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“Terrestrial advanced martial skill: Flame Dragon aggression!”

The Xia Wuxing people haven’t arrived yet, and the martial skill has already been used.

I saw the surging flames lingering around him, quickly condensing.

Eventually turned into a Flame Dragon of ten meters long.

Flame Dragon is lifelike, full of tyranny and destruction.

In an instant Flame Dragon was screaming out, heading straight to Xiao Changfeng and burning Xiao to ashes.


The air was instantly penetrated by Flame Dragon, and the heat wave was like a tide, rolling away.

Let everyone watching around all feel their cheeks hot as if they were going to be burned.

It can be seen how terrible the temperature of this Flame Dragon is.

Xia Wuxing owns the Sunshine Eucharist, he can absorb sunlight to absorb refining.

Therefore, the flame under his control also carries a hint of the sun’s power, which is much stronger than the ordinary flame.

“Vermilion Bird!”

Xiao Changfeng expression is calm, right hand makes a fist and punches.

In an instant blue’s cold flame fire roared.

The fist turned into a one meter size Blazing Vermilion Bird.

Vermilion Bird spreads its wings, striking Three Thousand World, with the noble breath of the Lord of Flame, pressing Flame Dragon.

Flame Dragon is just with a hint of solar power that’s all.

The Vermilion Bird fist is formed by the cold flame.

Now Xiao Changfeng’s Vermilion Bird immortal Great Accomplishment, the formidable power of its cold flame fire is also greatly increased.


Vermilion Bird and Flame Dragon met in midair.

2 different flames interweave and collide instantly.

Spark 4 splashes like waves.

From a distance, it looks like gorgeous fireworks are blooming.

But that horrible wave of destruction was to directly twist the air around all.

Before Xiao Changfeng and Xia Wuxing were close, they took the lead in forming a strong wave of destruction.

Shen Nie had to shoot again to reinforce all around.

In order to avoid fighting at first, the battlefield will be destroyed.

2 kinds of flame shock, but Flame Dragon eventually lost to Vermilion Bird.

The Flame Dragon, which is ten meters in size, continues to shrink and mourns, and is eventually engulfed by Blazing Vermilion Bird.

Vermilion Bird’s punches, after destroying the Flame Dragon, went on and went straight to Xia Wuxing.

“What about Shenhuo, break for me!”

Xia Wuxing was not discouraged by the defeat of 1st move.

Fiery-red long hair flying upwards behind his head, the robe on his body was even hunting.

I saw his long hair pierced like a sharp sword.

Vermilion Bird’s punch is not enough, and soon he was strangled by long hair.

At this time, Xia Wuxing is less than 100 meters away from Xiao Changfeng.

“Yang Fire Martial Spirit, come out!”

Xia Wuxing screamed and directly exhibited his Martial Spirit.

I saw a gorgeous flame burning around him, turning into a fire sea within 3 meters.

The flame wrapped him all over, as if the flame god came into the world.

And this flame is not an ordinary flame, but the fire of the sun.

This is Xia Wuxing’s Martial Spirit, Grade 9 Yang Fire!

Xiao Dilin used to own the Martial Spirit of Great Sun, if it grows up, it is extremely terrifying.

Xia Wuxing’s Yang Fire Martial Spirit, although slightly inferior to the Great Sun Martial Spirit, is equally terrifying.

Even more how Xia Wuxing spent a lot of energy and resources to cultivate Yang Fire Martial Spirit.

Therefore, his Yang Fire Martial Spirit has approached the state of evolution.

Compared with the cold flame fire, its formidable power is not inferior, and even stronger.

At this time Yang Fire Martial Spirit is wrapped around Xia Wuxing’s body.

Every inch of his skin, every hair, was entangled by Yang Fire, making his imposing manner stronger and stronger.

“Sin, my cultivation is the mid-level cultivation technique “Sun Ribao Zhaojue”. With your strength, how can you be my opponent!”

