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Yunshui Saint is the Pavilion Lord of Yunshui Pavilion, and Xiao Changfeng had a pleasant cooperation.

But now, there is only a cold killing intent in Xiao Changfeng’s heart.

Yunshui Saint is wearing a long white dress and wearing a scarf.

As always holy and flawless.

But at the moment her face was covered with frost, and a pair of beautiful eyes was full of strong murderous intention.

This auction is very important to her.

I didn’t expect an accident, didn’t expect it to be.

The anger in her heart was enough to burn the sky at this moment.

“is it you?”


Yunshui Saint’s eyes fell on Xiao Changfeng for the first time.

She did not recognize Xiao Changfeng, but she saw the killing intent on Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, Lin Guanshi’s body was still lying in the pool of blood, and his head was on the other side, his eyes wide open, and his eyes were not dead.

This auction has been severely damaged.

The death of Lin Guanshi was also a great blow to Yunshuige.

So Yunshui Saint had only a murderous intention in his heart at this time.

“Amitabha, the donor of Yunshui, who didn’t know his identity, suddenly appeared, beheading the old gangsters, disturbing the auction, and bombarding Benefactor Lin.”

“All of this is what Lao Qian saw with his own eyes.

Cimei Buddha Sages opened his mouth and described the matter briefly.

He wanted to draw Yunshui Saint to kill Xiao Changfeng to avenge Zhitong Holy Son.

“By the way, the wise Buddha has also tried to block Lao Gang, perhaps also related to this child!”

Cimei Buddha Sacred Body is not a good stubble. At this time, the clear-hearted Buddha Sacred Body is also spoken out.

Want to provoke Yunshui Saint’s shot against Mingxin Buddha.

“Ban Ni and this person are not familiar with each other, this time, only for Yue Yaoqin!”

Mingxin Buddha does not know the identity of Xiao Changfeng.

At this time, I don’t want to be against 2 Saints.

Suddenly opened his mouth to show his intentions.

“Yue Yaoqin?”

Yunshui Saint heard the words of Buddha Buddha, and suddenly black brows slightly wrinkle.

At this time her eyes turned, looking towards Yue Yaoqin.

Found that the silver nail within the body had been forced out, and was full of vitality, the injury has recovered almost.

Although Yue Yaoqin is the 4th Chamber of Commerce in Western Region’s Chief-In-Charge.

But after all, it is Heaven’s Martial Realm that’s all.

Yunshui Saint never put her in the eye, this time just wanted to make a big profit that’s all.

But Mingxin Buddha Sheng Nai is the prince of Qingxin Temple, how could it be related to Yue Yaoqin?

“Buddhist wise, I don’t want to be an enemy with you. You and Yue Yaoqin are not close relatives, why should you save her?”

Yun Shui Saint’s heart was angry at this moment.

Although Mingxin Buddha is strong, she is not to be trifled with.

If the sacred Buddha is with the person who destroys the auction, she will never let go.

“Pan Ni is only entrusted to save her life that’s all, if the Yunshui donor does not believe, Phani has nothing to say!”

The sacred Buddha with his hands folded his hands and said calmly.

Her strength is above Yunshui Saint and her status is higher than Yunshui Saint.

Naturally not afraid.

But she agreed to others, and naturally took Yueyao Qin back.

So she works within the body Spiritual Qi, if Yunshui Saint really wants to shoot, she will not obediently surrender.

“Yue Yaoqin can give it to you, but according to the previous auction price, and this person will kill him. If you dare to block it, don’t blame it. You are welcome!”

Yunshui Saint brows tightly knit, she doesn’t want to offend too much on this matter.

Although it is impossible to confirm the truthfulness of the wise Buddha, the delay is now urgent.

Still on Xiao Changfeng!

Kill this devastating person, deter Xiaoxiao, and recover the loss!

“Sin obstacles, you kill Laoguan’s lovers. Although Laoguan is a monk, he has to seek justice for the discipline!”

Cimei Buddha took a step forward and came to the auction stand.

This time there is no clear blocking of Buddha, he is also cold light, killing intent.

For Xiao Changfeng, he is already full of killing intent.

Now that Yunshui Saint has arrived, the wise Buddha retreats.

I was finally able to get what I wanted.

At this moment, Yunshui Saint also took back his eyes and landed on Xiao Changfeng.

Being stared at by 2 Great Saint, he did not want to use it in the end and knew it was miserable.

“Hmph, let him be mad again, I want to see how he can escape from the face of 2 Great Saint.”

“The boy who doesn’t knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth, thinks that with his strength, he can come to the city of Nanda? He is fine now, he is dead.”

“I just don’t know who this kid is, but it doesn’t matter. When he dies, his face is clear and he can be recognized naturally!”

all around everyone sneered again and again.

Xiao Changfeng’s strong shot destroyed the auction and their Yaxing.

And most of the people who came this time had hatred against Xiao Changfeng.

Even if there is no direct grudge, it is jealous.

How can they sympathize with Yue Yaoqin and Xiao Changfeng?

this moment.

Everyone stretched their necks and looked intently, looking excitedly at the auction stand.

Each and everyone are impatient and want to see Xiao Changfeng killed.

However, Xiao Changfeng is now expression calm, without any fear.

He didn’t go to see the eyebrows of Buddha.

But stare at Yunshui Saint.

“The money is moving, Yunshui Saint, you let me down!”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly, with a touch of regret in his tone.

This remark shocked everyone.

Too mad!

Too ignorant!

Too bold!

Facing the siege of Cimei Buddha Saint and Yunshui Saint.

This person did not want to escape, but said something like this.

Isn’t this provoking Yunshui Saint?


With your trifling Paragon realm 3rd-layer, what is the right to say this to Yunshui Saint?

“He is dead!”

Everyone shook their heads, thinking that Xiao Changfeng was destined to have no chance.

But Yunshui Saint is now black brows slightly wrinkle.

Because she felt the voice a bit familiar.

“who are you?”

Yunshui Saint beautiful eyes burst out with fine awns, brows tightly frowns, and want to guess Xiao Changfeng’s true identity.

But Xiao Changfeng’s spell is very subtle.

Even if Yunshui Saint is the powerhouse of Saint Boundary 3rd-layer, it cannot be seen.

“You are greedy for medicine pill, it’s just a minor crime. Although I’m not rich, but trifling a few medicine pill is still affordable.”

Xiao Changfeng spoke lightly, and his voice resounded in the auction field.

“If you tell me well, even if the business is not there, but the benevolence is still there, maybe I will send you some medicine pill for you to maintain.”

“But you shouldn’t have the heart of a viper, and you have to deal with my people. If you move my people, I will have to kill you!”


Xiao Changfeng’s words shocked everyone again.

He actually said to kill Yunshui Saint.

Is this a lunatic?

But Yunshui Saint seemed to remember something at this time.

The pupils shrank suddenly, and the killing intent on the face turned into a full of incredible and shock!

“The person I hate most is the betrayal. You not only betrayed me, but also auctioned my people openly. How can this crime cause me not to kill you!”

“Today, I will use your blood to warn the world: those who betray me, kill without mercy!”

Xiao Changfeng said, lifting the spell on his face, revealing his true colors.

“You… you are Pill Emperor!”

Cimei Buddha Saint was stunned and exclaimed!

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