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Golden Fire Eyes, this is Innate Divine Ability awakened after Xiao Changfeng cultivation Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll.

Mainly by seeing through falsehood and seeing the truth.

But there is also a strong formidable power.

The stronger the flame controlled by Xiao Changfeng, the stronger the formidable power of this Magical Powers.

Now Xiao Changfeng’s Vermilion Bird immortal Great Accomplishment, refining more cold flames.

This was the first time that Xiao Changfeng Divine Physique Great Accomplishment was exhibited.

I saw the magnificent cold flame goddess merged into the pupils, and immediately turned into 2 tremendous sky rainbows, burst out.

These 2 shocking sky Changhong are like 2 sharp swords.

Quickly toward the 7 ice giants.

At this time, these seven ice giants are holding a giant sword to attack Xiao Changfeng.

In an instant, he was hit by Jinghong Changhong.

The collision of Ice and Fire instantly made a large amount of white fog appear on the stone platform.

This white mist is growing more and more, covering the entire stone platform, and even spreading outward.

If left unchecked, I am afraid that these white mists can cover ten thousand meters.

Shen Nie naturally impossible let this happen.

I saw him stretch out his hand and wave.

Suddenly a gust of wind screamed, blowing away the white mist.

At this time, on the stone platform, the seven ice giants have been directly burned and destroyed.


At this time, Xiao Changfeng did not stop there, the fire column still spitting out in his eyes.

Suddenly two pillars of fire turned into Vermilion Bird.

Entangled in the air, ushered in the snow toward the winter.

Even if they are 100 meters apart, the snow and snow all around the winter melts quickly, as if they can鈥檛 resist the two Vermilion Bird fire pillars.

“Frozen 3 feet!”

Dong Yingxue black brows slightly wrinkle, at this time Magical Powers again.

Suddenly, the snow and snow compounds condensed into a 3 foot thick wall of snow and ice in front of him.


The Vermilion Bird fire column hit the ice wall, and the white mist filled in a flash, the waves tremble.

The space seemed to be violently shaking and could not be supported.

On the stone platform, there were even cracks, and Shen Nie had to take a firm shot again.


A sound of ice melting melted.

I saw Vermilion Bird’s pillar of fire actually penetrated a 3-foot ice wall.

Then there was not much formidable power left, but it continued to fly towards the winter and snow.


Dong Yingxue held the iced sword in his hand, and suddenly cut it with a sword, slashing the last Vermilion Bird fire column.

But from this point of view, this time, she completely fell into the disadvantage.

“White Tiger Fist!”

Dong Yingxue had just wiped out the Vermilion Bird fire pillar, and Xiao Changfeng’s silhouette appeared in front of her.

At this time, Xiao Changfeng no longer exhibits Vermillion Bird Undying Scroll and Cold Flame Fire.

Instead, the White Tiger Vajra body is activated, and the fighting intent is like a raging wave, and the battle is frightening.


The White Tiger fist turned into a beam of light, with the White Tiger illusory shadow emerging.

Immediately fiercely hit.

Dong Yingxue brows tightly knit, holding ice and snow sacred sword to resist.

“2nd punch!”

“3nd punch!”

However, Xiao Changfeng changed his calm posture at the moment, but was like anger.

Hands intertwined, one after another White Tiger fist punch, a punch is stronger than a punch.

Dong Yingxue obviously couldn’t adapt to the sudden change of Xiao Changfeng.

I had to hold the ice and snow sacred sword and resist passively.

Hong long long !

In the high altitude, I saw a white gold aura and white snow, hitting each other.

The speed of 2 people is too fast, both are close to 3 times the speed of sound.

And Xiao Changfeng’s fist is fast and fierce.

Every punch is trembling in the void, and the formidable power is powerful.

2 people have left the stone platform and are fighting at high altitude. Every time they fight, they cross 100 to 1000 meters.

The terrifying battle wave swept across 8 sides, all around watching the snake people screamed again and again.

Shen Nie had to take action to wipe out the spread of the fighting fluctuations.

