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This autumn wind is very unremarkable.

Hidden in the air, suddenly erupted.

I saw the air behind Xiao Changfeng vibrated violently, like boiling water.

Immediately, the autumn wind was like a knife, and it slashed towards Xiao Changfeng’s vest.

This blade is fast and urgent, swift and fierce.


A sound of golden and iron symphony sounded.

I saw two golden jade-like fingers gently gripping the autumn breeze.

No matter how fierce Qiu Feng is, how sharp and sharp.

Can’t get rid of these 2 little fingers.

With a hard finger, this autumn wind is directly pinched off.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng’s gaze slightly raised, looking at Qiu Jiankui in the stone platform.

“The same routine, I will not be fooled again!”

Since at first Xiao Changfeng, he hasn’t despised Qiu Jiankui, nor has she ignored her.

While fighting fiercely with Xia Wuxing, part of his mind was already paying attention to Akimi.

After all, Qiu Jiankui had a precedent of a sneak attack. How could Xiao Changfeng not be prepared?

“Sin, pay with your life!”

Xia Wuxing’s angry voice sounded.

The flame holy gun carried the surging Yang Fire, burning the air and piercing the void.

With an irresistible force, he dared to kill Xiao Changfeng.


Xiao Changfeng glanced back and Divine Consciousness controlled the Flying Sword.

Suddenly the war was fierce again.

on stone platform.

Qiu Jiankui stood with her hands down, her eyes slightly narrowed, staring at Xiao Changfeng tightly.

Around her, Xiaose’s autumn wind continued to surround, like a sharp blade glow whistling.

She was waiting, waiting for the next shot.

She knew that she was seriously injured because of the battle with Mo Wenjian before, leaving only 6 70% of her battle strength.

Therefore, she did not directly rush to attack Xia Wuxing.

Instead, let Xia Wuxing take the lead, she is ready to take sneak attack at any time.

This is what she is good at and can keep Xiao Changfeng in a tight state.

“Terrestrial advanced martial skill: 3 Autumn leaves!”

Qiu Jiankui once again caught an opportunity, and three autumn leaves suddenly shot like a dart.

Killing Xiao Changfeng with his tricky angle.

“White Tiger Fist!”

Xiao Changfeng’s figure was folded, turned around and punched out.

Bai golden’s fist blasted these 3 autumn leaves directly.

But Xia Wuxing came close again, and the battle strength was fully opened, which made Xiao Changfeng have to deal with it with all his strength.

After so many times, Xiao Changfeng fell into a disadvantage.

“Brother Xiao’s situation is not very good. The cooperation between Xia Wuxing and Qiu Jiankui is very good. One attack and one attack make Brother Xiao fall into a passive state. This cooperation must be broken, otherwise it will be suppressed all the time.”

Chun Man Lou’s face was ugly.

Bystanders are clear, he has seen the stiffness and danger of the battle.

If this situation cannot be broken, Xiao Changfeng will inevitably be suppressed all the time.

This is naturally very unfavorable to Xiao Changfeng.

However, it is not easy to break open, Xia Wuxing and Akimi Aoi are Heaven’s Chosen at the level of young gods.

Both the combat experience and the timing of the timing are very old Daoist.

No chance at all.

“I hope Brother Xiao can break through this situation as soon as possible.”

Chunmanlou felt anxious in his heart and had to pray.

At this time, the situation suddenly changed.


I saw that Xia Wuxing’s flame holy gun, with the violent Yang Fire, broke through the defense of the black liquid Battle Armor and stabbed Xiao Changfeng.

A plume of blood ran out of the wound.

Xiao Changfeng was injured!

“Haha, evil seed, Go to hell!”

Xia Wuxing’s red hair fluttered, imposing manner shook the sky, and he laughed at this moment.

The flame gun sprang out, pierced the void, and stab the black liquid Battle Armor where it was broken again, wanting to seriously hurt Xiao Changfeng.

