Supreme Naruto

Chapter 551

Akatsuki Organization, Tsunade defected, the chiefs and Konan died, and the members changed from ten to seven.

After Obito joined the Akatsuki Organization with Pain’s “zero” ring, the members were stable at eight.

At this point, on the ten fingers of the outer road golem, the person standing on the right thumb is replaced by Obito.

The position of the “white” right middle finger and the “empty” left hand little finger has been vacant, and no suitable person has been found yet.

In the country of the rain, Obito stood on the stone and used Rinnegan to psychic out of the gondola.

Then take out the comatose two wooden people from Space.

Everything is ready, Obito jumps up and falls on the position of the thumb of the outer road, with one hand hand seal, “Call!”

The other seven people at the same time received the news at the same time Akatsuki Organization.

The first person to appear was Kisame Hoshigaki.

“This is… two-tailed Jinchūriki?”

The sneaky stunned the woman in front of the ecstasy outside the road, and looked surprised: “So the two-tailed Jinchūriki… always in our hands?”

Obito casually Kaidō: “Well.”

Then more and more people are coming.

Like the ghosts, it’s amazing to see the two tails Jinchūriki have been taken by the organization.

Obito didn’t give everyone a chance to chat. When people were surprised, Kaid said directly: “Get started.”

Magic Dragon Nine!

Obito hands the seal, communicates with the Rinnegan’s Strength, at the same time, and connects all the members with the Akatsuki Organization’s ring.


On the outer golem, the scroll that closed his mouth opened and it appeared like a mouth screaming.

Naruto controlled the body of the flying squirrel and saw the scene in front of him. He couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “That thing… how do you look more like a mouth plug?”

Preserved eggs and Naruto share a common memory.

Naruto said this, the preserved egg exclaimed: “Hey? You didn’t say that you still didn’t think… Now, I feel that the style is wretched.”

Naruto looked down at the giant hand under his feet.

The hand is pointing up, and the chain is buckled between the two hands…

Pregnancy tsk tsk vocal Kaidō: “This…the more you look at MS, the Six Path, the old brat seals his mother even…and it’s so heavy…”

Naruto and the preserved egg look at each other.

Ignore the unscrupulous brains of the two wretched guys of Naruto and preserved eggs, when the mouth of the outer golem is blocked… No, when the seal on the mouth of the outer magical figure is lifted, the nine Chakra dragons rush out from the mouth of the outer road. Feel the breath, directly biting the two by the wooden man.

Not the physical Attack, the mouth of the Chakra dragon passed through two bodies that were bitten by the wooden man’s body on the two ends.


“Naruto !”

The two tails snorted.

Then eight other Chakra dragons joined in.

The huge pain made the two tails almost crazy.

The more chakra dragons swallow, the fierce, the big mouth opens and closes, bites! Swallow! Bite again!

Time has been going on for a whole day, and Chakra Dragon has just taken it back.

“After a week, I sealed the seven-tailed Jinchūriki.”

“Attend the meeting, take a rest.”

Deidara didn’t hurry. “Have you heard a voice?”

Deidara asked, the ghost said: “You heard it?”

“I also want to ask about this. When the two tails are extracted, it seems that they have been calling Naruto’s name?”

“Why is that?”

On the outside of the magical finger, Hidan carefully looked at the little flying squirrel.

This little action, the colorful projection can hardly be seen.

But Uchiha Itachi also looked at the flying squirrel.

Obito swept his eyes: “You are doing a good job, or how about taking the seven-tailed Jinchūriki?”

Obito’s sentence came out, and others almost unanimously released the projection directly.

Only one person is left.

The pitcher plants on the head are screaming, and the colorful projections hide the yin and yang face, making the sinister a lot more… cute.

“If you remember correctly, the missing nine-tailed Jinchūriki, called the whirlpool Naruto.”

Obito jumped from the fingers of the outer golem and took the two away from the wooden man.

“Well, I remember too.”

Never look at the outer road golem.

The eyes of the outer golem opened three eyes.

Then the disarming technique disappeared.

The Snow Mountain Institute, Naruto’s Spiritual Body returns to its body.

The little face is dark and black.

The sound of the sound of Naruto is like a magic sound.

Naruto screamed and the goose bumps rose.

“This Tenten…”

“Gay is gay…”

Naruto walked over to the bed and summoned the two wooden people from the preserved egg within the body Space.

Naruto checked the body condition of the next two people by the wooden man.

There is no danger to life and it is still in deep sleep.

Naruto both hands hand seal , “Solution!”

In the two foreheads of the wooden man, a curse was revealed, and the curse disappeared. The two digits vibrated by the eyelashes of the wooden man.

The whole person suddenly grows took a deep breath.

The man woke up.

“Naruto! You… I can’t feel the trip…”

Speaking of the two people, the wooden man opened his clothes and revealed the white belly.

There is no seal on it.

“Take it again…have you left?”

The two were suddenly lost by the wooden man.

Naruto raised his hand and took two shots of the wooden man’s shoulder.

“Don’t think too much, the guy at the end of the second is just in the body of Kaidō originally, it doesn’t die.”

The two were looked at Naruto by the eyes of the wooden man.

“Do you always have hatred for them?”

The two people who are referred to by the wooden people are naturally Tail Beast.

Naruto glimpsed, he did not expect the two people to suddenly ask this question.

Could it be that the two tails were judged by the wooden man to hate the nine tails, so they retaliated against Tail Beast?

Naruto couldn’t help but scratch his head. Is he like a big villain?

“That… in memory, when I was very young, the children in the village threw stones at me.”

“They directly call me the fox.”

The two were softened by the wooden people. “They…just ignorant children.”

Naruto nodded: “Every time the adults meet me, they will point a little…”

This time, the two men did not speak.

Naruto continued: “The saddest thing is that my father is a four-generation Hokage…”

“No one knows this, but they know that I am a fox.”

“How funny?”

“However, I don’t hate them very much, nor do I hate the nine lamas.”

“You may not know that the nine tails are actually very easy to get along with.”

“Of course not the one you saw.”

Then Naruto said the two yin and yang things.

Heyang Attribute meets Jiuwei, then Baiyang Attribute is a teacher.

Until the Yang Attribute nine tail Amnesia.

Then return to the Yin Attribute nine tails.

The two were carefully listened to by the wooden man, at the same time Naruto within the body.

There is a soul connection between Jiuwei and Naruto, and it can feel that Naruto is not lying.

Is it really so harmonious to get along with this little guy in front of you?

He didn’t believe it because Naruto never talked to him well, don’t talk about it, and didn’t even talk.

Instead of using Mangekyō Sharingan to intimidate, just use that knife to scare it.

It can be said that the attitude is extremely bad.

Naruto didn’t know what Nine Tail was thinking, and continued to talk to the two people: “Nine tails are in Amnesia in the sky, if I am enough forformable, then go to the starry sky and use this knife to put the part that belongs to the nine tails. Cut them off, I think… Jiuwei can remember it again.”

The two were looked at Naruto by the wooden man, and Naruto was more complicated in her eyes.

Since Naruto cherishes the nine tails, he will be able to appreciate the emotions of her and her travels.

So Naruto also took her away from the trip, it is really evil!

Thinking of this, the two people did not hit a place by the popularity of wood, holding Naruto bite down Naruto’s shoulder.

Losing her, she just pity this guy!

This guy is really hateful!

Want to bite!

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