Supreme Naruto

Chapter 539

Rainy Country, Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko and Hidan left the country of the rain.

There are two people on the bright side, but Naruto knows Konan with his peers.

Thanks to the rings of the Akatsuki Organization, these rings became the most powerful means for Naruto to monitor the Akatsuki Organization after Naruto invaded the Akatsuki Organization Spirit network.

But Naruto is now most concerned about where Nagato is now.

Six Path Pain is the nickname of Nagato.

Nagato is not dead, Six Path Pain does not die.

So if you want to beat Pain, you can only kill Nagato.

There is no rain today in the country of rain.

Under the clear sky, the people on the streets are woven.

Some just sunbath Sun to take a walk, but more is to keep on going to the house to do more things.

Above the crowd, the squirrel has been stretched out in all four limbs, gliding over the top of the building in the blind spot of sight.

Fly to the tallest building in the country of the rain.

The building was guessed in Naruto and should be the hiding place of Nagato.

Because Naruto deliberately observed, Konan and Heavenly Dao Pain will enter the building.

As Naruto approaches, he is concerned about the movement of the members of the Akatsuki Organization on this map.

Most people are in the apartments of members of the Akatsuki Organization.

Naruto is all the way through.

There are fewer and fewer people on the street.

Naruto took the opportunity to enter the building.

The building is empty.

There will be no quiet voice.

This reminded Naruto of the building he had visited when he was studying medical Ninjutsu in Konoha.

The same no one, the same quiet.

The sense barrier is turned on and the next few layers are unobstructed.

System Tip: “The barrier is found in front.”

System Tip: “The barrier type is compared to the database…”

System Tip: “The database is successful.”

Naruto added a panel in front of him.

The information of the barrier is recorded on the panel.

Barrier Type: Perceptual barrier.

Barrier Type: Triggered alert awareness barrier.

Barrier Rank : high level .

The difficulty level of cracking: high level.

System crack success rate: 10%.

System Tip: “Is it left to be cracked by System?”

Naruto without the slightest hesitation has chosen no.

This is not the garbage barrier of Lu Yin Village, it can be handed over to System.

The reason why the village of Lu Yin can be handed over to System, the most important thing is that the barrier can find a perfect match in the database.

In other words, there is a question with a reference answer.

This is a new type of question.

All around No one, Naruto began to crack the front of the barrier.

It took ten minutes and the barrier was broken.

Naruto continues to sneak in.

There is also no one on the top floor of the building.

But Naruto found black pipes on the ground.

It is the kind of Pain.

It can be seen that Naruto has a chance to find 80%.

Would you like to go somewhere else?

When Naruto was thinking, behind suddenly came a voice: “Who are you?”

Was discovered!

Naruto was amazed, but not too concerned.

As long as Hidan and Obito are not found, there is no problem.

Naruto turned and saw a young man leaning against the door.

Wearing the Akatsuki Organization’s clothing, there are not very good-looking characters on both sides of the nose.

This face is very familiar to Naruto. Every time I look at it, I feel that this guy is premature.

The coming person is Uchiha Itachi.

Naruto saw the moment of Uchiha Itachi, and Uchiha Itachi eyes was three tomoe Sharingan.

Illusion Technique launched.

Naruto’s World is black.

It then returned to normal.

Naruto is a far cry away from Uchiha Itachi.

“If you use Mangekyō Sharingan’s Ability directly, I really have to plant it here.”

Naruto’s eyes fell on Uchiha Itachi’s hand.

This guy actually picked up the Akatsuki Organization’s ring, no wonder this guy was not found.

Three tomoe Sharingan didn’t trap Naruto, which surprised Uchiha Itachi.

As for the use of Tsukuyomi, it is really his body too Hollow, can be used without it.

When Uchiha Itachi looked at Naruto, Naruto started to talk: “Take the ring of Akatsuki Organization and sneak into it. I see you are a spy?”

“Since it is all, then how can everyone not meet?”

Uchiha Itachi taunted: “I just caught up with you when I saw you.”


Is the dead duck mouth hard or is there anyone else here?

Since Naruto was discovered, it is not hidden.

Perceived barriers expand instantly.

On the roof of the roof, there is fluctuations in Chakra.

Never here, then White Zetsu!

Naruto feels bright, White Zetsu means the first generation of cells.

Naruto’s two invisible wind blades instantly cut the square wood, and then the seal!

Then put the square wood in the face of Uchiha Itachi.

Uchiha Itachi didn’t stop, and there was no Attack on the look at Naruto. “Who are you?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Who do you care about me? What is the relationship with you? White Zetsu hidden in the wood has been taken away by me. There is no outsider. Who will continue to install it? Are you tired?”

Uchiha Itachi’s three tomoe Sharingan is still open.

“You are very proud? You can catch the three guys mainly because I used the Illusion Technique to imprison the three guys.”

Is there this?

But the seal is really smoother.

“Oh, this way, thank you, how about your next meal?”

“This time you didn’t see anything.”

Naruto injects the wooden Attribute Chakra into the beam, and the square that has been cut in half grows a section and reconnects.

If you don’t look carefully, you can’t really find it.

Uchiha Itachi has a slightly narrow eye.

Naruto said from his own self: “Orochimaru, the guy is not good at dealing with it? You can’t die under his hands. It’s very lucky that you still don’t use Mangekyō Sharingan.”

Uchiha Itachi hesitated, but eventually chose to use Mangekyō Sharingan.

Because this can solve the battle as quickly as possible.

Mangekyō Sharingan, Tsukuyomi!

The body of the little squirrel was stiff and then turned into a piece of wood and fell to the ground.

Mudu avatar!

Naruto’s voice came from all directions: “Hey, I said, let you not use it.”

“Do you think that I said this to you? Of course it is useless to use it.”

“Truth, I am a little disappointed with you. I have heard your Legend a long time ago.”

“What six years old entered the school seven years old graduate.”

“What eight years old started Sharingan.”

“What was promoted to Chunin at the age of ten.”

“When I was 11 years old, I joined Anbu.”

“There is also the most powerful 13-year-old tyrant who will wipe out the Uchiha family.”

“In my heart, you are almost omnipotent.”

“I know that it is a fool.”

“It’s no wonder that the guy at Sasuke is stupid. He is a stupid.”

I heard a flash of light in the eyes of Uchiha Itachi when I heard about Sasuke.

The main reason for looking for Orochimaru this time is not to kill Orochimaru, but to understand the situation of his younger brother.

But Orochimaru said that the Sasuke guy has left.

Together with the vortex Naruto.

Uchiha Itachi asked: “Do you know Sasuke?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Run, the guy is coming.”

Speaking of all around, there is no sound.

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