Xiao Changfeng said nothing, while controlling the Flying Sword, while turning around to avoid the flame holy lance.

But Aki see Aoi’s sneak attack is endless.

After a while, Xiao Changfeng had more and more wounds.

Even if the black liquid Battle Armor can be restored, it is somewhat difficult to support.


Xia Wuxing shot Xiao Changfeng out.

“Not good !”

Seeing this scene, Chunmanlou complexion greatly changed, and I was extremely worried.

“Magical Powers: 10 li autumn wind!”

At the same time, Akimi Aki seized the opportunity again.

I saw that she was transparent throughout, and the bright white light spewed out of her 7 tips.

The cold autumn wind instantly turned into 10 li maple forest, trapping Xiao Changfeng in it.

“Get up!”

Autumn Qiu Spiritual Qi is in operation and quickly controlled.

I saw a piece of maple leaves flying out, turning into a storm, killing from all directions towards Xiao Changfeng.

Each maple leaf carries a sharp edge, not inferior to the low grade holy weapon.

Unless it is the freaky fleshy body of the psychic magic ape, it is difficult to resist the sky of autumn wind.

“This time, you must be seriously injured without dying!”

Qiu Kwai’s eyes are cold, killing intent is like a tide.

Whether it was because of what happened in the past, or because of Mo Wenjian’s battle before.

All made her extremely hostile and murderous towards Xiao Changfeng.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to exhibit her strongest Divine Ability technique, in order to reinvent Xiao Changfeng.

However, it is at this time.

A silhouette suddenly appeared in front of Akimi Aki.

It’s Xiao Changfeng!

“Aren’t you trapped by my 10 li Fenglin, why?”

When I saw Xiao Changfeng, Qiu Jiankui turned pale with fright, I couldn’t believe it.

She clearly felt that Xiao Changfeng was trapped in 10 li Fenglin.

But what about Xiao Changfeng in front of me?

“You got Fooled!”

In Xiao Changfeng’s eyes, unemotional, there is only a chill into the soul, and a terrifying killing intent emerges.

At this time in the 10 li maple forest, there is naturally a Xiao Changfeng.

But that is just a dharma body that’s all.

Magical Powers: One Qi Becomes Three Purities!

Xiao Changfeng was deliberately injured before, just for this moment.

At this moment, he was only 30 meters away from Akimi. This distance was enough for him to kill Akimi.

Yes, from at first, Xiao Changfeng made up his mind to kill Qiu Jiankui first.

“Superior Taoism: Heaven Overturning Seal!”

Xiao Changfeng within the body Mana suddenly operates and directly displays the Nascent Soul fit.

In a flash, the power tripled.

At the same time, he used both hands forming seals, confined the heavenly dome, and exhibited Heaven Overturning Seal, a Taoist technique comparable to the martial skill of the heaven.

I saw above the sky dome, there appeared a big seal covering the sky.

The large Indian foot is 300 meters in size, lifelike, and imposing manner.

Like a thick mountain, it is like the ancient Celestial Emperor used to judge the ancient immortal seal.

Xiao Changfeng exhibited the Heaven Overturning Seal with 3x strength. At this time, he fell violently and smashed into Qiu Jiankui.


Qiu Jiankui complexion greatly changed, dared not to stay in the slightest, turned to escape.

But she was injured, and she just cast Magical Powers.

At this time the battle strength is only 40-50%.

Facing this enhanced version of Heaven Overturning Seal, how can she escape.


I saw the Heaven Overturning Seal descend from the sky, overwhelming the silhouette of Akimi Aoi.

The ground shook, the stone platform shattered, and a strong wave of turbulence turned into a gust of wind, whistling away.

And wait until Heaven Overturning Seal lifts to dissipate.

The silhouette of Akimi is disappeared, and only a pool of bloody mud is printed on the stone platform.

A seal, Aki see Aoi dead!

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