Supreme Naruto

Chapter 540

Naruto disappeared, and when Uchiha Itachi was about to leave, Naruto’s voice came again.

“Right, if you can’t run, if you find it, you will say that you are tracking Tsunade here, and then Tsunade disappears.”

“Well, I will tell you the news of Sasuke.”

After two sentences, this time Naruto is really gone.

Planting Tsunade?

Tsunade has just saved his life, he can’t do this kind of thing.

But the news of the younger brother is also very important.

Uchiha Itachi’s face is not very good, and the blinking technique disappears.

With this at the same time, Naruto suddenly appeared in the Tsunade’s room.

Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)!

The Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) procedure is under the bed of Tsunade.

The squirrel Naruto got out of the bed.

The bed is jade, and Tsunade is lying on his side with a slap in the face of a surprised look at the sudden appearance of the little guy.

Naruto starts to talk: “Tsunade elder sister Guess who I am?”

Hōng lòng !

For a moment, Tsunade only felt blue.

Unbelievable pointing to Naruto: “You are…you!”

Naruto grinned and leaked the white fangs.

Tsunade is not a guess for the identity of the flying squirrel. In fact, when he first came to the Akatsuki Organization, Tsunade began to guess Naruto’s identity.

But several trials were blocked by the opposite side.

This layer of suspicion will disappear.

Then she shifted her gaze to other places.

I began to pay attention to the residents of the rain country, but I have never found anything.

For this reason she once wondered if Orochimaru lied to her.

Tsunade had a guess in her heart, but still couldn’t believe it.

There are many factors in it, such as the guy in front of Orochimaru forged, or the Akatsuki Organization to test her.

While Tsunade was hesitating, a spiral pill appeared on the paw of Naruto.

Tsunade 瞪big eyes !

Then Naruto used the shadow to separate.

“I am Uzumaki Naruto, mute the guy who changed the hair dye formula you gave me, and made my hair a few colors.”

“If this is not yet proven… then Tsunade elder sister, do you want to have a fart?”

Tsunade’s surprise expression instantly darkened.

GodTM’s fart sugar!

That thing can be said to be the biggest stain in her life, Naruto this guy is eating a bear heart leopard or how to drop, even dare to mention this.

However, this does prove the identity of Naruto.

“You are a little bastard, why don’t you tell me now!”

“But… how did you become this look?”

Tsunade was still angry one second before, and he felt distressed after a second.

A mouse!

Naruto won’t be back, right?

See Tsunade and finally believe him.

Naruto relaxed, waved his hand: “Those things will come later, I will send you away now.”

Say Naruto summoned Hinata.

“Hinata, you go back with the Tsunade elder sister.”

Hinata’s name for Tsunade is not as casual as Naruto.

After seeing Tsunade, I was polite: “Tsunade, let me go.”

Talking about the reverse transmission, there was an aperture around Hinata.

“Tsunade, stand in the aperture.”

Tsunade looks at Naruto.

Naruto urged: “Go with Hinata, don’t worry about me, I will go back soon.”

“Right, throw the Akatsuki Organization’s ring here and take it away.”

Tsunade nodded and took the ring and threw it on the bed.

The aperture rises into a cylinder and the two are illuminated together.

Then “bang!”

The highly concentrated Chakra provoked a burst of water.

After Naruto ruined the traces of the transmission, Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)!

When Naruto reappeared, it was in the home of the dolphin.

This dolphin is not the stupid pig in the silent arms, but the younger sister of the puffer fish.

“I will pick you up to see your big brother.”

However, Naruto did not take the dolphins himself, but summoned Hinata again.

“Remember the elder sister?”

“We have added friends to talk about the sky.”

The porpoise nodded happily: “Can I finally see the big brother?”

Hinata picked up the porpoise.

The dolphin is an electronic eye that Naruto sends as a puffer fish.

It is like holding a rare treasure.

The aperture rose and the two disappeared.

After finishing these Naruto sighed in relief, taking Nagato out, it is the best time to take Tsunade and the little girl.

Naruto disappeared again with Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

Appears in the Akatsuki Organization member apartment.

Kaidō Deidara’s room.

If nothing happens to lie on your bed.

With this at the same time Uchiha Itachi, get rid of the apartment and return to the Akatsuki Organization.

He was not caught, so he did not say what Naruto left.

Uchiha Itachi hesitated when passing by Deidara’s room.

Raise your hand to knock on the door.

“When! When! When!”

The door opens and the door is not Naruto or Deidara.

It is a clay spider.

At such a close distance, the looks at the self-destructing spider swayed in front of their eyes, even Uchiha Itachi felt a little uncomfortable.

But it didn’t show up, and the sight of coldly swept the room.

That little mouse is still there.

Deidara lying in bed, after seeing the person at the door, brows and jumps. “What? I don’t welcome you here.”

The self-destructing spider is so close to this guy, would you like to detonate it?

Deidara is a little eager to try.

However, Uchiha Itachi left the door and left.

Deidara : “???”

“Nervous disease.”

After that, I have a look at the little squirrel.

The little guy just went out for a lap, shouldn’t it be related to the little guy?

“Preserved eggs, is he coming to you?”

“Do you mess with this guy?”

Naruto’s face is black.

The term “preserved egg” is a self-introduction by the guy who preserved the egg.

Since then, the entire Akatsuki Organization has called him a preserved egg.


“Sleep your feelings, if you can’t sleep, I can stun you directly.”

Deidara Byakugan (roll eyes) turned over and went down to take a nap.

For this master of his own family, he really can’t afford it.

With this at the same time.

On the main hall of the country of the rain.

That is where Naruto sneaked in.

The absolute head rises from the ground and looks at all around with a serious look.

“The barrier was violently cracked…”

“Three White Zetsus suddenly disappeared…”

“Who did it?”


Black is a serious face, the other half of the face of White Zetsu start to talk said: “Three poor guys died again…”

Yes, three more dead.

There have been three lost connections in Obito.

Black said: “This tells Nagato the guy in advance.”

“The guy just left, and the bare foot is coming to the hut, it’s unusual.”

Akatsuki Organization meeting.

Tsunade is absent.

“Tsunade people?”

Then, under the absolute order, White Zetsu sneaked into the Tsunade’s room.

Just see the Tsunade ring and stay on the bed.

Absolute Kaidō: “Tsunade has defected, leaving only the ring.”

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko start to talk: “So what is Tsunade doing?”

Heavenly Dao Pain turned to look at Uchiha Itachi: “Your ring, just picked it up.”

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