Supreme Naruto

Chapter 538

After giving Hinata a hint, Naruto withdrew from the lab.

The two were found by the wooden man train (ing) and found Naruto.


Naruto did not hide: “In the lab.”

During the speech, a bump suddenly appeared on the iron door on the lab stone wall.

The gate of the laboratory is three meters thick, and now there is a footprint.

It can be seen that the strength of Strength.

But Naruto knows better that Hinata’s leg is estimated to be broken.

After the bumps were generated, the lab was quiet for half a dozen.

This effort should be the life of the first generation cells to repair themselves to Hinata.

Naruto Chakra injects into the laboratory and increases the defensive power of the laboratory.

The two were turned back by the wooden man’s looks at the bulge, turning to look at Naruto.

I want to ask, but I don’t feel very fit.

Also, regarding Sharingan, she also wants to ask.

But what identity does she want to ask?

If it is a friend, her identity is still very embarrassing.

One wants to ask if he dares to ask, one is worried about Hinata, and eventually the two of them have not spoken, they are standing in the same place.

The five dragon eagle seemed to feel a little, flew over, and looked at the laboratory with a solemn look.

In a flash, five hours passed.

The roar of the lab was getting louder and louder, and the depression in the gate market was kicked and then repaired immediately.

Until Hinata made a call to Naruto, “Naruto Jun, I am coming over.”

Naruto disappeared in place and relied on the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) procedure left in the lab to appear directly in the lab.

Hinata saw Naruto suddenly appear to stay.

This is where Naruto is in his arms.

The blood on Hinata is still there, and the clothes on his body are broken.

Hinata knows how she looks and carefully shrinks into a ball.

Some shame, but more is sweet.

She came over, she did not let Naruto Jun disappointed.

Can she always help Naruto like this?

For a long time, Naruto released Hinata to look at the eyes of Hinata.

It doesn’t seem to change.

“Hinata, you use Byakugan (roll eyes).”

Hinata injects Chakra into Byakugan (roll eyes) as required by Naruto.

no change.

Naruto was slightly disappointed.

But not opening now does not mean that it will not open in the future.

“Okay, shut it up.”

“I will take you to take a shower.”

Said Naruto picked up Hinata.

Hinata’s face was red and whispered: “No, I will wash it myself.”

Naruto said with a smile : “I am old Man Old wife, shy?”

Hinata yelled at Naruto, “Don’t…”

Naruto came to the bathroom with Hinata: “Good, wash yourself.”

Naruto adjusted the water temperature and went out of the bathroom.

However, I did not expect that the bath was directly shattered by Hinata.

Hinata’s control of Strength is obviously not as good as Naruto, so it is out of control.

“Hinata, are you okay?”

Naruto rushed into the bathroom.

Hinata hugged her chest: “Don’t come over!”

Naruto turned and said, “Are you okay?”

Hinata affirmed Kaidō: “Nothing, I just have a shower.”

Naruto is planning to go out of the bathroom.

Hinata carefully picked up the nozzle.

However, when the water valve was unscrewed, the Strength was not controlled, and the water valve was directly Collapsed.


Hot and cold water are sprayed out at the same time.

Naruto was frozen in time with Hyōton (Ice Release).

Then the main valve is turned off.

Hinata At this point the whole person is already wet.

Poorly said: “Naruto Jun… Is Hinata very useless?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Nothing, the increase in Strength will take some time to adapt.”

“Turn around, I will wash you.”

This time, Hinata did not refuse, and turned around honestly.

Naruto reconstituted a bath with steel shovel and then adjusted the water temperature with Suiton (Water Release) and Vapour Style.

After the blood on the Hinata was washed away, the Hinata was placed in the bathtub.

“Okay, now you can wash it yourself.”

Naruto sat back against the bathtub.

Hinata eyes Tightening the twitch of the eyelashes.

Carefully open your eyes after feeling the warm water wrapping the body.

I saw Naruto sitting on the back.

This time, Hinata did not let Hinata leave.

After washing.

“Naruto Jun… my identity card.”

Naruto took it out of his pocket and handed it over.

Hinata original’s identity card was abandoned as early as the Awakening spelling mode.

This was later made by Naruto, which added live steel and survived.

Hinata puts the ID card on the arm.

After the identity card is injected into Chakra, the arm is invisible.

Click on the storage panel.

Hinata is going to change clothes.

“Naruto Jun… you go out…”

Naruto’s old face has long been red.

Looking at the body looks like upright gentleman.

But the perception barrier has long been a highlight of Hinata.

After all, the identity card on Hinata was taken down, and the original shielded scan function failed.

“Ah, um, this is going out.”

But just listen to behind and scream.

The Jinata, which wiped the body with a bath towel, was shredded directly without a control of the bath towel.

Naruto’s footsteps: “That… Would you like me to help you wear clothes?”

“You can rest assured, I am closing my eyes.”



Eventually Naruto heard the sound of Hinata’s fine mosquitoes.

“But wait for me to wear it inside.”

Hinata summons a small dress.

Carefully changed, the first one… broken.

The second one…breaks again.

The third article is finally careful to put on.

Next is the corset.

The chest strap is broken again.

When Hinata put the little clothes on, he handed the skirt to Naruto.

Then he turned his hand and turned his hand.

This is a dress that can be set directly from above.

Naruto start to talk said: “You can rest assured… I am closing my eyes.”

Then Naruto’s hand “inadvertently” hit Hinata’s chest.

Hinata has already taken back his hand and then a skirt is broken.

“Naruto Jun…”

Naruto Kaidō: “Sorry, I didn’t mean it. I didn’t see it with my eyes closed.”

Hinata’s face is redder.

the second time.

The clothes are broken again.

“Naruto Jun… you still open your eyes.”

The third time was finally successful.

Look at the broken piece of the ground.

Naruto said with a smile : “It doesn’t matter, put it here and I will clean it up for a while.”

Hinata hurriedly rolled the little clothes into the dress of Shatter.

Naruto squats under the sorrowful little eyes.

“Naruto Jun…”

When Hinata handled the clothes, he screamed.

Naruto: “Well?”

Hinata’s little deer ran into a collision: “Nothing, I just want to make a cry.”

Naruto’s heart raised the shackles of Level 1.

Quietly raising his hand and holding Hinata in his arms, “Tonight…should you live with me?”

Both of them have a little heartbeat.

At this moment, Naruto’s door was slammed: “Naruto!”

“Hinata is okay?”

“Naruto !”

“You are coming out!”

Naruto’s little face instantly turned black.

MMP, I am looking for you to provoke you!

All come to destroy the good things of Laozi!

“Naruto Jun… let’s go out, don’t worry about the wooden man elder sister.”

Naruto is very angry.

I bowed directly to Hinata’s cheek.

Naruto exhales one breath saying: “Call, it’s not that mad now, let’s go.”

Hinata: “Hey…”

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