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Doctor Holy City, in the president’s hall!

At this time, the originally wide president hall was crowded with dong dong!

Among them are those of the Medicine Refining Master Association and those of the Forge Master Association.

These all are martial artists who participated in the battle of Iron Hammer City.

“Cao Xishan, you take everyone to heal first, here we are!”

Zhang Jiayang called on Cao Xishan and asked him to take the injured people to heal.

Although this battle was a complete victory.

But there are also many martial artists killed and injured.

The original team of 100 people now only has fifty-sixty people.

Among them, this Reverend was injured.

After all, the combined forces of Martial Spirit Hall and Ouyang Family are too many and too strong.

2 The 100 people reluctantly collected by the conference are not opponents at all.

Had it not been for Xiao Changfeng’s Taiyitian Meteorite 10000 Star Array, the casualties would have been even more tragic.

Now that the battle is over, they will naturally go to heal if they are injured.

“Yes, Elder!”

Cao Xishan has become more mature now, able to act independently.

At this time, Zhang Jiayang, Hong Daoyuan and the others are still in the weak period of medicinal power subsiding, and they also need to rest and recover.

Therefore these matters can only be handed over to Cao Xishan and other Medicine Refining Masters.

Soon the people in the president’s hall were reduced by more than half.

And the rest.

Each and everyone craned their necks with anxiety and worry on their faces.

They are not worried about Xiao Changfeng and Venerable Tianji.

But worry about the medical saints and iron saints.

I saw it in the middle of the great hall.

Tie Sheng lay quietly on the ground, without the rough and loud voice of the past.

He suffered a thunderous battle against Heavenly Venerate.

The original tall and burly body is now riddled with scars.

Not only the ribs are broken, but also the internal organs have varying degrees of damage.

At this moment, his eyes were closed tightly, and there was pain on his face.

“President Tie’s heart pulse has been broken. Although relying on his vigorous Spiritual Qi, he can barely support it, but if this continues, it will be completely exhausted in less than ten days.”

Xiao Changfeng took back the Divine Consciousness, his expression a bit solemn.

Iron Saint’s injury is very difficult.

Other injuries are okay, but the heart pulse is broken, but it is very terrible.

Even with Xiao Changfeng’s Azure Dragon True Yuan, it can only last a few more days.

Want to completely recover, but it is harder than heavenly ascension.

“Elder Xiao, is there no alternative?”

Tie Rujun looked sad and looked at Xiao Changfeng hopefully.

Tie Sheng is the Head President of the Blacksmith Association and the biggest pillar.

If he falls, then the Blacksmith Association will also be greatly injured.

Facing Tie Rujun’s question.

Xiao Changfeng was silent for a moment, and finally shook the head.

Although he knows that there are no fewer than ten ways to treat.

But whether it was to make the Immortal Pill or to resume the Immortal Technique, he could not do it now.

Seeing Xiao Changfeng shaking his head, Tie Rujun tears and his eyes are dim.

At this time, Venerable Tianji also retracted Divine Consciousness from the medical saint.

“The whole body is shattered, the soul is shaking, only a trace of life is maintained, but like a light in the wind, it can be extinguished at any time!”

Venerable Tianji spoke in a deep voice, telling the current state of the medical saint.

The medical sage endured the fight against Heavenly Venerate.

That finger directly surpassed the barrier and burst out from the body of the medical saint.

Destroy his Martial Spirit, domain, and Spiritual Qi completely.

If it hadn’t been for the sage of medicine to spend 100 years in refining medicine, the soul would be contaminated with the vitality of vegetation.

I’m afraid I will die on the spot.

But in that case, there is only half a breath that’s all left.

For a time.

The atmosphere in the entire president’s hall became sad.

Whether it is a medical saint or iron saint, its rank and status are very important.

And they normally have a reputation, now life hanging by a thread.

Naturally provoke countless sad emotions.

“Elder Xiao, is there really no way?”

Zhang Jiayang did not go to heal, but stayed here.

At this time, the words of Xiao Changfeng and Venerable Tianji are also in ones heart trembled.

But he was unwilling to accept this result, hoping to save a straw.

And the only one he can expect.

This is Xiao Changfeng!

“The solution is not without it, but the risk is great!”

Xiao Changfeng pondered for a moment, then spoke.

I heard Xiao Changfeng’s words.

Both Tie Rujun and Zhang Jiayang shined.

“Elder Xiao, no matter what the method, you have to try it, anyway, there is no worse result than now!”

Not only Tie Rujun and Zhang Jiayang.

Everyone else looked at Xiao Changfeng excitedly.

It is the Heavenly Sage Venerable, which is also surprising at this time.

He has checked the medical saint and the iron saint’s injuries.

To be honest, he has no idea.

At most, it can only keep the medical holy and iron holy for a period of time.

But after all, it was hard to escape.

“This method is very dangerous. Once it fails, it will the soul flew away and scattered, and there is no chance of reincarnation.”

Xiao Changfeng said solemnly.

This method, even he dare not say that he has confidence.

But for today’s plan, he had no other good solution.

the soul flew away and scattered!

As soon as this result came out, everyone was silent.

If he dies there, the soul may still have samsara reincarnation.

But if the soul flew away and scattered, it is completely dead.

“But if it is successful, the medical holy and the iron holy may be able to break through the shackles and achieve the position of Heavenly Venerate!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke again, making everyone’s eyes straight.

Heavenly Venerate!

The power of Heavenly Venerable Realm is beyond doubt, and the time of Medical Saint and Iron Saint Card in Saint Boundary is not short.

But I want to break through Heavenly Venerable Realm, but I don’t know what year and month.

Success, chance to break through Heavenly Venerable Realm!

Failure, the soul flew away and scattered!

No one dares to make this decision easily.

But the medical saint and the iron saint fell into a comatose state.

They can’t wake up and choose.

“Elder Xiao, I believe that if President President knows it, he will definitely choose to let it go. Please take action, and all the consequences, the old man will bear it all!”

After a long silence, Zhang Jiayang finally decided to gritt his teeth.

If you fight once, you still have a chance.

The medical saint is really dying.

As for this responsibility and consequence, he could only grind his teeth to bear it.

Even if he bears the infamy, even if he is pointed by 1000 husbands, he recognizes it.

“Elder Xiao, old man urges you to take action, Head President can’t die!”

Tie Rujun also stood up, and he also intended to take responsibility.

“Okay, since that is the case, then I will promise you!”

I can see Zhang Jiayang and Tie Rujun’s determination.

Xiao Changfeng finally agreed.

“This method is called 2 Yin-Yang Mixture! With my strength, I can’t perform it yet, I need the help of Dream Fellow Daoist!”

Xiao Changfeng turned his head to look up to Heavenly Venerable Venerable Divine Consciousness sound transmission.

Passed 2 yin and yang mixed elements to Heavenly Venerable Venerable.

“Fellow Daoist Xiao, the resources required for this method are too large. With the Heavenly Chance Sect and the 2nd conference, I am afraid it will be difficult to get together.”

Heavenly Sovereign did not refuse.

After receiving 2 yin and yang mixed elements, he was also shocked by the magic of this technique.

I admire Xiao Changfeng even more.

But this technique is also difficult to perform, requiring a lot of resources.

And these resources, with the background of Heavenly Chance Sect and 2 conference, are not necessarily able to get together.

However, Xiao Changfeng has long considered this issue.

“Dream Felo Daoist, don’t worry, we don’t, but Ouyang Family has a rich heritage and will surely be able to get it together!”

“Now, it’s time for us to harvest the spoils of war!”

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