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Pill Emperor!

A falling Heaven’s Chosen!

Once known as the strongest dark horse by countless people, it accidentally fell into the White Python Secret Realm.

He has not appeared in more than a year, and has been judged dead by the world.

But at this time, actually reproduced?

This… how is this possible!

The cry out in surprise of the blessed buddha is like a thunder and a thunder, which makes everyone in the auction field tremble, as if was struck by lightning.

This strong and unreasonable Paragon powerhouse is actually Pill Emperor.

Doesn’t it say that he has fallen.

And died in White Python Secret Realm, confirmed by many Heavenly Venerate.

How could he still be alive and become stronger.

Is this Pill Emperor fake?

But if it weren’t for Pill Emperor, would it be so painstaking to deal with Yunshuige?

Moreover, the Blessed Buddha is Saint Boundary powerhouse, and had conflicts with Pill Emperor.

It shouldn’t be wrong!

For a while, the audience was silent, and had not recovered from the shock.

And Yue Yaoqin on the other side.

Looking at Xiao Changfeng’s familiar face now.

Tears flowed out of his eyes and instantly wet the shirt.

The eyes of surprise and adoration emerge from the beautiful eyes.

I just think that Xiao Changfeng is so tall, like a Spiritual God standing for 9 days.

“the host!”

Yue Yaoqin trembled out these two words, and all the bitterness and grievances collapsed at this moment.

It is the sacred heart of the Buddha, and at this time, he looked at Xiao Changfeng with some surprise.

She naturally heard the name of Pill Emperor.

I also asked him to see it in person.

It’s just that she didn’t expect, Pill Emperor, who has long since passed down, will appear again.

It seems that today’s battle is even more exciting.

But the most frightening at this time is Yunshui Saint!

at first, she really intends to cooperate well with the 4-party Chamber of Commerce.

However, due to the popularity of the medicine pill business, the Yunshui Pavilion was greatly expanded.

This made Yunshui Saint start to move.

Such a large interest, so she can not refuse.

But she restrained herself.

Only when the news of Xiao Changfeng’s fall came out.

Her greed was born again.

But she did not act actly blindly without thinking, but doubled to the 4th Chamber of Commerce.

But over time.

Business is getting hotter and hotter, and benefits are getting bigger and bigger.

The death of Xiao Changfeng has been silent for a year.

Finally, a message from Middle-earth became the last straw to crush the camel.

So she tore the disguise and showed her fangs.

It’s just that Yue Yaoqin in Heaven Martial has no resistance in front of her.

The entire four-party Chamber of Commerce’s shops and channels in the Western Region are also well understood by her.

So, the entire Yunshui Pavilion launched and quickly engulfed the achievements of the 4 Chamber of Commerce.

And today this auction.

In fact, it is a sales conference.

Many auctions won by the Chamber of Commerce of the four parties are all auctioned out in exchange for a large number of Spirit Stone and cultivation resources.

It’s just that Yunshui Saint didn’t expect how such a big accident happened.

Not only was the auction destroyed, but Lin Guanshi was killed.

Even Pill Emperor, who had disappeared for more than a year, appeared again.

But things have been done and regrets are too late.

“This is the end, there is nothing to say in this seat. Although I don’t know why you are still alive, since you are here today, this seat will let you die again!”

Yunshui Saint is a female actress who has no background. The strength of cultivation till now has created a huge Yunshui Pavilion.

Naturally, it is not a soft-hearted person.

The mall war is invisible, so it is even more dangerous.

And Yunshui Saint has already tempered a fearless mentality.

She knows that it is useless to ask Xiao Changfeng for mercy or to play emotional cards.

In this case, there is only one kill!

As long as Xiao Changfeng is killed, all problems will be solved.

“Tianjie low-level martial skill: Yunqishuishui sleeves!”

Yunshui Saint’s determination was firm and he was decisive.

After making a decision, he quickly shot.

I saw a terrifying breath erupting from her within the body, flooding the entire auction field.

Let everyone have complexion greatly changed, quickly regress, and can’t bear it.


Between Heaven and Earth, I saw white clouds blossoming and the water was flowing.

The sky is covered with white clouds, and the water flows.

These white clouds and water currents are transformed into a cloud and water sleeve, just like an angry dragon, which is 3000 meters long and vertical and horizontal.

“Pill Emperor, you shouldn’t come, you will die when you come!”

Yunshui Saint opened the field and immediately used Power of Time.

She didn’t keep her hand, she went all out with one shot, and wanted to kill Xiao Changfeng quickly to prevent future troubles.

“Pill Emperor, you killed Lao Gun disciple, Lao Gun also wanted you to enter Eighteen Levels of Hell!”

Cimei Buddha Saint also shot, so as to avoid night long dreams.

He was covered with Buddha’s radiance, solemn appearance.

Suddenly shot with a palm, and merged with Buddha’s radiance into a giant golden light hand.

It looks like the palm of a Buddha.

This palm lined the air, passing along the way, smashing countless seats, and even flying several martial artists, with an invincible imposing manner, flew to Xiao Changfeng.

Yunshui Saint and Cimei Buddha Sanqi shot together, imposing manner overwhelming the audience.

Let all around the audience vomit blood backwards, can not bear this coercion.

“Master run!”

Yue Yaoqin also felt abnormally depressed, but at this time, she was worried about Xiao Changfeng and shouted wildly.

Aside from the black brows slightly wrinkle of Mingxin Buddha, holding the divine light sword in his hand, he was hesitant.

And this time.

The martial skills of Yunshui Saint and Cimei Buddha Saint have come to Xiao Changfeng.

The violent strong wind blew Xiao Changfeng’s jade embroidered gold-edged robe, and blasted his long hair.

But in his eyes, killing intent was cold, without fear.

“Take her away!”

Xiao Changfeng turned his head and said a word to Mingxin Buddha.

Then he reached out and grabbed something.

Seeing this, the pupils of Mingxin Buddha suddenly contracted, grabbing several Yaoyueqin and Qingxin Temple’s disciplines, and fled directly.

“Heavenly Venerate Orb!”

Yunshui Saint and Cimei Buddha Saint also saw the things in Xiao Changfeng’s hands at the moment, and the complexion greatly changed suddenly.

This Heavenly Venerate gem was given to Xiao Changfeng by Wu Heavenly Venerate.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng will use it to kill Yunshui Saint.


Xiao Changfeng flicks with the finger, the Heavenly Venerate orb suddenly flew out and suddenly exploded.


The horrible explosion instantly destroyed the cloud sleeves and golden light hand.

Then an extremely huge, mountain-like Black Tortoise claw illusory shadow appeared above the auction field.

This Black Tortoise claw is covered with fine black scales, surrounded by black liquid.

A terrifying aura that is unbearable and palpitating comes out.

Yunshui Saint and Cimei Buddha Saint wanted to escape.

However, the speed of Black Tortoise’s claws was extremely fast, and it was snapped.


Space is broken, time is wiped out, and everything that exists is turned into fly ash.

From afar, the lotus leaf auction site, like a castle on the beach, quickly collapsed.

Finally, a bang exploded, completely disappeared.

The ground is as smooth as a mirror, the entire lotus leaf auction site, and the many creatures in it are all under this claw.

Turned into dust, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke!

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