Supreme Naruto

Chapter 579

Mattekai held a coin to signal Naruto.

“You really don’t try again?”

Naruto hesitated before the slot machine.

Once it is accidental, if you come again, it seems to be able to prove something.

“Come, lend me another coin.”

Naruto spoke, and Mattekai quickly handed the coin in his hand to Naruto’s hand.


When the coin is thrown, the key is pressed and the slot machine turns.

The first one, 7!

Naruto and Matekai were simultaneously sullen, and the two stared at the slot machine.

The second one…7…

For a time, a sound of cold air was heard around the two people.

The third! still is……

It’s in the middle!

Unreasonable, simple and rude!

When the slot machine swayed, the sound of the “ring bell” sounded, and then the “huā lā lā” was spilled out.


“Great! It’s in the middle!”

Matekai is very excited, and the same excitement is also around watching the lively.

A lot of people have started together, and the scene is not lively.

“brother! Did you give me the money this time?”

Mattekai looks forward to the look at Naruto.

Naruto corner of the mouth couldn’t help but pumped.

How did he not find this guy’s face so thick?

“The prize in your coin is of course yours.”

Naruto said this, and the people who watched the bustle smashed again.

Mattekai was going to the front desk to exchange money with a bucket of coins, and took a few steps and turned back.

Take out a coin and put it in Naruto’s hand. “Again one?”

Naruto took a step back and didn’t touch the coin.

He was really afraid that after he touched the coin, the coin would win.

“No, maybe the slot machine is broken.”

Mattekai also looked forward to the look at Naruto: “Is it really coming?”

Naruto is now dying of Mattekai’s heart.

When Matekai saw Naruto not playing, he took the coin and put it into the slot machine.

The three wheels rotate, this time the first one is the image of the shuriken, the second one is bitter, and the third one is late “7.”


Continue to vote, not yet.

Matteke switched to a slot machine.

The first one is the image of Mount Myōboku, the second shuri… no.

Mattekai did not believe in evil and continued to vote.

After dozens of coins went down, there were three shurikens.

Just when Naruto thought that Mattekai had to lose all the coins in this bucket, Mattekai unexpectedly stopped.

Decisive cliffs and horses.

However, the people around are still squatting. “Put another one, maybe the next one will be in the middle.”

“Yeah, vote one more, anyway, it’s not bad.”

Matt Kaysen took a deep breath, both hands, ten, “My youth, just look at this coin!”


Shouting, Mattekai stuffed the coin in.

The result… Maybe it’s a youth owed, no.

This time, Mattekai didn’t play, and took the rest of the coins to change the money.

No fun to see Naruto intend to go to other places.

For example, the new ninja store next door to the store manager, as well as the theme cinema.

In a sense, this is because of his industry.

“brother! Wait!” Matteka chased it up.

Naruto refused directly: “I don’t borrow coins.”

He was really afraid that Matt Kai would give him another coin.

That way Naruto feels that he can’t help but swear.

Mattekai waved his hand and glared at the big plate: “No, I just thought about it… I feel that I am taking advantage of it.”

what? Do you feel that you are taking advantage of it?

Naruto suddenly wanted to open Matekai’s skull and see what a circuit is inside.

“and then?”

Naruto looks at the expression of two ha, looks at Maitekai.

Mattekai scratched his head in a distressed manner. “Wow haha, that, time is up at noon, I invite you to have lunch.”

Do you want to agree?

Matte is the teacher of Tenten, and it would be nice if he could get close.

Although he did not intend to contact Tenten.

Naruto’s original plan was to find three tails and then take them away.

“Well, what do you want me to eat?”

Maitekai smiled at the big-eyed, self-righteous, thumbs-up, “cool.”

“Forgot to introduce myself, I am Konoha’s blue beast Matt Kai!”

Mattekai actually put on a shape…

Feeling the look of the fool around, Naruto suddenly didn’t want to stand with this person.


Naruto decided to turn around and leave.

However, Matteke came over again. “Wait for me, how can you be as ruthless as Kakashi?”

Naruto: “…”

Maitekai said again: “My name is Matte.”

Naruto: “Oh…”

Matteke asked: “What about you?”

Naruto’s simple Kaidō: “The tree under the mountain.”

This is the legal status assigned to him by the underground exchange.

The next step in the mountain, buying fruit, died last month.

His son, who lives in the country of fire, came back this time to take over the store.

“Tree brother, what do you want to eat?”

“Do you want us to eat barbecue?”

“But today Tenten is so hot…”

“Would we like to eat ramen?”

Naruto is really regretting now, and shouldn’t talk to this fool.

This guy is not only the “two”, but the most unbearable is still a word.

If you can’t stand it, you can’t stand it.

He talks to you and if you don’t care, you will hand you over and remind you to listen to him.

Naruto, in order not to be too forformable, took all the strength and relaxed.

Therefore, it is shackled.

In the end, there is no way to talk to him and talk to him.

“You are shinobi? What level is it, don’t you work today?”

Mattekai’s fangs, “I am Konoha’s blue beast! Jōnin! Take a vacation today.”

“I told you, take a paid vacation, envy?”

Saying and licking Naruto.

Naruto took a deep breath and pressed the angry mood, no words to find out: “Really, Jōnin is not very powerful? You don’t look very powerful.”

“And, does Jōnin not have his own team? Do you have it?”

The contempt line of sight does not require disguise at all.

A Jōnin of the cockroach is ruining your cattle. I am the national teacher of the country of snow, and the younger brother of Kage level is not as high-profile as you.

Matt Kai seriously explained: “I am Konoha’s blue beast! Have you not heard of it?”

“You must not be a big man. I tell you that many big people come to Konoha and they are all named for me!”

Naruto still looks unbelievable.

Looking at Mattekai’s tangled look, Naruto’s heart finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“I also have a team, but they also have a holiday.”

Naruto is still skeptical.

Matteke continued: “If you can’t judge my Strength, how good is Hokage, do you know it? Even if you don’t know, you can imagine it?”

Naruto fits the nodded.

Matekai continued: “Then I told you secretly, Hokage is my defeat.”

Outside the Le Ramen Pavilion, a man and a woman are talking and laughing.

After the ramen noodle restaurant, the man suddenly stepped up and looked like he was hiding from the gods. Then he heard the words inside the ramen noodle hall and suddenly stopped and turned to the ramen noodle restaurant.

Kakashi is coming.

Naruto in the perception barrier has seen Kakashi.

This is really a coincidence, is it… also related to luck?

God can’t bear to see him continue to get angry, give him a chance to get angry?

Naruto continues to doubt, “Is it true that you can play Hokage? Bragging?”

Mattekai put down the chopsticks. “I said everything is true. I just took the guy out yesterday.”

The curtain of Yile Ramen was opened, and Kakashi smiled black. “You yelled at me yesterday? Why don’t I remember?”

Matte’s body is petrified.

Naruto has turned over.

Wait for the good show go on stage.

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