Xia Wuxing walked around the Yang Fire and jumped into the air.

At this point he was holding a flame holy gun, and a spear thrust came directly.

Oh la la !

I saw the endless Yang Fire submerged in the flame holy lance, and immediately shot out from the point of the gun.

Yang Fire condensed into a thick pillar of fire, flew from the point of the gun, and came straight to Xiao Changfeng’s door.

The space is like a thin piece of paper, cut by sharp scissors.

This tiny fire pillar formidable power is extremely scary.

As if it were the essence of flame, it is very difficult for ordinary holy objects to resist.

But Xiao Changfeng is not afraid at all.

“Magical Powers: black liquid Battle Armor!”

The Battle Armor surrounded by black liquid quickly appeared on Xiao Changfeng’s body.

Pieces of black liquid are like dragon scales, layered on Xiao Changfeng’s body.

Wrap him whole, even his head.

Obviously Xiao Changfeng does not intend to give Xia Wuxing any chance.

In addition to the black liquid Battle Armor, Vermilion Bird’s fist is also shot again.

Blazing Vermilion Bird let out a loud scream, his wings like a sword, piercing the sky and heading towards the pillar of fire.


Double fire collision, this time the fire column is more powerful than the previous Flame Dragon.

After all, although Flame Dragon is huge, it is not refined enough.

This fire column blasted from the flame holy gun is extremely condensed, just like Hundred Refinements steel essence.

Vermilion Bird’s fists broke out with all his strength and wanted to break the fire extinguisher.

But the pillar of fire is like a sharp steel needle, directly breaking the fist of Vermilion Bird.

Immediately like lightning, it hit Xiao Changfeng’s black liquid Battle Armor.

Suddenly the water and fire are intertwined, chi chi keeps sounding.

But after all, this fire column has been worn away by Vermilion Bird.

Therefore, it fell on the black liquid Battle Armor, and did not break the Battle Armor, let alone hurt Divine Physique of Xiao Changfeng.

“Sword is coming!”

Xiao Changfeng’s eyes were cold and he spit out.

In an instant the Flying Sword was transformed into a bronze light and screamed out.

In the face of Xia Wuxing, who has good strength, Xiao Changfeng also did not choose Flying Sword, but directly took out his Life-Source Magical Treasure.

When the Flying Sword came out, the sword energy was sensational, and the vertical and horizontal movements made the temperature of all around suddenly decrease.

But Xia Wuxing came around the Yang Fire and raised the temperature again.

“break for me !”

Xia Wuxing held the flame holy gun like the invincible god of fire.

The flick of the Holy Gun, like Divine Dragon Moving it’s Tail, pulled into the Flying Sword.


The Flying Sword and the Flame Holy Gun collide with each other in an instant, and a brilliant spark erupts.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, and the gun shadow is heavy.

The Flying Sword of the Void is only a middle grade magic weapon, but it is cultivated by Xiao Changfeng as Essence, Qi, and Spirit.

It is sacrificed day and night with the cold flame god fire, plus it has Sword Spirit itself.

It is not weaker than the flame holy gun.

Dong dong!

Flying Sword is like a swimming fish, chopped off constantly.

But Xia Wuxing’s combat experience is also extremely rich.

Both of his hands hold the flame holy gun, like a bird like a fish, like a beast like a dragon.

As long spear pointed out, the hole broke through nothingness, constantly hitting the Flying Sword in the void, even slightly better.

Above the sky, the battle between Xiao Changfeng and Xia Wuxing has entered an intense stage since at first.

Xiao Changfeng’s strength is arrogant, but as a young god of the Xia tribe, Xia Wuxing also has many means, and his strength is out of the ordinary.

At this time, he walked around Yang Fire, holding a sacred gun, and Spirit Qi operated like an invincible fire god.


At this moment, a small but extremely condensed autumn wind.

Suddenly appeared behind Xiao Changfeng.

Akimi Aoi actually intends to sneak attack again!

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