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Under the crowd’s onlookers.

Xiao Changfeng shook the sky with one punch, knocking Dong Yingxue from in midair, like breaking a myth.

Dong Yingxue’s prestige is too big, and has always occupied the first place in the Hidden Dragon List.

4 The Great Young God also headed her.

Although Xiao Changfeng suddenly reached the top, he was shocked by the world.

But before the real battle, no one thought that Xiao Changfeng was really better than winter and snow.

Until this time!

In this fateful battle, two people will play against each other, and it is about to prove that the Hidden Dragon List arranged by the heavenly Saints is real or hidden behind the scenes.

“Winter Yingxue will not lose so easily!”

Xia Wuxing said solemnly, her eyes crossed the sky and looked towards the stone platform.

He used to be No. 2 of the Hidden Dragon List and has been pressed under Dong Yingxue.

So he knew more about the strength of winter snow.

The combination of the White Tiger magic boxing and 9 boxing just now is very difficult to deal with.

But it is obviously not enough to completely defeat Dong Yingxue.

“However, although undefeated, the strength of this wicked species is far beyond my expectations. Didn’t expect that he has grown to this step. This time no matter what, he must be killed.”

Xia Wuxing’s eyes flashed cold killing intent.

He felt the threat and wanted to kill Xiao Changfeng here.

Xiao Changfeng is so strong that he feels invincible.

If such an enemy grows up, it is definitely a big trouble for the Xia people.

If Xia Wuxing wanted to kill Xiao Changfeng before, it was just to wipe out the family stains.

So now, the killing intent in Xia Wuxing’s mind is even more intense!

“Little brother mighty!”

Mo Wenjian was cheering at this moment, and the others were also shocked.

No one didn’t expect Xiao Changfeng’s strength to be so strong.

Among the same generation, I am afraid that he will really be respected.

But the battle is not over.


A white light flew again from the stone platform, it was Dongyingxue.

At this time Dong Yingxue’s face was pale, corner of the mouth flow blood.

The Dongling Saint Armor on his body had an obvious fist mark dent, but it did not break.

Although the luster of the ice and snow sacred sword in his hand was dimmed, there were not too many scars.

After all, these 2 pieces are high-grade holy artifacts.

And with Dongyingxue’s Spiritual Qi blessing, naturally it won’t break so easily.

“Xiao Changfeng, you are really strong, but the stronger you are, the better I can prove that I who beat you are stronger!”

Dong Yingxue did not fall down, nor did he fly into a rage out of humiliation.

Her eyes are still as cold as ice and frost, as if nothing can affect her mood fluctuations.

This is her pure Taoism.

Pursue the strongest, press forward, strong and invincible.

At this time, she was wearing the winter snow holy armor and holding the ice and snow sacred sword, although she was wounded.

But the imposing manner is still very high.

“You are qualified to let me use my other 2 Magical Powers, I hope you can resist it!”

Dong Yingxue’s cold voice sounded, and immediately her hands were raised.

Ka-cha! Ka-cha!

There was a sound of freezing, but there was no wind and snow, no frost.

“Magical Powers: Space freezes!”

Dong Yingxue’s eyes suddenly burst into rays of light, and white light gushes out.

The invisible chill radiated from her.

I saw all around in Xiao Changfeng, the invisible space was actually frozen into an ice wall.

Six spatial ice walls appeared in all around of Xiao Changfeng.

This is Divine Ability.

Unless you can break the space, you cannot escape this cage.

But the freezing of this space is just a trap, and it is obviously not enough to defeat Xiao Changfeng.

But Dong Yingxue has another Magical Powers.

This Magical Powers displayed together with the space freeze will be Danger Land murderous intention.

“Magical Powers: Extreme Ice Cold Hell!”

Winter stood in the air against the snow, surging with coldness, and quickly rushed towards Xiao Changfeng.

I saw that Xiao Changfeng was trapped in the space, and endless snowstorms suddenly appeared.

There are countless ice knives, ice swords, and ice spears in this blizzard.

All kinds of attacks rushed towards Xiao Changfeng.

Even Divine Physique Great Accomplishment can’t resist it.

These 2 Great Divine Ability cooperate to perform.

It made Xiao Changfeng unable to escape, and unable to avoid, so he had to resist the endless snowstorm.

It’s like a cold hell, suffering endless pain.

“Magical Powers: black liquid Battle Armor!”

Xiao Changfeng brows slightly wrinkle, and it was the first time to use black liquid Battle Armor.

In this way, coupled with its own Divine Physique Great Accomplishment, it also resisted the pressure of this blizzard.

However, Dongyingxue strengthened the formidable power of the blizzard.

Suddenly, the blizzard in the cage of the ice wall spins faster, and there are more things like ice skates and ice swords.

The huge snowstorm flooded Xiao Changfeng’s silhouette, and only the sound of ding ding dong dong sounded.

“This…this is too scary!”

Mo Wenjian was dumbfounded, with a panic in his heart.

He asked himself if he was trapped in it, he might lose in an instant.

Even if you try your best and use all kinds of treasures, you can’t escape death in the end.

This is Dong Yingxue’s killing move, and it is also a means for Xia Wuxing and the others to fear.

“Faced with these two types of Magical Powers, you can only break open a little with absolute power and get out of it, otherwise you will be consumed to death.”

Chunman’s floor is very green, and he has also suffered from these two kinds of Magical Powers.

For this dilemma, he also figured out his own way.

Space freezing is free of dead ends.

The extreme ice cold prison is related to Spirit Qi in winter snow. As long as her Spirit Qi is not exhausted, the snowstorm will always exist.

Either you resist the blizzard and exhaust the Spirit Qi in winter.

However, this probability is very low, after all, the strength of winter snow is not weak, Spiritual Qi is also very majestic.

In addition to this approach.

He could only find a way to break it, then opened a hole and escaped from it.

But this is not what the average person can do.

After all, that space freezes, if you want to break open, you have to break Space Power.

The space of this World is so solid, it is very difficult to play a Space Crack.

Not to mention digging a hole through which it can pass.

But this is also no way.

Chun Man Lou was once trapped in it and almost fell.

He had to exert all his strength and finally managed to break through a hole and escape from it.

Also from that time on, he had a shadow on winter snow.

Although he also knows that this shadow has a great influence on his Marital Dao Path.

But he could not erase it.

Because Dong Yingxue is so strong that he has never won once.

In fact, not only him, including Xia Wuxing and Qiu Jiankui.

Even other goddesses, Goddess, have been living in the shadow of winter and snow.

Heaven’s Chosen, which the winter tribe did not meet for 1000 years, is really too strong and abnormal.

At the same time, it is the sorrow of everyone.

Now, Xiao Changfeng has also suffered this kind of sorrow.

Chunmanlou didn’t know if Xiao Changfeng could escape, so he had to pray in the heart.

“Trifling cage, how can you trap me, open for me!”

At this moment, Xiao Changfeng’s voice came from the snowstorm.

Next moment.

Everyone saw a peculiar Azure Lotus that flew out of the snowstorm.

It is Azure Fire Lotus!

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