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Xia Wuxing’s strength is under the snow in winter.

Even winter snow was defeated in the hands of Xiao Changfeng, even more how is Xia Wuxing.

Before the impact of Qiu Jiankui, Xiao Changfeng had to one against two.

But now Qiu Jiankui is dead, how can a single Xia Wuxing be Xiao Changfeng’s opponent?

This fist.

It is enough to prove the strength of Xiao Changfeng.


Xia Wuxing did not land, at ten meters from the ground.

He exploded in an imposing manner, and finally consumed his fist, and immediately rose to the sky again.

However, this fist also caused him a little injury.

“You are just a wicked species of my Xia family. As a young god, I will never lose to your hands. I will kill you and wipe out the stain for the family!”

Xia Wuxing re-launched, face looks sinister, killing intent in her eyes like tide.

He would never allow himself to be defeated, let alone be defeated in the hands of Xiao Changfeng.

Because Xiao Changfeng was the evil kind of the year, and a shame to the family.

And self is the pride of the family and the star of the future.

In this battle, he must win, and he must kill this evil species with his own hands.

“Look at my Magical Powers: The sun has no boundaries!”

When the martial skill of the heavenly rank failed, Xia Wuxing also displayed his Divine Ability technique.

I saw Huang Huang Yang Fire flying out of him.

With him as the center, it turned into a fireball the size of ten meters.

The fireball is full of flames, and the heat is hot.

The air all around is roasted and twisted.

Even if they are far apart, people all around can feel the heat, as if they are about to be roasted.

“Xia Wuxing has 2 Great Divine Ability. This Great Divine Ability is known as invincible destructive power. It looks like a big sun and has extremely strong formidable power!”

Chun Manlou’s eyes were fixed, and Xiao Changfeng was sweating.

Dong Yingxue has 3 types of Magical Powers, and Xia Wuxing also has 2 types of Magical Powers.

Among them, this vast formidable power is also extremely powerful, not inferior to the 10 li autumn breeze of Okra.

If it weren’t for the innate talent of Akiyama, he could only have one type of Magical Powers.

I am afraid that its strength will never be inferior to Xia Wuxing.

“Sun God pass? It’s a pity that it’s just a vassal, at most equivalent to middle grade Magical Powers that’s all!”

Looking at the ten meters Fireball transformed by Xia Wuxing.

Xiao Changfeng’s pupil light flickered slightly, judging the formidable power of Magical Powers.

If it is the real Sun Magical Powers, it is the top Magical Powers.

Once displayed, it is enough to destroy a world.

“One Qi Becomes Three Purities !”

Xiao Changfeng’s figure flickered and suddenly turned into three people.

Vermilion Bird Martial Spirit and Black Tortoise Martial Spirit appeared, plus their own Azure Dragon Martial Spirit.

“Azure Lotus, out!”

Surrounded by the cold flame and the Black Tortoise black liquid, they turned into ten or eight lotus leaves.

Aoki is the terrace, water and fire are the leaves.

“Niezhe, let you see my Divine Ability!”

Xia Wuxing shouted furiously, and immediately rushed towards Xiao Changfeng.

He turned into a ten meters Fireball, like a round of the sun, with boundless destructive power.

To burn Xiao Changfeng directly into ashes and strikes into slag.

“The power of ants!”

Xiao Changfeng looked indifferently and waved his hand.

Suddenly, Azure Lotus flew towards Xia Wuxing.

Water and fire are leaves, which rotate in the opposite direction, like a grinding disc.

Everyone looked up, wanting to see who is better at this time.


Both were extremely fast, and soon they collided together.

The ten meters Fireball erupted instantly, and the turbulent flames inside burst out like fireworks, rushing towards the water and fire Azure Lotus.

Azure Lotus, a small water and fire, looked weak in front of ten meters Fireball.

However, the flames are raging, but it is impossible to burn Azure Lotus.

