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The upper leaf is fire, the lower leaf is water!

There are ten or eight lotus leaves.

At this point, Azure Lotus rotates up and down from different directions, flying out like a grinding disc.

The violent snowstorm couldn’t break it.

Things like ice skates and ice swords were quickly wiped out.

The whole snowstorm was directly destroyed by the fire and water Azure Lotus and a huge channel was broken.

At the end of the passage, of course, is Xiao Changfeng wearing a black liquid Battle Armor.

At this time Azure Lotus continued to fly out.

Passing along the way, the snowstorm was directly wiped out into the air.

Soon Azure Lotus touched the ice wall of space,

This space ice wall combines the coldness of winter and snow with the space and turns into an invisible ice wall.

Not only is it extremely hard, but it also isolates the possibility of escape from teleportation.

It is also extremely difficult to break open.

But at this time Azure Lotus is constantly being wiped out, like a high-speed rotation cutter wheel.

Actually forcibly made a cut.

However, Azure Lotus did not stop there.

Instead, it continues to rotate, just like a cutting machine.

In the end, the entire space ice wall was abraded and cut by water, fire, Azure Lotus.

The blizzard in it lost its limits and blasted away.

A bang.

The blizzard rushed towards all directions.

Shen Nie shot, protecting the ordinary snake people around.

At this time, things such as ice skates and ice swords mixed in the blizzard were like a heavy rain, hitting everyone.

Chunmanlou held the Holy Fan of Spring Scenery, and the spring fan came out to block the ice skates from the lasing.

The same is true for everyone else, and they use different methods to resist the aftermath of the snowstorm.

None of the people present were weak, and this aftermath naturally could not hurt them.

But at this time everyone is heart startled.

Because they saw that the 2 Great Divine Ability of Winter Snow has been completely broken.

And there is no way to escape through Chun Man Lou.

Instead, the ice wall of the whole space is directly broken.

This result makes everyone startled and shocked at heart.


At this time, Xiao Changfeng walked out of the space ice wall, thoughts move.

Suddenly Azure Lotus turned into a long rainbow thread and flew towards the winter and snow.

At this time, Dong Yingxue looks pale, just now Magical Powers was broken, and she was backlashed.

In the face of Azure Lotus, she may not be able to take it.

“I can’t lose, I won’t lose!”

Dong Yingxue’s gaze was filled with determination, and her invincible Dao heart became stronger and stronger.

“Plum Blossom Martial Spirit, out!”

At this time, Dong Yingxue finally summon out of her Martial Spirit.

I saw a plum tree floating behind her.

One plum blossom after another bloomed on the tree.

How can the plum blossom smell like it without chilling!

Winter Yingxue within the body’s coldness erupts, making the plum Martial Spirit brighter and more solid.

Plum Martial Spirit, Grade Grade 9.

It is Martial Spirit that Dong Yingxue has awakened since she was born.

She was born in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month and the snow fluttering.

So her name is Yingxue!

And when she was born, plum blossoms appeared, especially under the cold snow.

This has long been her quality.

At this moment, the 3 Great Divine Ability is all on display, and Winter Yingxue also used this hole card.

“Tianjie low-level martial skill: Baimei Aoxue!”

Dong Yingxue coldly shouted, within the body The remaining Spirit Qi all poured into the ice and snow sacred sword in his hands.

The plum flower Martial Spirit is also not within the sword body.

Makes the illusory shadow of plum blossoms appear above the sword body.

this moment.

Dong Yingxue put all hope on this sword.

She is going to use this sword to score points and compete for victory!

She wants to prove that she is the strongest!


Dong Yingxue cut out the sword, and suddenly Heaven and Earth changed.

Between Heaven and Earth, endless coldness emerges, with big snowflakes, falling from the sky, as if winter is coming.

And a white sword light splits the space and splits the heavens and earth.

After the sword light, blossoming plum blossoms emerged.

These plum blossoms are so beautiful that they fight against Han Xue.

Looking closely, this sword light turned out to be condensed from countless plum illusory shadows.

The plum blossoms are more colorful in the snow.

The power contained in this plum illusory shadow is stronger than ice and snow.

Everyone looked up and could only see this sword traversing Tianyu, crossing and closing.

It seems as if the invincible War God has a sword on the side of the sky, and he wants to cut it to the other side of the sky.

“At that time, I was defeated by this sword!”

Xia Wuxing’s face was ugly, staring at the sword light.

At that time, he fought against Dongyingxue with all his means and exhausted his cards.

But in the end it was defeated.

It was under this sword.

This sword light is not just a sword glow, but also a breath of life.

That blossoming plum blossom merged into the sword glow, making the sword’s formidable power multiply by several times.

It is here that the Paragon Powerhouse is also directly beheaded by this sword.

“Little brother!”

Mo Wenjian also sensed the strength of the sword, and immediately stretched his neck, worried.

“Brother Xiao will win this sword, but if he can’t stop it…”

Chunmanlou is also staring at the extreme.

He also knew the strength of the sword, and at this time he was fisted with both hands in a fist.

this moment.

Everyone’s eyes are gathered together, because of this sword, they will be divided.

At this time, after everyone was shocked, Mo Wenjian and Chun Manlou were nervous and worried.

Xiao Changfeng suddenly smiled.

Not sneer, not ridicule, but a smile from the heart.

“Winter welcomes snow, you really have extraordinary natural talent. This sword has Sword Immortal style, but it is still lacking. I will let you see the real Immortal Sword Technique today!”

Xiao Changfeng is condescending and overlooks winter and snow, with a sincere tone.

Immediately he opened his mouth.

“Sword is coming!”

I saw a bronze sword light flying out of his lower Dantian, like an angry dragon ascending into the sky.

The surging sword energy fills 8 squares and splits the world.

It is the Flying Sword of the Void!

This is Xiao Changfeng’s Life-Source Magical Treasure, and its formable power is far more powerful than Primordial Spirit Flying Sword.

“Sword energy condensate!”

The rolling flames of fire were submerged into the Flying Sword.

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng was also unreserved, compressing all the cold flame gods under his control into the sword body.

Making the Flying Sword buzz and tremble, the sword energy tears the space apart, and a thin hairline Space Crack emerges.

Xiao Changfeng had performed this technique before, killing the fissure.

But that’s not all.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng used the Flying Sword of the Void to display all the cold flames.

Its formable power is several times stronger than before.


After the compression, Xiao Changfeng reached out and waved.

Suddenly the Flying Sword burst into the air and turned into a blue blue sword light.

This sword light is just the thickness of the hair, but the whole space is like thin paper in front of it.

After being cut off, Space Crack is very conspicuous.

this moment.

The people held their breaths and stared at each other, looking at the two sword light approaching quickly, only to feel that their hearts were almost jumping out.

In the end, 2 sword light touched.

The blossoming plum blossoms withered instantly, and the sword light gradually dimmed.

The blue blue sword light is press forward. After breaking the plum blossom sword light, it directly cuts into the winter and snow.

Suddenly Dongling’s armor was cut, and Dong Yingxue flew out of the whole body, blood spattering into the sky.

A sword, Dong Yingxue defeated!

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