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The 100 meters body has been retracted to its normal size.

The golden light that was as bright as the sun was very dim and was about to go out.

Above the golden battle armor, there was blood splattering and scarlet eyes.

A head slipped from the neck and fell.

Above his head, the furious fighting intent of Heavenly Venerate has not dissipated.

Look at it at a glance.

His eyes were full of anger, and he was afraid to look at it!

The majestic vitality is passing quickly.

Is Heavenly Venerate dead?

Everyone’s heart jumped, and his brain was blank.

This result is more shocking than the death of Thundercloud Saint.

Because this is fighting Heavenly Venerate!

Heavenly Venerable Realm powerhouse stands at the top of Martial Dao.

It is the most powerful existence in Xuanhuang Great World.

And the reputation of Heavenly Venerate in Middle-earth, but it was Mega for 1000 years.

Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer powerhouse.

Master the War God 9 style!

A fighting intent is like anger and battle strength is amazing, which makes other Four Great Heavenly Venerables families have to retreat.

The Ouyang Family was once known as the First Heavenly Venerable family of Middle-earth.

However, it is such a powerful battle against Heavenly Venerate.

But it fell today and died so neatly that there was no room for struggle.

That sword!

Stunning time and 10000 ancient times!

The fall of this sword will surely rewrite the history of Middle-earth.

It will also make the situation in China and Turkey become turbulent.

After all, the fall of a Heavenly Venerate is definitely not a trivial matter!

“Old Ancestor !”

Wuwei Saint and Yi Jin Saint let out a heartbreaking scream.

Suddenly the silhouette of 2 people flickered, traversed the void, turned into a rainbow, and went straight to the body of Heavenly Venerate.

The battle with Heavenly Venerate has separated the body.

Wuwei Saint and Yijin Saint hold their heads in one, and the body in one, tears like a spring.

Fighting Heavenly Venerate is not only the patriarch of the Ouyang Family, but also their Old Ancestor.

Not to mention anything else, just emotionally.

This makes it difficult for 2 people to accept.

This time weeping holding the body of Heavenly Venerate.


On the other side, the undefeated Saint did not come to cry.

Instead, the Space Crack was torn open, and the whole person stepped into the void.

She wants to escape!

She thinks more than Wuwei Saint and Yijin Saint.

The battle against Heavenly Venerate is heartbreaking.

But the next situation is the most dangerous.

She didn’t want to stay and wait to die.

At this time, I want to escape, return to the clan, and reserve some fire for the clan, so as not to destroy it.

“If you can’t do anything to prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it!”

Tianji Saint glanced at the direction of undefeated Saint’s escape.

Suddenly his lips lifted lightly.

A bang.

I saw that the undefeated Saint who escaped into the void was rejected.

Appears beyond 100 meters.

In other words, she only escaped 100 meters from that’s all.


Saint Tianji waved his hand.

Suddenly Samadhi True Fire reappeared.

The flames turned into a Fire Dragon 5000 meters in size.

Fire Dragon is lifelike, dragon scales, dragon whiskers, dragon claw every delicate hair was completely shown.

The terrible heat distorts the space directly.

“Blood Spell!”

Faced with this Fire Dragon condensed by Samadhi True Fire.

Undefeated Saint complexion changed, and immediately performed the secret technique of depleting lifespan.

“Heaven Rank Intermediate Martial Skill: Bloody Day!”

The undefeated Saint is covered in blood light.

Dye the entire sky with dazzling blood.

She is boiling with Spirit Qi, the field trembles and turns into a blood rainbow throughout the day.

But instead of facing Samadhi True Fire, she pierced the sky and escaped into the distance.

Only a escape is a glimmer of survival.

If you stay, you will definitely die!

However, the Fire Dragon transformed by Samadhi True Fire is extremely fast.

It is also integrated with Heaven and Earth, as if swimming in the sea.

On the other hand, undefeated Saint is oppressed by Heaven and Earth and is under great pressure.