Instead, the water Fire Lotus leaf rotates, and an obliterating force sucks in the flame.

Immediately the flame was wiped out by water and fire.

From a distance, ten meters Fireball seems to be bitten off.

Azure Lotus, on the other hand, was castrated, continuing to spin and fly to Xia Wuxing in the center of Fireball.

Along the way, the surging flames were constantly extinguished.

In the Fireball, a blank tunnel appeared unexpectedly.

It can be seen that the formidable power of Azure Lotus is on the horizon.

This point, Xia Wuxing quickly distinguished.

“Magical Powers: Golden Crow Wings!”

Seeing the fast approaching Azure Lotus, Xia Wuxing also exhibited his second Magical Powers.

I saw his hands quickly covered by flames.

Eventually turned into a pair of flame wings up to 3 meters.

Although this wing was transformed by flames, it glowed with sacred golden light.

With a hot, bright breath.

There is also a divine imposing manner like Spiritual God, making people unable to bear want to worship.

This is a divine might of Divine Beast Golden Crow.

Xia Wuxing’s 2nd Magical Powers simulates Golden Crow’s divine wings.

Golden Crow is the Spiritual God born in the sun, powerful and noble.

Although these two wings are only simulations, they also contain a hint of divine might.


Xia Wuxing’s double wings are like swords, slashing towards Azure Lotus.

Suddenly sparks 4 splashed, and a gap appeared on Azure Lotus.

Obviously, this Golden Crow wing is enough to hurt Azure Lotus.

“break for me !”

Xia Wuxing waved his wings, and with the surging Yang Fire, he slashed towards Azure Lotus.

Ten and eight knives in a row, the knives cut into one place.

Finally, the water and fire Azure Lotus was cut, but the Golden Crow wing was exhausted and disappeared.

“Sword energy condensate!”

Just when Xia Wuxing slashed Azure Lotus with Golden Crow wings.

A word light that is as thin as a hair, but fierce and abnormal, quickly cuts off with a thunderbolt.

Ten meters Fireball was previously broken by a waterway Azure Lotus, so it couldn’t be resisted.

In an instant, the sword energy condensate was cut on Xia Wuxing’s body.

Pu chi!

The defensive robe on Xia Wuxing was instantly penetrated.

sword energy Ningsi pierced from his abdomen, flew out of his back, and penetrated him directly.

A small blood hole emerged, and gurgling blood flowed out of it.

In an instant, he dyed his shirt red.


The ten meters Fireball, which had been transformed into nowhere, was no longer stable at this time, and suddenly burst into flames.

The flame turned into fire sea, surging.

Shen Niebrows slightly wrinkle, Spirit Qi is released outside, turning into a barrier, blocking the turbulent fire sea, to avoid causing death or injury to others.

“White Tiger Fist!”

At this moment Xiao Changfeng did not give Xia Wuxing any breathing opportunities.

Suddenly bullying, the surging White Tiger mana is running, fists are frightening, and he furiously hits Xia Wuxing.

Bang bang bang!

Xia Wuxing passively resisted and was defeated.

He is really strong, but Xiao Changfeng’s fist is stronger.

The superposition of the punching force made him have to use various means to resist.

But long-term obedience will be lost.

Finally, Xiao Changfeng knocked him out of in midair when he made the 9th punch.


This time he no longer stopped his body.

The whole person flew straight down and smashed into the ground.

The ground is outside the stone platform.

According to the rules of the game previously defined by the snake Heavenly Venerate, Xia Wuxing was considered defeated at this time.

The loser, only the dead end.

“I will never lose, evil seed, Go to hell!”

Xia Wuxing face looks sinister, bleeding all over, but killing intent is more intense.

At this time, regardless of his disregard, he vowed to kill Xiao Changfeng.


I saw him reach out and grab a Heavenly Venerate Orb flying out.

He will use this Heavenly Venerate orb to come with Xiao Changfeng perish together!

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