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The aftermath turned into a violent wind and went towards all directions.

Chun Chunlou and the others’ clothes blew hunted.

But at this time, everyone did not pay attention to their clothes.

A pair of eyes, full of shocking eyes, looking far from the stone platform.

Quiet, quiet terrifying!

At this time between Heaven and Earth only wind and breath.

4 Akimi Aoi, one of the great young gods, died?

Everyone was suffocating, but they felt their chests were dull and could not believe it.

Young God, that’s aloof and remote, which is called Heaven’s Chosen, the most Peak in the same era.

After all, it was all piled up by Divine Race with massive resources, and it also has the strength of anti-natural power and the existence of innate talent.

Before Dong Yingxue was defeated, everyone could barely accept it.

But at this time Qiu Jiankui actually died!

This… this is incredible.

How powerful autumn is Aoi.

Emperor Martial realm 9th layer Peak, with the killing holy body, leopard Martial Spirit, and 10 li autumn wind Divine Ability.

And the cultivation technique and martial skill she cultivates are all top-notch.

Although the killing of the Holy Spear was distorted by the demon ape, she still has extremely strong combat experience and other holy tools.

Ordinary Heaven’s Chosen has no way to fight back in front of her.

But at this time, it was dead.

Died under Xiao Changfeng’s Heaven Overturning Seal.

This huge drop makes it difficult for everyone to accept for a while.

Pa! pa!

At this moment, a crisp applause sounded.

“Decisive and decisive, with wisdom and courage, Xiao Changfeng, you really did not let this king down!”

The snake’s Heavenly Venerate’s lazy and bizarre voice broke this strange silence.

I saw that the snake Heavenly Venerate sat up slightly, his hands folded gently, and his interest was not low.

It seemed that the result of this battle made her very enjoyable.

With the applause of the snake Heavenly Venerate, everyone also reacted.

“The imprint just now should be a martial skill of the celestial order, and the formable power is far stronger than the ordinary martial skill of the celestial order. Brother Xiao’s tactics of attacking the east and west, using cleverness, made Akimi no time to react and let Xia Wuxing It’s too late to rescue.”

Chunmanlou is not a fool, but soon guessed the entire process of development.

Akimi’s strength is indeed not weak.

However, she had been seriously injured in the battle with Mo Wenjian before, and even if she had no time to recover, she had very limited recovery.

Plus this battle Xiao Changfeng has been fighting fiercely with Xia Wuxing.

Cause she always thought she was in the auxiliary battle.

Afterwards, Xiao Changfeng was injured again and again and was swept away by Xia Wuxing, making her think that she had seized the opportunity.

However, all this is in Xiao Changfeng’s plot against.

Divine Ability is controlled by the law body, and its real body is already approaching Akimi Aoi silently.

Finally, use the Nascent Soul fit and 3x strength to cast the Heaven Overturning Seal.

A seal bombarded Akimi.

All of this shows Xiao Changfeng’s precise plot against ability.

Akimi Aoi fell down and fell here.

This result exceeded everyone’s expectations and shocked everyone.

However, Xiao Changfeng did not have any joy and pleasure.

His state of mind was calm and composed, as if he had just crushed a hindrance ant that’s all.

At this time he dispersed to Heaven Overturning Seal and turned to look at Xia Wuxing in the sky.

“Next, it’s up to you!”

tone barely fell, the silhouette of Xiao Changfeng soared into the sky and went straight to Xia Wuxing.

His wound, which had been injured by the flame gun, has been healed by the recovery of the Azure Dragon Inextinguishable Body.

His speed is extremely fast, turning into a long rainbow thread, like an ascending angry dragon.

With a strong match, Fight Heaven and Earth’s fighting breath.

moved towards Xia Wuxing went straight!

“Sin, what is it to kill Qiu Jiankui, I am the young god of the Xia clan, and I will kill you here today!”

Xia Wuxing was shocked by the death of Akimi Aoi, but at this time in the face of Xiao Changfeng’s killing, there was no fear.

He can’t be afraid or afraid.

Once there is no absolute fighting intent in your heart, then you will definitely die.

So even if he was shocked, he had to suppress it.

However, his invincible momentum was also broken.

“Sky level low-level martial skill: Yangshen 9 days practice!”

Fiery-red long hair flying upwards, Xia Wuxing suddenly burst into red light.

The red light illuminates Heaven and Earth, and the temperature that has just dropped suddenly rises instantly.

It’s like entering the strong summer from the winter winter.

I saw that a huge illusory shadow emerged above the sky.

This illusory shadow is bright and eye-catching, hot and gorgeous.

It is like a round of brilliant days, hanging high for 9 days, shining on Myriad Realms.

Xia Wuxing has displayed the martial skill of heaven.


Xia Wuxing shouted out loudly, the flame holy spear in his hand suddenly fell.

Suddenly, the 9-day illusory shadow of the sun also crashed down.

It was like a meteor falling, killing towards Xiao Changfeng.

“9 Boxing!”

Xiao Changfeng’s body is full of platinum aura, and within the body the majestic White Tiger mana gushes out of the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, and sinks into the fist.

Now he has more and more mastery of the White Tiger fist.

It is also able to display the Invincible Fist method of 9 punches in one.

When Xiao Changfeng right hand made a fist, between Heaven and Earth suddenly became depressed.

Jin Ge iron horse, as if being in an Asura battlefield.

And a fierce and invincible imposing manner came out of Xiao Changfeng’s body.

Like a tiger going down the mountain, it has to choose people to eat and dominate the forest.

“This fist, let you see my power!”

Xiao Changfeng raised his hand, and the imposing manner reached its peak.

Next moment, he punched.


It is almost impossible to describe this fist in words.

I saw Xiao Changfeng blend all his Essence, Qi, and Spirit into this fist.

White Golden’s White Tiger fists are dazzling and gorgeous.

Like a small white golden sun.

The Fight Heaven and Earth, the fierce White Tiger, jumped out of the sun and culled forward.

Although this White Tiger is not big, it is lifelike.

The tiger head, tiger body, tiger claw, and tiger tail all look real.

There is also a pair of white golden wings spread out from its back, like a tiger that has grown wings!


The White Tiger fist leaped out of Xiao Changfeng’s fist, and the air was directly exploded along the way.

The air all around was trembling violently, like sea water boiling.

Gengjin’s sharpness and warfare aura filled 8 squares even more.

In the blink of an eye, White Tiger’s fists collided with the Dahi illusory shadow.

Everyone looked up at the sky, and only felt that a White Tiger from Fight Heaven and Earth was fighting the sun, as if to cut the sun off the sky.


The moment White Tiger collided with Da Ri.

The violent explosion wave hits instantly.

Between Heaven and Earth A dazzling rays of light makes people impossible to bear, close their eyes and dare not look directly.

However, Xia Wuxing’s illusory shadow is not as condensed as Xiao Changfeng’s White Tiger.

I saw that just like the Sun Devouring Celestial Hound, the White Tiger fists shredded the illusory shadow.

Immediately press forward and continue to rush towards Xia Wuxing.

Although Xia Wuxing resisted with the flame holy spear.

But the White Tiger’s fist fell on him, and the violent power made him fly out.

The whole person is like a kite with a broken line, falling quickly and hitting the ground.

might of a single fist, so horrible!

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