Otherwise it will hurt ordinary snake people.

Of course, the most important thing is that it will affect the female Sir Wang.

Shen Nie did not want to make Sir Wang unhappy because of this.

When the time comes, I don’t know how many people are going to die.

But at this time the snake Heavenly Venerate is very interested.

At this time, beautiful eyes are looking at the sky, watching the battle between Xiao Changfeng and Dong Yingxue.

“9nd punch!”

Xiao Changfeng drank angrily, and suddenly the right hand platinum aura was as bright as the sun.

A White Tiger illusory shadow condensed into substance, a rich battle-scented heaven-shaking, earth-shattering.

This fist is extremely powerful.

“The advanced martial skill of the territories: the sky is cold!”

Dong Yingxue’s pillow shrink, holding ice and snow sacred sword rays of light.

The rolling Qi fell into the body of the sword.

So that the ice and snow sacred sword is chilling at this time, and the space around all is frozen into ice.

A sword was cut out, the cold sword glow froze the space and cut through the void.


The sword glow collided with the punch, heaven falls and earth rends in an instant.

The turbulent fighting waved like a tsunami.

Everyone looked up and saw one after another above the sky dome like a tide, surging open.

Terrifying fluctuations make everyone on the ground feel depressed.

It’s like being in a storm. It’s unbearable.

Some weak snake men, blood spout from mouth, fell to the ground.

“Get up!”

Shen Nie’s brows tightly knit, Space Power emerged immediately, isolating the battle fluctuations.

So that the ordinary snake people around are no longer injured.

But at this time the battle in high altitude did not end there.

After 9 punches, Xiao Changfeng had one last punch.

“9 Boxing!”

Xiao Changfeng’s platinum aura was soaring, and he quickly sank into the right hand.

The magnificent White Tiger mana and endless breath of war have all condensed and turned into pure power.

Xiao Changfeng right hand Clenched a fist, pedaled Heaven and Earth, and punched.

This punch out, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, the sun and moon are bleak.

I saw an extremely condensed punch shot.

The fist quickly turned into a double-winged back, exuding platinum divine light, the invincible White Tiger of Fight Heaven and Earth.


A sound like a real tiger roar sounded, making everyone feel the eardrums pain.

As if facing the ancient ominous beast, the heart trembles with an impossible to bear.

White Tiger’s fists fell from above 9 days to defeat all enemies!

That invincible momentum, that fighting spirit.

Let winter meet the snow are sinking in my heart, pupil shrink.

“Dongling Scarlet!”

At this time, Dong Yingxue did not dare to take care of it, and suddenly the white long skirt crash-bang changes on his body.

I saw a long skirt turned into a snow-white Battle Armor in the blink of an eye.

Battle Armor covered her, exuding Saint prestige.

This is her defensive Battle Armor, but a top grade holy weapon.

In addition to this Dongling holy armor, Dong Yingxue also immerses Spirit Qi into the ice and snow sacred sword.

Suddenly the white light above the sword body was dazzling, and the cold was strong.

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~!

Dong Yingxue held the sacred sword in his hand and continued to produce the sword, suddenly the sword energy was vertical and horizontal, closely intertwined.

At this time, the White Tiger has already approached.


One after another sword energy is enough to cut through the mountains and the palace, but at this time it is like paper.

Under the White Tiger fist, it was directly shredded into pieces and destroyed.

In the end, the White Tiger fell on the ice and snow sacred sword, bending the ice and snow sacred sword.

The power of terror fell on the holy armor of Dongling through the sacred sword.

The sound of the crash-bang of Dongling’s holy armor suddenly seemed to be unable to bear the formidable power of this fist.



Dong Yingxue a mouthful of blood spurted, his body shot backwards instantly.

In an instant, it crossed the 1000 meters sky and slammed on the stone platform.

The whole stone platform was shocked, and the dust was all over.

“Winter Yingxue lost?”

Seeing this scene, everyone eyes shrank, can’t believe it!

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