Supreme Naruto

Chapter 581

On the second day, news about the mountain tree was passed back from the country of fire.

Kakashi leaned against the window at the information Scrap in his hand.

The letter eagle is eating Kakashi to give a reward, a special meat, the meat is very chewy, the letter eagle slowly chews and tastes the taste that ordinary meat does not have, very enjoyable.

“Is there a problem with that person?”

There was not much dust on the desk in the wind, and I came over.

Kakashi shook the shook head with a disappointment and handed the information Scroll to the wind and the moon.

The interest in the wind and the moon has long been hooked up, and I quickly took the handle and took the Scroll.

Scroll expands.

Name: Yamashita Tree.

Sex: Male.

Age: 29 years old.

Address: Fire…

The gaze of the wind and the moon swept away on the foundation intelligence and eventually fell on personal experience.

I couldn’t help but read it out: “Thirteen years old to study the Sword Technique in the Iron Country.”

“Sixteen-year-old mother is seriously ill. After I got the news, I went home to look after my mother.”

“18 years old and father work together in the orchard.”

“20 is a fruit shop in the country of Fire.”


“20 is two years old and takes over the fruit country store in the country of fire. In the same year, father went to Konoha to open a fruit shop…”

“20 nine-year-old father died of illness.”

After the chanting, the wind between the months of nodded, said to himself: “There is no problem.”

“So, this guy’s body quality is because of the reason for learning Sword Technique from thirteen to sixteen years old?”

Kakashi took a sip of tea.

Kaidō: “Because it is, this person should not give up practicing swords.”


Kakashi suddenly frowned.

The wind between the flowers and the moon said: “What doubts?”

Kakashi’s expression was slightly condensed, recalling: “When I was eating with the man yesterday… I don’t think there is a sword in the hands of the man…”

Speaking of this, the wind and the moon are also nodded, “I didn’t pay much attention to the hand, but from the face, the guy’s skin is indeed better than you, the neck is white and tender, and I can’t see 20 nine years old.”

The wind between the moon and the moon reveals the look of memories.

Kakashi has come back, not happy said: “You have nothing to do to observe the neck of the person?”

The wind and the moon do not think that: “Do you not observe the hands of others?”

Kakashi argued: “That is what I remember, not intentional observation.”

The wind and the moon are scornful of this: “Pull it down, if you don’t mean it, if you come back, send someone to collect the news? Even searched for someone else’s home.”

Kakashi Byakugan (roll eyes) turned over, “This is Hokage’s responsibility, I have to be responsible for the safety of this village.”

Kakashi received the news in the morning, and the Anbu Ninja who followed Naruto in the afternoon left.

In the back room of the fruit shop, Naruto lay in bed, a casual look.

“It seems that my suspicions have been lifted.”

“It took only one day, and Konoha’s efficiency was also high.”

So where are you going next?

He came for three tails, and naturally he was looking for three tails.

Naruto stretched out and patted his butt and went out.

Naruto continued to stroll in Konoha the following week.

I went to a lot of places that were not monitored by the perceived barrier.

There is a death forest where the Chunin exam is held, and there are families of families, but nothing is obtained.

Naruto even met Tenten with the help of Matt Kate.

Confirm that the three tails have not been sealed to Tenten’s body.

In the end, Naruto came to a conclusion that the three ends were not in Konoha.

Isn’t that where Konoha is?

This question came to the second week of Naruto’s arrival in Konoha, and finally got the answer on the twelfth day.

On this day Jiraiya found Tenten and let Tenten leave his name and fingerprint on the big scroll.

It is the scroll that concludes the contract with the 。.

Subsequently, the trace of Tenten disappeared from Konoha.

At the same time, Jiraiya disappeared.

Naruto therefore speculates that the three tails are in Mount Myōboku!

To confirm this guess, Naruto found the location where Tenten disappeared based on the records on the perceived barrier.

Then I found the traces of the Space transmission with Obito’s Mangekyō Sharingan.

Very complete trace, he can catch up with the traces of the transmission.

Naruto within the body, the preserved egg said: “Go, catch up.”

Naruto took a breath and turned back to the fruit shop.


“How good it is to stay here.”

“After the three tails are sealed to Jinchūriki’s body, we can’t take Jinchūriki directly.”

After ridiculing the preserved egg, Naruto returned to the fruit shop.

Selling and selling fruit, Pepe Pharmacy, this is a week.

A week later, on the nineteenth day of Naruto’s arrival in Konoha, Tenten reappeared in Konoha.

Naruto looks at the perception barrier, on the preserved egg road: “This hoe is back, we should go.”

When the preserved egg heard Spirit, “Would you like to go? Then do you have to use those drugs that you have configured?”

Naruto smiled awkwardly and said: “Of course.”

The eyes of the preserved eggs lit up, and the look of the face could not be concealed: “But that…do they know that you took the three-tailed Jinchūriki away?”

Naruto doesn’t matter: “Know it, you know, it’s one thing, you have to find me.”

After thinking about it, the preserved egg reminded: “The trick of signing the contract is a problem. You have to find a way to ruin the Scroll.”

Mount Myōboku’s flaws are indeed a problem.

If Tenten tells his whereabouts, then Jiraiya can find Tenten through 蛤蟆.

Naruto agrees with nodded, “Don’t worry, I will handle it.”

Konoha Ninja Village, Hokage Office.

Kakashi sits in the seat of Hokage, and Jiraiya and Tenten stand in front of Hokage’s desk.

“Is everything going well?”

Kakashi looked at Jiraiya.


Jiraiya did not say much after answering a sentence. It seems that there is no interest in speaking.

Kakashi exhaled a sigh of relief and turned to look at Tenten.

“Tenten, you can’t talk to anyone about Level 1 status before you receive permission.”

Tenten expressionless, the look of the downturn, the look of Kaidō, “Yes.”

Kakashi opened his mouth and wanted to say something encouraging.

But in the end, I didn’t say it. I got up and gave Tenent a slap.

Tenten glimpsed, did not escape, and did not return.

At this time her brain is still a bit sloppy.

“Okay, go home first, you have a week off, you can take a break during this time and adjust the state.”

Tenten left, and it looked like a marionette.

Kakashi painfully closed his eyes and sat down on the seat. “Is it right?”

no answer.

Kakashi remembers the scene when Lin became the three-tailed Jinchūriki.

And… he stabbed the knife of Lin’s body.

That is what Lin asked him to do.

After a few years.

Before Lin died, the look of relief was like a knife, deeply tied to his heart.

I don’t know how long it took, Kakashi finally slowed down. “Lin… No, Tenten’s looks are too erratic, easy to attract attention, or to transfer her to Anbu.”

Jiraiya went to the window and looked at the village outside the window.

“Let’s wait until her holiday is over, if she has been unable to adapt…”

“Let’s talk about it later.”

“You let four people monitor her?”

Kakashi Kaidō: “Not monitoring, it is protection.”

Jiraiya frowned, “This is also easy to draw attention to.”

Kakashi asked: “So, do you have a better way?”

Jiraiya thought for a moment, “Give it to you, the child is very Talent in Kuchiyose no Jutsu.”

The Hokage office is once again in silence.

With this at the same time, Tenten’s home.

Tenten’s lost face leaned back on the bed.

Eyes stare at the ceiling.

Naruto ghostly appeared next to Tenten, and the bed was pressed by Naruto.

“Is there a feeling after becoming Jinchūriki?”

“You are much better than I was at that time.”

Naruto is smiling at the look at Tenten.

At this point, Naruto appeared in front of Tenten in the form of an ontology.

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