Supreme Naruto

Chapter 580


Mattekai looked at the sights at Kakashi.

This picture is like the second house of the demolition home was caught by the owner.

Naruto turned to look at Kakashi.

It seems that there has not been much change in Kakashi for three years.

There is a mask on his face, and the guard covers an eye.

There is also a white hair.

But there are also changes, such as the relationship between the woman who came with Kakashi and Kakashi seems to be a lot closer.

The woman Naruto also knows that he taught him medical Ninjutsu medical shinobi, the wind is spent.

Are these two people together?

If it is together, it is really a good thing.

Kakashi blushes and stares at Mattekai. “When was I smashed by you yesterday?”

Maitekai strong and calmly said: “You forgot? Don’t come back again! Kakashi I challenge you!”

Normally, Kakashi refused.

However today…

Kakashi stared at Mattekai and spit out a word: “Good!”

Today… promised…

Matteka stayed and turned to be overjoyed.

The fun of Mattekai is really a challenge to Kakashi.

The posture pulled open and Naruto got to the side of the wind.

“You said Hokage and the Konoha blue beast who can win?”

The wind and the moon are not too repelling Naruto’s self-cooking, said with a smile: “The blue beast? I hope that this blue beast will smash this white wolf.”

The words of the wind and the moon are not small, and Kakashi’s expression is darker.

Resentful looks like a glance at the wind.

Naruto in this scene is in the eyes, there are situations!


Naruto dared to guarantee the experience of raising pigs for three years.

Kakashi This pig definitely has the posture to ban cabbage, and the cabbage does not refuse.

Well, the pig that Naruto has raised for three years is the big fool, the group of biplane tigers.

Kakashi and Maitekai opened.

Body Technique’s duel.

At the moment of the fight, Mattekai was put down by Kakashi’s electric shock.

The end of the game is called a quick.

Mattekai twitched and lay on the ground: “You…have to lie…”

Kakashi didn’t have a bird, and turned to leave.

Naruto leaned over to Mattekai and said, “I said you are bragging.”

Matteke is lying on the floor and smoking a cigarette…

On the other hand, Kakashi didn’t make it, because the wind said that he wanted to eat ramen.

So the four people lined up to eat ramen.

This time Naruto finished eating first and then left.

After Naruto left, Kakashi frowned and looked at Naruto’s back and asked Mattekai: “Do you know this person? Is it a villager?”

Matteka slouched one by one to suck the noodles.

Kaidō: “Yes…”

Kakashi frowned, “You don’t know?”

Matteka seems to have been hit, answering surprisingly simple.

“Know it…”

On the side of the wind, the flowers are strange: “What happened?”

Kakashi shook the shook head: “I feel a bit familiar.”

Maitekai taunted: “The nonsense is in the village, even if you don’t know, you may have seen it on the street.”

“All day long nerves…”

Kakashi continues to eat noodles, but Kakashi is obviously absent-minded, thinking about something.

Naruto didn’t wear a blindfold this time, but it was not recognized by Kakashi at a glance.

Both eyes are the special qualities of Da Xueshan, which looks like ordinary people.

Before leaving, Kakashi once again called Matekai: “The name of the man is 啥 Do you know?”

Matteka sucks noodles one by one.

“The tree under the mountain.”

On the other hand, Naruto continued to stroll after leaving the ramen noodle restaurant.

System connects Konoha’s perceptual barrier.

The situation in Konoha is unobstructed.

Just now Naruto knew that Kakashi would pass the ramen noodle restaurant.

But I don’t know when Kakashi came at just in time for Matekai to say Kakashi.

It is also interesting.

Where are you going next?

Naruto outside Konoha’s soup pond saw Jiraiya.

Naruto shook the shook head and he didn’t plan to go to Jiraiya.


So soon someone stared at him.

In the perception barrier, an Anbu shinobi appears around Naruto.

Only one person? It seems that it is not very important.

Since someone is stalking, strolling is not a stroll.

Naruto returns to the fruit shop he wants to inherit in his disguise.

Hokage office.

Kakashi looks at Anbu’s news about Yamashita.

Both are news at Konoha.

Among them, Naruto’s process of encountering Matekai in the casino is clearly recorded.

By the side of Kakashi, the wind is standing on one side.

“What? Is this person having a problem?”

Kakashi handed the information to the wind and the moon.

When I saw Naruto’s two awards in the wind, I looked at the eyes and didn’t dare to set the channel: “What! Two jackpots! Why not me… I also…”

The wind and the moon rushed to the mouth, a lovely neck.

Said leaked…

Although Konoha doesn’t have much restrictions on gambling, Hokage’s secretary likes to gamble. It’s not good to say it.

Then clear the scorpion and transfer the topic: “That… you suspect he cheated?”

Kakashi shook the shook head.

He has already asked the casino.

Point to the next one.

The wind between the wind and the moon moved down and saw a mark.

I borrowed money from Matekai twice and then I won it to Matekai.

“This kind of good thing is why I can’t meet it!”

The wind between the moon and the eyes.

Kakashi stayed in the past, and when he used to help him deal with problems, he could always look at the ideas every time.

This time… How old is it?

Is it because of gambling?

“Cough, don’t you think he is a bit too big?”

Kakashi asked directly.

The wind between the wind shook the shook head, “OK… I feel that he is very loyal, a little handsome.”


Is it so handsome to give money to someone else?

Has he been busy with official business recently and has been out of touch with society?

Kakashi is so aggressive.

Feng Fenghua continued: “Mt. Katie is also a good guy, although the work does not seem to adjust, just like the money that was collected this time, but then used the money to invite the person to eat.”

“This is also very good.”

Kakashi brow raised.

The wind and the wind guessed: “And maybe, that person knows that Matt Kai is shinobi, so I want to make a deliberate relationship?”

“In this case, the person can know a J fornin of Strength formidable without spending a penny, and let the opposite side eat a meal.”

“This is not only a loss, it is a big profit.”

It’s said that Kakashi is nodded by the wind and the moon.

“You said that… a little truth…”

“So, why did he want to make Konoha’s shinobi?”

The wind and the moon look at the look of a fool at the look at Kakashi.

“Do you need to tell me the reasons for knowing someone better than yourself?”

Kakashi touched the nose.

The wind and the wind asked: “But… this person makes you so special, it is very special. Just say, have you found something else?”

Kakashi nodded, “His body quality is, according to my speculation, not lower than the average Chunin.”

The wind has spent a few months on the eyes, “You mean…he is… undercover?”

Kakashi shook the head: “I’m not sure, but I’ve been collecting people from the country of fire, and I should have a reply tomorrow.”

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