Supreme Naruto

Chapter 552

The two-tail seal is completed, followed by seven tails.

Naruto took a bite from the wooden man and then left the Daxueshan Institute and went to the village of Luyin to pick up Fu.

The living room of the Daxueshan Institute.

Tsunade is beside the Hinata, “Hinata, this year is already sixteen?”

In three years, the changes brought to Hinata are not small.

The height is broken through the original World 163cm limit, straight into 175cm.

The reason for this change, Naruto’s speculation should be inseparable from the primary cells.

Naruto has not been long in these three years, staying at the value of 201cm.

38cm is higher than Hinata.

If Hinata wears high heels, the gap is between 26cm and 30cm.

The two stand together very well.

Hinata’s well-behaved nodded: “Well.”

Tsunade took Hinata’s hand. “That… when are you getting married with Naruto?”

Hinata’s face is red!

Three years to make Hinata mature is not a fake, but mentioned the marriage with Naruto…

Hinata can’t stand it, “This… no hurry…”

Tsunade eyes, “Why don’t you worry, 16 is already at the age of marriage, and it’s the old girl.”

Hinata’s face is red.

Tsunade continued: “There are a lot of little girls around the guy. If you don’t hurry, maybe the guy will marry someone else.”

“And, just when I went downstairs, guess what I saw?”

Hinata somehow suddenly had some heart Hollow, “What did you see?”

Tsunade whispered in Hinata’s ear: “I saw the wooden man’s gimmick coming out of Naruto’s room.”

Hinata blinked and went to Naruto’s room by the wooden man?

Tsunade patted Hinata’s back. “Naruto is my discipline. It is reasonable to say which girl he should support. I shouldn’t chew this tongue on the back, but you know Naruto’s mind, you are so stupid. The girl only knows to pay quietly behind her. I don’t admit that I saw you because of Smelly Brat’s sadness.”

“Well, how do you do it in your own heart, I will go see the spring wild cherry.”

“That gimmicks don’t let you worry. You know that you are quietly paying behind your back. You don’t know the expression. The gimmicks know that they are stalking, and there is no girl’s restraint.”

“If you can learn from each other, I will save my heart.”

Said, Tsunade got up and left.

Whistling a whistle, a mighty big tiger flew up and carried the Tsunade to the sky and left the Snowy Mountain Institute.

Only the inner complex Hinata is left behind.

How do we do this?

Hinata walked over to the mirror in the living room and looked at herself.

She is very particular about wearing it.

The upper body is a warm-colored beige sweater with a high neck to protect the neck.

Go out with a light gray trench coat…

Under the body……

When Hinata is struggling with what to do.

Naruto has come to Lu Yin Village silently and disorderly.

It was Fu who summoned Naruto directly.

“The principal is good.”

Fu has a short green hair.

The skin is healthy in wheat.

Slightly black, but the skin is more delicate than ordinary people.

And the five senses are also exceptionally exquisite, high, not only not ugly but also very resistant.

As for wearing, the climate of the village is still in the summer.

Therefore, Fu wears a cool, white tube top with a short skirt.

Sexy and full of energy.

Gives a vibrant youthful atmosphere.

“You can’t wear so little in the country of snow, it’s still winter.”

Naruto spoke casually as an elder.

Fu went directly to his wardrobe and took out a few pieces of winter clothes for celebrities.

The two clothes… tell the truth, Naruto is a bit disgusted, the style is too old.

At the very least, the aesthetics of the country of snow have fallen by two major periods.

“Clothes… no hurry, I will let you go to the mall with Senior Sister when you get there.”

When I hear the word of the mall, Fu’s eyes will squeeze out water. Of course, it’s not sad tears, but an incomparable embarrassment.

Yugao’s guy sang a slap in the sun, and she naturally knows that the clothes there are much more beautiful than here.

“President, look at it… let’s go now?”

Naruto: “No hurry, since I want to take you away, I still have to explain it to the village.”

Fu was a little surprised. “You want to… see the wood?”

“That… he certainly won’t let me go.”

Fu’s expression faded.

She originally thought that the president would quietly take her away.

Imagine if you think about leaving home.

Naruto didn’t say much, just walked out of Fu’s room.

Naruto just got out of the room, because it was not hidden, it was discovered directly by the shinibi of the rotation.

“Stop! Who are you!”

Naruto ignored it and continued to move forward.

Shinobi is about to launch Attack, and the big tree of behind is suddenly stretched, just like it is fixed, it is fixed on the tree.


“You! Who are you!”

The hibiscus represents too much.

Naruto doesn’t care, the same thing happens to the other three.

Naruto just walked with the location where Fu wanted to get involved.

Those shinobi met at Naruto and couldn’t get an answer. They asked Fu.

“Fu Fu! Who is this!”

Fu cutely slammed his mouth and shook the shook head.

Then Naruto walked to the woods with Fu.

All that I want to stop is locked in place.

“I want to take this gimmick and make a condition.”

Naruto’s peaceful looks at the woods.

The involvement of the trees in Naruto is also full of fear.

Look at Fu is not forced to look like, my heart is even more suspicion.

Fu has always lived under his gaze, and it is reasonable to say that it should not be related to outsiders.

“Dare to ask your name is…”

Naruto smiled politely. “There is no name, there is a name, Uzumaki Naruto.”

When I heard about the name, I only felt very familiar with it. I couldn’t remember where I heard it.

“You said you have to take away Fu, why?”

Naruto Direct Kaidō: “She is my student. Of course, these are not important. What is important is what kind of reward you want to exchange in order to let me take her away.”

I was also interested in exploring, and I didn’t expect Naruto to be so direct. I didn’t know how to pick it up.

No one in Lu Yin Village is the opponent of this person in front of him, nor can he do it.

“This one……”

The woods looked at Fu, but Fu did not look at him and kept his head down.

He also knows that Fu wants to leave the village and the idea of ​​going out is not a day or two.

But as Jinchūriki, how can he rest assured that he will go out?

“I hope that you can think about it within ten minutes. After ten minutes, I will leave with Fu.”

Naruto’s tone is still humble, but the meaning in the words is overbearing.

This made it possible for the woods to grasp the temper of Naruto.

“This…it’s hard to answer. I grew up at the festival.”

“She is a relative to me, just like a younger sister?”

“Why do you have the reason to dismantle your loved ones, are you saying yes?”

Naruto waited and talked about the wood, and then politely said: “If you really can’t bear it, then you can leave with Fu.”

When I was involved in the wood, I felt like I was suddenly robbed of a rice ball.

The one that is blocked is called a discomfort.

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