Supreme Naruto

Chapter 553

I’m a joke, “You’re really kidding…”

Naruto continues to use his indifferent attitude to ruin the inner line of the opposite side.

“Who is joking with you.”

“You still have nine minutes of thinking time.”

This is the time to start!

The woods wanted to swear, but look at the uniformed men outside the courtyard and squatted back.

“Hello, I am the Chief of a village. How can I abandon my village?”

Naruto heard this sentence nodded.

Shumu thought that Naruto finally understood him and agreed with his statement.

Naruto suddenly started to talk: “Take the people in the village.”

Wood: “???”

Nest grass!

If you don’t beat Naruto, you really want to punch the guy in front of you.

However, what made him speechless was that Fu Fu suddenly claped his hand: “Okay! Ok! I support!”

Wood: “???”

You support a fart! You support!

How did he raise such a Byakugan (roll eyes) wolf…

For other villages, the ordinary villages are somewhat repulsive to the civilian column.

However, there are few people in the village of Lu Yin, and there are just a few people outside the village. They don’t look up.

Every elder is grown up at each other’s children.

So the relationship is not like a family, but it is similar.

It can be said that there is no other childhood in which Jinchūriki was excluded.

The only disappointment is that I have lived in the village since I was a child.

Fu continued to urge: “Walking big brother, I promised!”

The woods finally couldn’t help, shouted: “Shut up!”

When Fu stayed, it was super pet to him in normally, and it was the first time that he was fierce.

Some time I couldn’t help but feel awkward.

Shrink the neck.

Naruto, on time, said: “There are still five seconds.”

The wood touched a black spot.

I want to say something and don’t know what to say.

Naruto grinned: “It’s better, since you don’t refuse, I will promise you.”

Naruto got up and left the room.

Wood: “???”

At this same time, I heard some noise from the courtyard.

I also stood up and looked out of the courtyard.

I saw the villagers and shinobi in Lu Yin Village gathered together.

It seems that the puppets have come over. In the eyes of these people, they all reflect the mark of three tomoe Sharingan.

All in Illusion Technique? When!

In shock, the face of the wood is also ugly.

Biting your teeth and pointing to Naruto, “Your, Expert like you, don’t you feel that you have lost your identity?”

Naruto asked with a smile: “Identity? Did you know me before I introduced myself? You don’t know where I am? I am a nameless pawn.”

Rogue! Shameless!

The more people gather, the deeper the shock to the Naruto.

He knows the name of Sharingan, but can Sharingan control so many people at the same time?

More speechless… He also saw a Uzumaki Naruto in the crowd!

Does this person have a brother?

When the suspicion of suspicion in the wood, the people around me “bang!” disappeared…

Nest grass! Talking to him for a long time is actually just a avatar!

The wood was shocked, and Fu was shocked because Naruto was summoned by her.

She didn’t even know when the formidable principal replaced him with a avatar.

“Fu, go, take the wood, stand in the crowd!”

Fu returned to the gods and took the wood and rushed to Naruto.

It is rejected for the pulling of the wood.

However, he is only Jōnin Strength and he is not an opponent of Jinchūriki.

Naruto opens the System and the collective transfer function opens.

I saw an aperture spread with Naruto as the centerline.

The aperture envelopes everyone and rises into a beam of light.

Looking at the wood all around, nervous: “What is this doing?”

After waiting for Fu to give him a confusing, after the white light flashed, the villagers at Lu Yin Village disappeared in Lu Yin Village.

When it reappeared, it was already in the Xicheng District of Xuezhiguo.

The big eyes of the hibiscus, broke away from the arms of Kaifu, and rushed out of the crowd to look at all around.

“Where is this?”

Naruto looks kind and “Welcome to the country of snow.”

“This is the place I have arranged for you.”

“Well, I have to leave with Fu before I have something to do.”

“You explain things to your villagers clearly.”

Saying, Naruto appeared again with two avatars, three people around Fu, the next moment Naruto and Fu disappeared.

Space Ninjutsu, an improved version of Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

The original version requires three people, and the hands are held together, encircling the middle person.

Naruto replaced the other two with the avatar and omitted the steps to close the hand.

After Naruto left, the villager’s Illusion Technique was lifted.

“Where is this?”

A Big Mom blinked and looked at a wall in front of her eyes, looking up from the bottom up.

“This wall is really high…”

In the voice of Big Mom’s emotions, others also looked over. “This looks like a house.”

It must be said that the ordinary villagers in Lu Yin Village are much more calm than their village heads.

The villagers looked at all around curiously.

The shinobi in Lu Yin Village is the Chief who is staring at them.

Although controlled by the Illusion Technique, the previous memory is still there.

The whole person is covered in wood, and his face is full of confusion.

Who am I, where am I, what am I doing?

Explanation? how to explain?

The whole thing seems to him to be nonsense, more absurd than dreams!

But… I always feel like I forgot something.

That’s right, it’s the water of Hero!

The heart of the woods was raised, but it was passed down by the ancestors, the highest secret of the village!

But after thinking about it, Jinchūriki was taken away, what is the water of Hero.

What he died when he drank was really nothing to him.

Xicheng District, the country of water, is not an unoccupied empty city.

On the contrary, it is a lot.

Most of them are gathered in various regions of the country of snow.

Of course, there is no shortage of partners who have established relationships with Naruto.

For example, it has business dealings with Naruto and contracted Daxing Technology Co., Ltd., which is research and development of satellite cameras.

After the war started, I moved over and settled in the country of snow.

“嘿老铁, let, let out!”

A young man came over with a suspended eyeball camera and his eyes swept over the crowd.

The young man said to himself in the air: “Baby wait, meet a group of unknown people who eat melons.”

In front of the youth, it is a piece of barrage.

A lot: “Is this not the protection of Lu Yin Village?”

A sudden appearance appeared on the barrage.

Day R sings T: “Yes, the anchor, let me see the face of the person in front, it looks like the Chief of the village.”

Long Wu: “I am, I have also seen Chief in Lu Yin Village. My family has business dealings with them.”

The floating eyeballs on the head of the youth turned to the wood.

The bomb was blown up.

The soul that needs to be redeemed: “Really, is this young is the Chief?”

Fat rice: “Good little big brother, I want to give him a monkey.”


The enthusiastic response of the audience made the youth shine and did not rush to leave.

Going to the front of the wood, “Hello, my name is Yugao, can you interact with me?”

The woods are awkward.

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