Eventually she was chased by Fire Dragon.


The sound of mournful scream came from the mouth of undefeated Saint.

I saw her silhouette drowned by Fire Dragon.

The screaming gradually weakened and eventually disappeared completely.

The Fire Dragon dispersed, and the silhouette of the undefeated Saint was completely gone, and was burned to ashes.

Although the undefeated Saint is strong, how can he beat the heavenly Saint Saint of the Transcending Tribulation period.


Just when the undefeated Saint was burned by Fire Dragon.

Fengyun Saint and Yuyun Saint also turned around and fled without hesitation.

“Top Grade Tao Rune: Flowing Light Illusory Image Rune!”

Both Fengyun Saint and Yuyun Saint took out a seal.

Then inspired it, the silhouette of the whole person quickly became blurred.

This is a high-grade Tao character, specifically used to escape.

They certainly can’t portray themselves.

These two characters are given by the ghost Immortal Sect.

This time they came to the war, originally brought in order to guard against the unexpected.

But now it is used.


The appearance of the Flowing Light Illusory Image symbol also surprised Tianji Saint slightly.

But trifling 2 Zhang Zhuan, still cannot escape alive.

I saw Tianji Saint holding the sword talisman, and then a sword was cut out.

This is not Taoism, just a sword.

But this handle sword talisman is half Immortal Grade.

With the strength of Saint Transcending Tribulation Early-Stage, even if it is just a sword.

It is not something ordinary people can resist.

Suddenly, through the Heaven and Earth, Jianhong, which crossed the sun and the moon, appeared in front of everyone.

Beyond the ten thousand meters, Jianhong split Heaven and Earth into two and a half.



2 corpses fell from in the sky.

It is Fengyun Saint and Yuyun Saint!

Although they possessed the Flowing Light Illusory Image symbol, they unfortunately could not escape.

So far, the 4 Great Saints of Martial Spirit Hall are completely destroyed.

Martial Spirit Hall In name only!

“You 2 will go with you!”

Tianji Saint glanced at Wuwei Saint and Yijin Saint.

Then reach for flicks with the finger.

Suddenly, Samadhi True Fire flew out again, turning into 2 Fire Dragons.

Wuwei Saint and Yijin Saint were reluctant to sit still and suddenly used various means to resist.

However, despite their means 10000 1000, there are countless treasures.

Eventually still burned to ash, body dies and Dao disappears.

Even the body of Heavenly Venerate was also burned.

Only their storage ring was left behind!

At this point, the alliance between Ouyang Family and Martial Spirit Hall completely dissipated.

First Heavenly Venerable, 6 Great Saint, all died here!


Solve everyone, Tianji Saint put away the word talisman, and take back Samadhi True Fire.

He stepped forward in one step, and the next moment appeared in front of Xiao Changfeng.

“Yisheng and Tiesheng are seriously injured and should not stay here for a long time. Fellow Daoist Xiao, let’s go to the Holy City first!”

Tianji Saint saw Ophthalmologist Saint and Iron Saint, and then suggested to Xiao Changfeng.

“it is good!”

Xiao Changfeng nodded.

Then Tianji Saint waved his hand, and an auspicious cloud quickly emerged.

Suddenly held the medical holy, iron holy and Zhang Jiayang and the others.


Xiangyun flew away, silhouette away.

Tianji Saint and Xiao Changfeng and the others left the Hammer City.

However, the 100000 spectators outside the Hammer City had never recovered from the shock in their hearts.

Battle Heavenly Venerate fell.

Undefeated Saint 3 is destroyed, Ouyang Family is destined to be destroyed.

The death of the 3 Saints in Fengyun is also doomed to Martial Spirit Hall.

The destruction of these Two Great Influences will surely shake the whole Middle-earth.

What is the future situation?

No one can guess.

But the heavenly Saint, will definitely shock the world.

No, it shouldn’t be called Saint.


Heavenly Venerable!

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