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Did Pill Emperor and 2 win?

When this news came out, the whole Middle-earth was shocked and dead.

Whether it is Nine Great Sects, the Four Great Heavenly Venerables family, or some other martial artists, they can’t believe this news at all.

No one was optimistic about this war since at first.

2 Although the conference is also very strong.

But compared with Martial Spirit Hall or even Ouyang Family, it is far from enough.

Martial Spirit Hall has 3 Great Saint and dozens of powerhouses in Paragon.

And the martial artists in Martial Spirit Hall are all soul martial artists.

The extraordinary natural talent is far more powerful than the ordinary martial artist.

Not to mention Ouyang Family.

The battle between Fleet and Black.

The army of Paragon and Emperor Martial.

There are 3 Great Saint, and the extremely powerful battle Heavenly Venerate.

This lineup is enough to fight a Heavenly Venerate family.

For 2 conferences without Heavenly Venerate, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain?

As for Pill Emperor!

Although the destruction of eleven Martial Spirit branch halls before was shocking.

But after all, it is just the strength of the Paragon realm.

In Holy War and even Heavenly Venerate, the role is negligible.

However, it is such a strong lineup.

It was defeated!

And the whole army was annihilated and defeated completely.

This result, let everyone have no idea.

Numerous martial artists are so dead, they dare not accept it.

But over time.

The 100000 spectators who were fighting in the appearance of Iron Hammer City that day gradually spread the details of the battle that day.

So, the whole Middle-earth was completely shocked.

“Ten Holy Demons, created ten quasi-Saints? The power of this medicine pill is amazing!”

“A Formation, a meteorite, killed more than 50 soul martial artists, and the battle fleet of Ouyang Family?”

“Pill Emperor one man one sword, killed Leiyun Saint across the border? How is this possible!”

“The battle with Heavenly Venerate appeared, seriously wounding the medical holy and the iron holy. At the critical moment, Heavenly Venerable Master appeared in time, even beating the battle Heavenly Venerate?”

The news of each and everyone, like the hammer with the same handle, hit the hearts of countless martial artists.

Any one of these news is enough to shock.

And when the news happened in a battle.

It is like a serial explosion, striking everyone out of focus.

It’s too shocking!

so horrible!

It’s incredible!

“In the battle of Mount Mang Sect, Pill Emperor and Tianji Saint became famous because of this battle. Didn’t expect today they 2 shot again, but it completely shaken the whole Middle-earth!”

“Without 3 Great Saint, Martial Spirit Hall In name only, and Ouyang Family this time may be completely destroyed!”

“After this battle, I don’t know what will happen to the structure of Middle-earth, but the two names Pill Emperor and Heavenly Sovereign will be as bright as stars!”

There are countless martial artists discussing spiritedly in Middle-earth.

Martial Spirit Hall, Number One Influence on the surface.

The Ouyang Family is the head of the 5 Great Heavenly Venerate family.

This Two Great Influences this time was killed by the Peak force.

It must die soon.

The other Four Great Heavenly Venerables families and the rest of the forces are bound to divide.

When the time comes, Middle-earth will usher in turmoil, and after the turmoil.

The distribution and pattern of forces in China and Turkey will completely change.

For Middle-earth, this is definitely not a trivial matter.

Ling Fengzong.

Li Jinde thumped his chest to his feet, filled with indignation.

“Your short-sighted people, the old man is ashamed to be with you. From now on, the old man resigns from Elder and belongs to the Hidden Sect. Unless the sect is alive or dead, don’t think about the old man.”

Li Jinde walked away in anger.

Only the many spiritual ancestors Elder who regret in the great hall are left.

In this battle, Li Jinde originally wanted to help the war.

But the other Elder directly dismissed, fearing to cause Martial Spirit Hall and Ouyang Family.

Now the battle report comes, and the result is shocking to everyone.

Li Jinde was also completely disappointed and took the initiative to resign from Elder.

The Jade Girl Sect!

“Big Brother won, yeah, I knew Big Brother would not lose!”

Fu Xiaowan was excited and excited.

Liness Saintess on the side also dissipated her worries.

Although she cultivated the Heartless Sword method, she couldn’t be truly ruthless after all.

“Great Elder and Sect Master are wise and shameful!”

Mother-in-law gave her hand to apologize to Great Elder.

She strongly opposed that day.

But today’s results come to prove how correct the decisions of Great Elder and Sect Master are.

After this war, even if there is no other income.

Just getting the friendship between Pill Emperor and the 2nd Assembly is a huge gain for the Jade Emperor.

These are not available with Spirit Stone.

“Heavenly God!”

Great Elder didn’t blame the mother-in-law and Grandmother of Flowers.

At this time her eyes were bright, but she thought of Venerable Heavenly Machine.

Friendship with Pill Emperor and 2 Assembly is part of it.

The other part is the friendship with Venerable Heavenly Genius.

The Jade Lady Sect and Heavenly Chance Sect were not enemies, but they were not friends.

But after this war, the two must be connected.

And getting a Heavenly Venerate friendship is definitely worth the money.

Not only the Jade Girl Sect.

The 100 surnames where Yunding Saint is located received news of the battle.

Also cheer for the whole family.

Yunding Saint’s help is only known to Guangling Saintess.

The rest of Sect Elder and discipline are unknown.

But now Pill Emperor has won.

As a victorious party, they are naturally eligible to cheer.

As for the consequences of defeat, they directly ignored them.

As for the sect such as Vajrapani Sect and Imperial Beast Sect.

After learning the result of this battle, some were shocked, some were excited, and some were puzzled.

But anyway.

This battle has been settled. For this result, everyone must accept it if they do not accept it.

And in the mountain gate of North Tang Sect.

Tang Yueming fled back immediately.

“Turn on the Great Sect Protection Array, recall all the disciplines, and prepare to meet the enemy!”

Tang Yueming immediately issued Sect Master’s Command.

He was terrified.

Thundercloud Saint died before his eyes.

As for the following battle, although he didn’t see it, he heard the news of horrible to see.

But he was fortunate that he escaped quickly.

Otherwise, he must be a cold body at this time.

But he was also afraid of being accounted for by the fall.

Therefore, the Great Sect Protection Array was opened at the first time, and a command was issued to recall all the disciplines.

This time.

He decided to shrink completely within the sect without waiting for 3 50 years, he would never go out.

As for what the outsiders think, he can’t control it anymore.

Your own life matters!

The Great Elder of North Tang Sect is also north of Fengling. He also knows the seriousness of the matter.

Immediately issued an order, so that many disciplines bring sophisticated hidden weapon, guarding all around the mountain gate.

As soon as there is a change, it will be sent out in full.

“I hope my Tang Sect can survive this tribulation!”

Feng Lingbei’s old eyes were full of worry.


Some people are shocked, some are cheering, some are puzzled, some are uneasy.

The countless forces throughout Middle-earth, 100000000 million absolutely martial artist.

All were shocked by the battle of Hammer City.

The names of Pill Emperor and Venerable Heavenly Genius.

Shake Middle-earth again!

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