Supreme Naruto

Chapter 537

Naruto feels very good after it fuses the first generation cells.

Although there is all sorts of pains in the fusion, the Strength that can’t be restrained in the body makes it extraordinarily smooth.

The next question is whether or not to merge with Hinata.

It stands to reason that it is necessary.

But…the pain, Naruto is a bit reluctant.

“In the daytime, give me a copy of the Hinata train (ing) data.”

Upon receiving the order from Naruto, the information about calling Hinata from the teacher panel was sent to Naruto at the fastest speed.

These are some video clips. Below the video is a data analysis of the medical perception barrier for Hinata’s body function.

After seeing Hinata’s information, Naruto’s mood is a bit complicated. “Hinata, has she been working so hard?”

The data shows that each time Hinata’s train (ing), the body is close to the body can withstand the maximum range of safety.

To achieve this level, you need an extremely determined will to overcome the tiredness of the body.

At the same time, it can be seen that although Hinata did not attend the Mercenary Academy course, she has not been idle.

Because of this strength of train (ing), the body itself needs to have very good quality.

The reason why Hinata did not go to the Mercenary Academy should be similar to that of the Sasuke guy, that is, not wanting to waste the time of traditional shinobi practice.

However, in Naruto’s view, the understanding of the essence of Strength, train (ing) itself is essential.

The main thing is the understanding of Rule.

Not to mention anything else, Sage Mode is the simplest example.

Knowing Rule, using Rule, and getting higher privileges, can be truly extraordinary.

It is also the real practice.

Not to mention Sage Mode, let Naruto fuse the primary cells.

This quality improvement will never be achieved by forging every day.

Of course, the first generation of cell strengthening is only one aspect.

To play the true Strength, there is also a practice of the body.

Kaidō: “After I took over train(ing) Hinata, she has been working so hard.”

After listening to the words, Naruto had a decision in mind.

To be precise, after Naruto sees Hinata’s train(ing) data, there is a decision.

Whether Hinata blends with the first generation cells, let Hinata decide for themselves.

On the same day, when Hinata was doing the Second Stage train (ing), Naruto called Hinata down.

Later, Hinata may not have the Stamina of Stamina against primary cells.

“Hinata, I will tell you something.”

Hinata’s nodded.

Naruto took a deep breath and organized the language again.

“Hinata, I have a way to improve Strength, I need to endure tremendous pain, you… want to try?”

There was no unexpected look in Hinata’s eyes.

In fact, Hinata has noticed since Naruto transformed the Dragonhawk.

Hinata’s firm nodded, “I want.”

Hinata answered simply.

Naruto asked: “You don’t ask what to do first?”

Hinata sweet with a smile : “No, Naruto Jun has experimented for me.”

Hearing this sentence, Naruto knew that what he did should be known to Hinata.

The promotion of the Dragon Eagle and his ascension.

This girl…

Naruto slammed Hitata’s face and praised it: “Not bad, not stupid.”

After praising Hinata, Naruto’s expression was also serious. “However, this method needs to endure great pain.”

“On Spirit, there is also physical.”

“It takes a great will to get through.”

Hinata nodded seriously: “I will definitely stick to it.”

Naruto nodded, no more emphasis.

With the decision, Naruto chose to believe in Hinata.

“You wait here first, I am going to prepare.”

Let Hinata rest in his room and Naruto comes to the lab.

Danzo’s arm is still half.

Naruto pulled out the grass sword and cut a large piece of meat.

The meat left the whole and shrank directly into a ball, like a round meat ball.

Even a big fist, this amount can be quite a lot, only a little smaller than Naruto fusion.

Naruto put Danzo’s arms up and down.

Above, there is only one place that can accommodate the size of one eye of Naruto.

“Hinata, come in.”

The lab door opened and Hinata came in.

Hinata glanced through the lab.

The blood in the lab has been cleaned up and the dents have been re-patched by Naruto.

But the vagueness in the air can still smell a trace of blood.

Where is the fusion?

Certainly not on the chest.

It would be vulgar to have the face of the first generation on the chest.

Naruto’s gaze looked at Hinata’s body.

The best place to blend is naturally the center of the body.

After several experiments, especially once experienced by myself, Naruto has a deeper understanding of the first generation of cells than Level 1.

The first generation of will contained in the first generation cells is not only the primary factor affecting the fusion, but also the Limit of the first generation of cells.

Wipe away the will, where Strength loses its constraints.

Therefore, the cells transplanted in this way are not condensed together, but the explosion generally sweeps the parties.

“Turn around.”

Hinata turned to the instructions of Naruto.

Hinata has replaced the train(ing) suit and replaced it with a normal white dress.

There is a zipper behind it.

Naruto pulled the zipper apart.

Inside, on the white back is the back strap of the bra.

Naruto touched the back strap and Hinata’s body shook abruptly.

Naruto is preparing to untie the strap, and Hinata’s hand suddenly grabs Naruto’s hand. “Naruto Jun… must you unlock it?”

Must be unlocked?

Naruto looks at Hinata Behind the whiteness, in fact… not the same.

Because other places are also possible.

Just now he was only subconscious…


Naruto swallowed quietly.

“Cough, don’t solve it, it’s ok.”

Hinata’s ears are redder.

Naruto pulled his scalpel in his head and pierced the skin under the strap.

Then paste the big meat balls of the first generation cells.

The first generation of cells spontaneously melted in when they felt the blood, and soon the big face of the first generation appeared behind Hinata.

But strange, but no wooden texture.

There is also no such thing as engulfing the Hinata body.

Naruto waited for a moment and nothing happened.

It can only be said that the will of the first generation accepted Hinata.

It is clear that the Hyuga family, Hamura Ōtsutsuki’s bloodline.

However, Naruto was able to feel that the strength of the first generation cells was controlled by the will of the first generation around the face, and there was no sign of spread.

This is not what Naruto wants. This fusion is not really a fusion of Naruto.

And Naruto doesn’t want to touch the big face of the first generation.

Naruto’s Spiritual Body enters the first generation of cells and will wipe out!

The will is erased, and the enormous Spiritual Force and the vitality contained in the cell are completely erupted.

Hinata’s body is directly curled into prawns.

Do you want to leave Hinata to bear it yourself?

Suddenly Naruto regretted that he would erase the will of the first generation.

How to say it is also a fusion.

Don’t have to endure the pain.

But now it’s too late to say anything.

Sharingan turned into Mangekyō Sharingan and Naruto stared at Hinata.

“hold onto……”

“I love you!”

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