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The loud noise and the earthquake shocked the residents of Nanda City.

Countless people walked out of the house together, looking for sound.

Immediately they saw the collapse of the lotus leaf auction site.

For a time, countless people were horrified, and I didn’t know what happened.

That’s the lotus leaf auction site. It covers an extremely large area. It is so tall and towering.

And isn’t Yunshuige holding auction in it today?

It is said that even Saint is here, how could it be like this.

Did Holy War explode the lotus leaf auction?

Everyone was frightened, and devout Buddhists even knelt on the ground, as seen in Gods Vestige.


Outside the lotus leaf auction site, Mingxin Buddha opened the field and protected Yue Yaoqin and several disciplines.

However, when she saw this scene, her heart was trembling and it was difficult for herself.

Although she escaped early, it was not the main target.

But only the aftermath caused her field to shake violently, with few signs of cracking.

What a terrifying power this should be!

“Heavenly Venerate is rumored to have the power of Heavenly Venerate, and now it seems to be the case!”

Mingxin Buddhism is a bit afraid.

For Heavenly Venerate, she also heard that’s all.

This is the first time she has seen her horrible formidable power.

She knew that even if she was hit by such terrifying power, she would definitely die.

At this time, the lotus leaf auction has completely disappeared.

Many of the participants in the auction also scattered ashes and dispersed smoke.

As for Yunshui Saint and Cimei Buddha Saint, they are also missing.

Obviously, they have all died under this blow.


A black light rose from the ground and flew into the sky.

Among the black light, it is Xiao Changfeng.

Although Heavenly Venerate Baozhu has huge formidable power, it also has protection measures.

At this moment Xiao Changfeng was completely unharmed.

Not only that, but he also held a silhouette in his hands.

Not the Yunshui Saint, nor the Blessed Sacred Buddha.

It was Chen Yuxian, the Alchemist that was auctioned!

“Dr. Xiao, congratulations on your revenge!”

The Mingxin Buddha quickly settled on his mind, folded his hands together, and saluted Xiao Changfeng.

Although her strength is far above Xiao Changfeng.

But Heavenly Venerate’s jewel still made her unconsciously feel fear.

And she knows that there is more than one Heavenly Venerate who has a good relationship with Xiao Changfeng.

Therefore, she also treats them as equals and does not despise them.

“Mindful Buddha, many thanks, you helped each other, I want to know, who entrusted you to save people?”

Xiao Changfeng reached out to take Yue Yaoqin, and immediately asked the Mingxin Buddha.

The open rescue of Buddha Sacred Heart makes Xiao Changfeng puzzled.

“Amitabha, don’t hide the donor, Kim Heavenly Venerate has gratitude for the poor, and this time it is also the Heavenly Venerate that let the poor rescue him. Now that the matter is over, the poor will not stay much. !”

The wise Buddha opened his mouth slowly and said the entire process of development, and immediately greeted Xiao Changfeng.

Soon the wise Buddha was leaving with a few disciples of Qingxin Temple.

“Gold Heavenly Venerate!”

Xiao Changfeng eyes slightly narrowed, a little surprised.

“After this incident, Kim Heavenly Venerate and the 3 Great Buddhist Temples should all know that. Since that is the case, I will stay here and wait for them to arrive!”

Xiao Changfeng has no grudges with the 3 Buddhist temples, and has a close relationship with Jin Heavenly Venerate.

So he did not rush to leave.

Instead, they took Yueyao Qin and Chen Yu to live in the middle of Baoxiang.

“pay respects to Master !”

“I have seen adults!”

Although Yue Yaoqin and Chen Yuxian are not injured, the restoration of Azure Dragon True Yuan is no harm.

At this time, both of them were kneeling excitedly in front of Xiao Changfeng, respectfully.

Yue Yaoqin regards Xiao Changfeng as the owner.

Chen Yuxian, as Alchemist, naturally admires Xiao Changfeng who created the medicine pill.

“You have worked hard this time, and I will compensate you afterwards. Now tell me the story!”

Although Xiao Changfeng learned some information from his population, he was not accurate enough after all.

Yue Yaoqin is the Chief of the 4th Chamber of Commerce in the Western Region’s Chief-In-Charge.

Suddenly speaking without omission and in detail.

What Yue Yaoqin said is similar to what Xiao Changfeng knows, except that some details are different that’s all.

“How much do you know about the channels and shops of Yunshuige?”

Xiao Changfeng asked Yue Yaoqin after he heard the complaint.

Now Yunshui Saint and Lin Guanshi both died.

The Yunshui Pavilion has no heads, so it takes over all of them.

Yue Yaoqin also guessed Xiao Changfeng’s plan at the moment, and his eyes lit up.

“Back to the master, the slave-maid has mastered about 70%, but Yunshuige’s account books are all in Yunshui Saint’s storage ring. As long as you get the account book, the slave-maid can master more.”


Xiao Changfeng flipped his hand, and a storage ring lay on his palm, which was the storage ring of Yunshui Saint.

Soon a treasure chest under the seal was taken out by Xiao Changfeng.

After the cut open seal, the box is full of ledgers.

After Yue Yaoqin’s approximate reading, he was pleased to report:

“Master, with these ledgers, the slave-servant is sure to annex all the channels and shops of Yunshui Pavilion within a month!”

Yunshui Pavilion has taken root in the Western Region for many years, coupled with the rapid expansion during this year.

Its power is already not small.

Now it can take over all, which is a great help for the 4-party Chamber of Commerce.

Yunshui Saint did everything, didn’t expect or for others to make a wedding dress.

But this is also her having only oneself to blame.

If she is not greedy and does not betray Xiao Changfeng, I am afraid that this will not happen.

It is a pity that no medicine for regret in the world.

Yunshui Saint doesn’t exist, the soul flew away and scattered!

“It’s up to you to do this. I don’t look at the process, only the result.”

Xiao Changfeng nodded.

This time, the pros and cons are mixed.

Although the 4-party Chamber of Commerce was hit hard, it was able to take over the Yunshui Pavilion, leaving decades of development time left.

Only this kind of thing, Xiao Changfeng does not want to see the second time.

“By the way, you don’t have to worry too much about the rest of the shops. I rescued a manager named Qi 3 on the way and asked him to save others.”

Xiao Changfeng remembered Qi 3 and said something.

With Yue Yaoqin and Chen Yuxian alone, it is difficult to support the huge stall in the Western Region.

The loyalty of others is difficult to guarantee.

Only the old people like Qi 3, who come from Middle-earth, are the ones most in need.

Therefore, hearing Xiao Changfeng’s words, Yue Yaoqin is also beautiful eyes, more confident.

“You go to the wounds first, and then start to take over this matter, I will wait for some Old Friend here!”

Xiao Changfeng finished the command and retreated Yue Yaoqin and Chen Yuxian.


Pill Emperor reappears, slays the twin saints!

This news instantly spread like wild winds across the Western Region.

The entire Western Region was shaken for a while.

White Python Secret Realm has been closed for more than a year, and Pill Emperor, who has long been recognized as falling, has suddenly appeared again.

For a time, countless people rushed to Nanda City.

Xiao Changfeng is back, and the situation is back!

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