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Martial Dao broke through the sky, while Immortal Cultivator walked the heavens-defying road.

The difference between martial artist and Immortal Cultivator will change significantly as realm continues to improve.

2 The gap between the two is gradually widened.

Such as Xiao Changfeng’s Great Ascension Stage today.

You can easily crush the martial artist in Paragon.

And the Tianji Saint breakthrough to the Transcending Tribulation period.

Although it is only Transcending Tribulation Early-Stage, but it has mastered the realm of One with Heaven and Earth, which is integrated with Heaven and Earth, and its strength is more than ten times stronger.

Even if Heavenly Venerate is the powerhouse of Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer, it cannot be resisted.

Fly directly with a punch and draw ten thousand meters away.

“Old Ancestor !”

Undefeated Saint, Wuwei Saint, and Yijin Saint exclaimed and couldn’t believe it.

Others are also dumbfounded, like seeing ghosts.

“Isn’t Saint Saint just a breakthrough? How could it be so strong?”

Fengyun Saint swallowed and only felt that his cognition was broken.

Celestial Saint just broke through, but Celestial Venerable Realm 1st Layer that’s all.

The battle against Heavenly Venerate is the powerhouse of Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer.

There are 5 small realm gaps between the two parties.

The 5 small realms in Heavenly Venerable Realm are equivalent to Heaven and Earth.

Heavenly Saint Saint not only crosses this gap, but fights Heavenly Venerate?

This… this is simply unacceptable.

Many spectators outside Iron Hammer City.

At this point they were all stunned, each and everyone opened their mouths, their eyes widened, like toads.

Only the two Immortal Cultivators Xiao Changfeng and Wu Changsheng can understand.

This formidable power performed by Tianji Saint is so powerful.

This is a spell unique to Taoism.

If it is on the rank of rank, it is comparable to rank Taoism.

Plus the surging True Yuan of Saint Ji and the realm of One with Heaven and Earth.

It’s no surprise that one punch defeated Heavenly Venerate.


A golden rainbow rushed straight into the sky, fighting intent stirred the wind and clouds, making the atmosphere between Heaven and Earth more suppressed.

“Tianji Saint, I don’t believe you can defeat me!”

Fighting Heavenly Venerate roared, eye socket cracked, obviously unacceptable for the defeat of this fist.

But this time he has been injured.

The golden battle armor has an obvious fist print.

The fist print sags down, and a fine crack appears all around.

If this fist weighs a few more points, I am afraid that the golden battle armor will be completely broken.

“The field of war, open!”

Battle Heavenly Venerate roared.

Suddenly his field quickly expanded.

Battle Heavenly Venerate is the powerhouse of Heavenly Venerable Realm 6th-layer, and his field has reached the size of ten thousand meters.

Instantly envelopes 8 parties, covering Heaven and Earth.

In his field, a debut silhouette emerged.

There are soldiers fighting in the blood, there are soldiers who are dying to fight back, there are killing intents, and there are angry and mad vines.

This is a battlefield.

There are humans, demonic beasts, and other aliens.

Each one is lifelike and frightening.

Wives of fighting intent emerged on them, interweaving and gathering.

In the end, they all fell into the within the body of Heavenly Venerate.

“Magical Powers: The Giant’s Face!”

With a roar against Heavenly Venerate, he actually exhibited the magical powers technique.

I saw that his body quickly swelled after absorbing numerous fighting intents.

In a blink of an eye, it turned into a giant of 100 meters.

His golden light gleamed, and every inch of skin and every hair was cast like immortal divine gold.

A desperate terrifying aura appeared.

It makes everyone feel difficult to breathe, it is the undefeated Saint and Fengyun Saint, both.

“War God 9: Mad War Under the Heaven!”

Battle Heavenly Venerate frowned, staring at Heavenly Saint Saint.

Above both fists, there is a golden aperture around each.

It makes its fists look as bright as the golden sun.

An invincible, fierce battle, and imposing imposing manner emerged.

The entire sky was dyed golden.


Fighting Heavenly Venerate fists with both hands, falling from the sky, as if 2 supporting heaven giant pillars were smashed down.

The space collapsed and the debris cracked, revealing the space storm and the turbulent flow in the void.

Even the time seems to be frozen at the moment.

Unable to struggle or escape.

This fist !

Cover the world!

However, Saint of Heaven had no fear at all.

“In a hurry, I haven’t refined any magic weapon, nor prepared any seals. In this case, the old man can only use this sword!”

Tianji Saint muttered to himself, and immediately grabbed his hand.

I saw him grabbing it out of thin air, as if drawn from between Heaven and Earth.

A 3-foot long sword was caught by him.

This long sword is bright all over, not at all what a special power.

But above the sword, there are countless small seal scripts.

If you look carefully, you will find that these seal scriptures are like life, moving above the sword body.

A fresh, natural feeling overflows on the sword.

“This is…sword talisman!”

Seeing this sword, even Xiao Changfeng, could not help being surprised at this time.

If others don’t recognize it, will he not recognize it?

Although this is a sword, it is not made of metal or bone.

Instead, it is formed by condensing the seal script on countless characters.

For each seal, a seal script is required.

And the seal script on this sword is more than 1000?

Moreover, each of these seal scripts is fresh and alive, and is endowed with life, and its quality is unprecedented.

This handle sword talisman, to be precise, has surpassed the magic weapon category.

But it has not reached the quality of Immortal Grade.

Strictly calculated, it should be regarded as semi-Immortal Grade!

“This sword talisman dreams that Fellow Daoist’s current cultivation base cannot be cast yet, it should be left by his body!”

This is comparable to the semi-Immortal Grade word talisman, but it is not so easy to cast.

Since Heaven Saint has it, then there is only one possibility.

The life-saving thing left by the fairy body.

At the time of the Battle of Mount Mang Sect, Tianji Saint did not take it out, it should be that he knew his strength at the time.

Even if you take out sword talisman, you can’t beat Heavenly Venerate.

But today is different.

Now he is the Great Cultivator of the Transcending Tribulation period.

There is enough power to control this sword talisman.

With this sword in hand, he was confident of defeating and even beating Heavenly Venerate.

“Sophisticated Daoshu: Slash through the 9th Layer!”

Tianji Saint holding the sword talisman suddenly changed his temperament.

From Taoism, the natural Taoist has become the Sword Immortal.

Next moment.

he slashed out, Heavenly Venerate.

This sword has no breath at all. When it started, there was no sword energy sword glow.

Everyone even felt that a 3-year-old child could hide.

But when it really splits.

The entire 100-mile void was momentary.

The brilliant sword energy Changhong erupted at the last moment, as gorgeous as the sun, and turned into a sword glow that penetrates the sun and the sky.

This sword glow has no attributes, only the purest power.

Everyone was amazed by this gorgeous sword glow.

As if this sword could split heaven and earth apart.

The sword falls, the light goes out!

A body suddenly fell from the sky.

Everyone looked at him in horror.

This corpse is really… fighting Heavenly Venerate!

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