.

“Lu Young Master, shall we go to Imperial Palace first or Lu Palace first?”

A vicissitudesed sword emperor followed Lu Wenji behind him and asked at this time.

Dao Protector was appointed by Xiao Changfeng.

Today’s Lu Wenji is already comparable to the powerhouse of the Sovereign Martial environment.

But the knife emperor has not forgotten his duties, and has been following Lu Wenji.

Even if it is death, it must die in front of Lu Wenji.

“Go to the Imperial Palace first, I want to see the Master first!”

Lu Wenji’s eyes crossed the crowded streets and landed on the golden eaves far away.

Lu Wenji is the recipe of Xiao Changfeng and the grandson of Lu Yuyi.

Therefore, it is not difficult to enter the Imperial Palace.

Soon Lu Wenji saw Xiao Changfeng, Yun Lan and Yun Huang!

“disciple see Master!”

Lu Wenji knelt on his knees and gave a recipe to Xiao Changfeng.

Although he had heard the news of the Eastern Territory on the way.

But when I saw it myself, I was completely relieved.

“Get up, Emperor Yun and Yun Lan have been waiting for you for a long time!”

Xiao Changfeng opened his mouth with a smile, and at this time Yun Lan’s beautiful eyes, which looked like limbid autumn water, already wept with joy.

Xiao Changfeng naturally does not want to obscure people.

So he took Emperor Yun back to the Qingyuan Palace, leaving time for the couple.

Today’s banquet is a joy for everyone.

It lasted until the middle of the night before the song ended.

The Xia tribe suffered a loss this time, but it was temporarily quiet.

Even the Han family and the Fang family disappeared and disappeared.

So in the next few days, Xiao Changfeng also rarely enjoyed a leisurely life.

The original plan was to leave for Xiao Changfeng in Northern Plains on the tenth day of the first month.

But it was decided to stay a few days longer because of a happy event.

Lu Wenji and Yun Lan’s marriage is finally settled.

And it’s scheduled for the first lunar month of this year, Lantern Festival!

“Is it decided?”

In the Qingyuan Palace, Xiao Changfeng poured a cup of Wuyi tea for Lu Wenji.

Today’s Qingyuan Palace has only 2 of them master and disciple.


Lu Wenji took the tea cup with both hands, nodded.

“Master, this outing tour is also a precious experience in my life. I have dreamed of going to the world with my sword since I was young, but now I find that I am actually more romantic.”

Which man has no Young Hero dream.

Especially Lu Wenji who got the cultivation inheritance.

He had never been married to Yun Lan before, for the same reason.

And now he has traveled a lot of places, and in the end he discovered that it was here that eventually made him nostalgic.

Because there is a family, relatives, and his favorite people.

“Maybe I’m not suitable to be a true powerhouse. Compared to killing and killing, I prefer to study Pill Dao, stay with my family and do what I like. This kind of calm and stable life may be what I really desire. !”

Lu Wenji’s eyes flashed brightly.

Through these 2 years of travel, he finally knew what he wanted.

The moment he returned to Kyoto, looking at the familiar people and things, he had already figured it out clearly.

Some people long for the magnificent scenery of Martial Dao Peak.

Some people also like the ordinary life of Xiaomin.

Some people travel the mountains and rivers in search of the most beautiful mountains and rivers.

Others like the red dust scene.

Everyone has everyone’s pursuit.

Just like yourself!

“A peaceful life is the greatest happiness!”

Xiao Changfeng smiled slightly, and his regret may be able to make up for Lu Wenji.

At this time, he also gave Lu Wenji his best wishes.

“Since you want to delve into Pill Dao, pass it to you as a teacher as your new wedding thing!”


Xiao Changfeng Divine Consciousness flew into Lu Wenji’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Immediately each and everyone The mysterious obscure avenue text is branded in Lu Wenji’s Sea of ​​Consciousness.

After a long time, Xiao Changfeng took back Divine Consciousness.

Although Lu Wenji also has Divine Consciousness, the amount of information this time is too great.

So he spent a whole hour before accepting it reluctantly.

“Master, this is…”

Opening his eyes, Lu Wenji asked Xiao Changfeng in shock.

“You can call it the Pill Dao Collection, which records all the knowledge of Pill Dao that the teacher knows, but some of you can’t bear it, so the teacher seals it for you, and when your Alchemy Technique matures, you can Unblock.”

“Of course, the vastness of Pill Dao, what the teacher knows, is just a drop in the ocean. After you master these, you can explore the new Alchemy Technique. If you like it, fight for it for a lifetime!”

Xiao Changfeng took a mouthful of Wuyi tea, slowly said.

What he taught to Lu Wenji was all the knowledge of Pill Dao in his memory of Immortal Emperor.

You know that Xiao Changfeng previous life is in charge of Immortal Emperor, commanding 10000 cents.

Among the 3 circles, Pill Recipe 100000000 10000, Alchemy Technique more.

If such a large amount of knowledge is written on paper, I am afraid it can all be accumulated into a world.

So Xiao Changfeng sealed most of it, leaving only a small part of Lu Wenji who could barely learn.

At this point, Xiao Changfeng completely passed Pill Dao to Lu Wenji.

Lu Wenji is the first Official Disciple he collected in this life.

Xiao Changfeng naturally hopes that he can do what he likes.

“Many thanks to Master, the discipline will study hard and live up to Master’s expectations!”

Lu Wenji was overjoyed.

He has been studying medicine since childhood.

Later, Xiaochangfeng became a teacher because of Alchemy Technique.

Now that I have this Pill Dao Collection, how can I not be happy!

“There is no expectation for the teacher, so you don’t need to be stressed, just do your best. If one day you feel that you don’t like Alchemy Technique, you can forget it!”

Xiao Changfeng said with a smile.

He passed down the Pill Dao Collection, and he didn’t want Lu Wenji to dig into it and become a Pill God.

It is to do what Lu Wenji wants to do. If he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t.

Life is already so difficult, why put more pressure on yourself!

“Master teaching, remember the recipe!”

Lu Wenji, as Ji is still young this year, has a relatively shallow experience, and can’t realize the deep meaning of Xiao Changfeng.

But these words, he remembered them firmly.

When you encounter difficulties and setbacks in the future, you will come up with a taste and you will understand.

“In those days you wanted to learn Alchemy Technique from me. I told you that Fa cannot be preached lightly, but today, the teacher has preached to you, and I hope you study hard and treat others well!”

Xiao Changfeng got up and gently clapped above Lu Wenji’s head.

Teacher: Preaching and disturbing by karma!


8th of the first month.

Xiao Changfeng taught Pill Dao to Head Disciple Lu Wenji at the Qingyuan Palace in Kyoto!

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