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Dong Yingxue lost?

All the spectators couldn’t believe it, and many snake men also looked horrified.

Although they are not human.

But powerhouse is respected, winter snow is powerful enough to win their respect.

However, such a powerful winter snow, still defeated.

This long-lasting myth is finally broken here.

This battle also made Hidden Dragon List’s ranking correct!

Is Winter Yingxue strong?

Very strong, very strong!

She is only 21 years old, and is already a half-step Paragon realm.

And has the ice and snow Divine Physique, Divine Physique Great Accomplishment.

apart from this, Sword Art Great Accomplishment, approaching Perfection.

There are also 3 Great Divine Ability and Grade 9 plum Martial Spirit.

The last sword is beyond realm, has several points of Sword Immortal style.

Such as these, it is enough to prove the strength of winter snow.

If you change someone, she will not necessarily lose.

But it is a pity that she met Xiao Changfeng!

Great Five Elements Immortal Art, 3 kinds of Divine Physique Great Accomplishment, and Black Tortoise longevity are also the realm of Small Accomplishment.

4 types of Martial Spirit, 5 types of Magical Powers.

Many techniques and sword techniques are outstanding.

There are also treasure flames, flying Sword and other treasures.

Such Xiao Changfeng is invincible in the same territory.

Among the same generation, it is the most powerful house.

So Dong Yingxue was defeated and lost to Xiao Changfeng’s Immortal Sword Technique.


Dong Yingxue fell from in midair and fell on the stone platform.

The stone platform was directly smashed into a big pit, and the cracks were as dense as the spider web.

The blood spattered the sky, and the pungent smell of blood was not as sweet as Dong Yingxue was a beauty.

Although Dong Yingxue did not die at this time, he was also seriously injured and dying.

A penetrating sword mark spread from her front to her back.

If it were not Xiao Changfeng did not intend to kill her.

I’m afraid the sword will be a little bit more, and she will be able to cut her in half.

Dongling’s armor is also a rift cut out of horrible to see.

Even though this holy armor can still be used, defensive power is greatly reduced.

At this time, Dongyingxue fell on the stone platform in a large font.

Her look pale was paper-like, and the blood of Yin Hong stained the blood of Dongling’s holy armor.

But the injury on his body was less than 1/10000th of the pain in his heart.

At this time Dong Yingxue was not comatose, but opened his eyes wide and looked at the sky.

She is not looking at Xiao Changfeng or other things.

But his eyes were dull and his eyes were dull.


I was defeated!

Coming with confidence, but eventually reduced to this result.

She never thought she would lose to her peers one day.

From birth, she has been the strongest of her peers.

Even the rest of the gods, even the other demon Heaven’s Chosen.

All lost under her sword.

But times changes, today she was defeated by someone else’s sword.

And it was ruined.

From the beginning to the end, he has never prevailed.

Whether it is Divine Physique, Magical Powers, Martial Spirit, martial skill.

Everything is completely suppressed.

This deep sense of frustration made her heart empty in an instant.

At this time she had lost some hope, but felt that life was very dark.

Endless frustration and disappointment overwhelmed her. She didn’t want to get up, just wanted to die like that.

As the snake Heavenly Venerate said, the loser is not qualified to survive!


Let me die like this quietly!

this moment.

Dong Yingxue was ashamed and didn’t want to live anymore.

“Dong Yingxue is defeated. Did she die here today?”

Chun Manlou suppressed the shock in his heart and looked at the winter with a complex eye towards the snow.

He saw that the 10000 thoughts of winter and snow were all gray.

But even without such thoughts, it is not easy for Dong Yingxue to live.

Because she lost.

In the rules of the game of the snake Heavenly Venerate, the loser has only the dead end.

Unless someone is willing to fight.

But of the remaining ten, who is willing to use her life to fight for her?

After all, Xiao Changfeng’s power is obvious to everyone, and no one wants to go to death.

While Chun Manlou looked at Dong Yingxue, he also thought of himself.

If even winter and snow are dead here, then you have several points of chance to survive?

At the moment, it’s not just Chun Man Lou.

Other people have this complex emotion.

Even Xia Wuxing and Qiu Jiankui.

They were somewhat unacceptable about Dong Yingxue’s defeat.

For his imminent death, it is extremely complicated.

“Dead Fellow Daoist does not die Poor Daoist, only you die, I can live!”

Soon Xia Wuxing gritted his teeth and turned his heart across.

Although it is not the most desired result.

But Dong Yingxue’s defeat and death were not bad.

At least remove a big obstacle for yourself.

As for Xiao Changfeng!

“Hmph, I don’t believe that you can fight forever. As long as one or two more battles, your strength will inevitably fall, but I still have a hole card.”

Xia Wuxing made up his mind to kill Xiao Changfeng here to stifle this future threat.

Even if there is any accident in the end, he has his own cards to use.

He believes that once he uses this hole card, he will surely be able to defeat or even kill Xiao Changfeng.


At this time, Xiao Changfeng did not care about others’ ideas.

He regained the Flying Sword, and immediately fell from the sky.

He came beside Dong Yingxue.

Dong Yingxue’s empty eyes were seen by him, but he didn’t say anything.

Dong Yingxue is indeed a good seedling.

But this Heart Tribulation is also what she must get through.

Otherwise, her Marital Dao Path, after all, will not go long.

At this time, I can also help her to introduce this Heart Tribulation in advance, so as not to greet a larger Heart Tribulation in the future.

“Whether you can be reborn after the robbery depends on your own creation!”

Xiao Changfeng whispered in his heart.

Heart Tribulation has no one to help, but can only rely on winter to welcome itself.

If she can break Heart Tribulation and regenerate her invincible heart.

Then her future will be limitless.

Only after experiencing victory and defeat can we sharpen our true invincibility.

This point, Xiao Changfeng couldn’t make it clear.

Can only rely on winter Yingxue to realize.

But there is one thing that Xiao Changfeng can do.


Xiao Changfeng’s eyes looked up and he looked at Heavenly Venerate, the snake on the recliner.

“Can you spare her life?”

Xiao Changfeng spoke on his own initiative and actually asked the snake Heavenly Venerate for the winter snow.

This made everyone look at Xiao Changfeng in surprise.

The snake Heavenly Venerate is temperamental, a cruel and cruel generation.

Before Xiao Changfeng rescued the non-faced Buddha, he had already hit the snake Heavenly Venerate once.

At this time, I had to bump into the snow again for winter.

Does he really think that the snake Heavenly Venerate dare not kill him?

“Outsider, who do you think you are, even dare to offer terms to Sir Wang!”

Shen Nie’s face changed for the first time, staring coldly at Xiao Changfeng, and the powerful Saint prestige burst out.

Suddenly Xiao Changfeng was under tremendous pressure.

But he didn’t go to see Shen Nie, nor did he care about other people’s concerns and surprises.

Instead, he looked at the snake Heavenly Venerate from afar, waiting for her answer.


There was silence at this moment.

Only when everyone’s low breath sounded, everyone raised their hearts to their throats.

Mo Wenjian and Chun Manlou and the others, but also to squeeze sweat for Xiao Changfeng.

I don’t know how long it has passed.

The snake’s Heavenly Venerate’s lazy voice slowly sounded:

“Okay, the king promised you!”

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