Supreme Naruto

Chapter 536

The two were waiting outside the door of Naruto by the wooden man. I wanted to wait for Naruto to come out and ask for it.

But I didn’t expect Naruto to come out for six hours.

At this time, not only the two were outside the door of Naruto by the wooden man, but Hinata also came.

“You said… what is he doing inside?”

Although Naruto didn’t come out, there was a loud noise in the lab. When it was intense, it felt a tremor at the foot, just like an earthquake.

Hinata’s face was worried. “He said nothing, let’s eat first.”

It is true that the two people calculated the time by the wooden man.

Probed: “Would you like to go eat?”

Just after this sentence was asked, the two people felt that they were simply stupid.

Hinata can only eat when it comes to eating.

Sure enough, Hinata’s courtesy of Kaidō: “I am not hungry. If you are hungry, go first. I am here to wait.”

The two were waved by the wooden man. “I am not hungry, wait a second, this guy is really not worrying.”

At this moment, the door was finally opened, Naruto changed his clothes, and it seemed that he had taken a shower from the water vapor that had not been scattered.

The two were not done by the wooden man. “What are you doing? Did you even take a shower and change your clothes? Do you know how long we have been waiting for you?”

But when the complaints were said, the two people found that Naruto in front of them seemed to be somewhat different.

The skin seems whiter and very delicate, and it seems that if you look at it, you can get out of the water.

Even Naruto’s body…and the scent of the drums.

“You a big man, what did you rub on your body?”

Naruto was stunned by two questions that were bombarded by wooden people.

He also doesn’t want to change clothes, but because of the Outbreak of Strength in the first generation of cells, he can toss him enough.

The clothes are all blood, and there is no way to wear them.

“You are waiting for me, that’s really embarrassing, let’s go eat.”

Naruto took Hinata’s hand, but Hinata also sniffed carefully. “Naruto Jun… What’s so good in your body, what skin care products are you using?”

The two were followed by the wooden man: “Don’t hide and tell me what it is, I don’t despise you as a big man.”

Naruto raised his arm and smelled it.

“I have a taste on my body? How can I not smell it myself?”

See both girls look at themselves, a serious look.

Naruto smelled it himself and then smelled it on Hinata.

The red face that Hinata smells is red.

Then Naruto smelled the second person by the wooden man.

The two men’s faces were blacked out.

A look disgusted: “What are you doing? You are very wretched, do you know?”

Naruto looked at the two people with a contemptuous look: “I also said that I am wretched, you are not wretched, I am out of the news.”

Ok, this sentence puts Hinata in.

Hinata’s face is redder.

Then the two did not argue again on this, and the three went to eat together.

Does it really taste?

Naruto also smelled it from time to time.

He took a shower and rushed straight out of the water, then Chakra put Tremor outside, no bathing products, no hair.

And did not rub anything.

Naruto touched his skin and said how.

It feels like touching the small hand of Hinata.

It must be the reason for the first generation of cells!

After the meal, the two men looked at Naruto by the wooden man and looked strange.

“That… Naruto, I think you are wearing a skirt, more beautiful.”

Naruto’s face is dark.

Not to mention that he really walked through the skirt.

That is already the old yellow calendar a year ago.

It was the pit of the president.

Well, that black history he doesn’t want to think about it.

I didn’t expect Hinata to suddenly admire with a smile: “Naruto is really beautiful when wearing a skirt.”

The two were looked at Hinata by the wooden man, and Naruto really went through the skirt.

Naruto slammed into Hinata, “Do I walk through the skirt?”

Seeing Naruto’s dark face, Hinata also realized that she seemed to speak.

A nervous question asked: “Is that going through?”

Naruto’s face is darker.

The two men were hurriedly pulling Hinata’s little hand. “Let’s talk to the elder sister, don’t worry if he dares to take you.”

It was said that Hinata was run away by the wooden man.

Naruto blushes in contact with the hand: “Recently you have arranged the training (ing) of those gimmicks, right?”

Hundreds of hands quickly replied: “Yes, Hinata is particularly good.”

Naruto asked: “What about the two men?”

Kaidō: “It’s also good. As Jinchūriki, her physical fitness is also top-notch. Her Physique is flexible, and the speed is fast and the endurance is almost the same.”

Naruto corner of the mouth, “Well, then I see that this guy’s energy is a little overdone.”

“Give her another doubling of the train(ing) amount. If it is not finished, it is not allowed to train (ing).”

If you say this, if you can’t hear it, you will be confused.

Quickly guarantee: “Yes! Guarantee to complete Quest.”

There is only a small episode between Hinata and two other wooden people.

After the two girls left, Naruto began to feel her own changes.

I knew that Hinata was waiting outside the door, so I was in a hurry for taking a bath or changing clothes.

Now calm down and recheck the body, Naruto finds that his changes are really not small.

The enhancement on Strength is only one of them. The big change is that his body seems to be a little thinner than in the past.

The muscles are no longer fluffy and more firm, and each muscle fiber seems to be a straightened wire.

There is also a vision.

In the past, Naruto relied on Sharingan to feel refreshed and cheerful.

But now my own eyes have also been strengthened.

Naruto raised his hand and floated in front of the ice mirror.

Naruto’s face is reflected in the mirror.

Naruto stared at Sharingan in the mirror, some disappointed, Sharingan or Sharingan didn’t seem to have Evolution into Rinnegan.

“Don’t you, are you not busy now?”

Naruto asked personally, even if he was busy, he would not be busy.

The main thing is that the mouthparts before Naruto are still angry.

“Not busy!”

Naruto was very satisfied with the answer: “Go, go to train(ing) and compare it on the field.”

Naruto wants to be familiar with the current body.

Because of the strange power, Naruto’s control over Strength is not out of control. He will not step on the ground with a foot, or accidentally pinch the chopsticks.

In terms of combat, it has to be played before I know.

Snowy mountain train(ing) on ​​the field.

Carefully asked in a thousand hands: “How do we sparr?spar?”

Naruto’s answer is concise: “On Body Technique.”

After the negotiation ended, the two started playing.

In the middle of the hand, the Body Technique of the Hyuga family is used.

Byakugan (roll eyes) is replaced by a perceptual barrier.

Naruto took a sigh of relief and the simple Strength broke out.

Straight punch!

I want to use my strength to use my strength.

I didn’t expect Naruto Strength to erupt, but she gave her the power of the sea.

He only felt this kind of gas field from his brother who loved and hated.

One does not pay attention, “bang!”

Naruto’s hand passed through the hands of the hand of the hand, and a fist hit the chest between the hands!

For a moment, thousands of hands still stand in the same place, but the chest has been bombarded with such exaggerated holes.

Naruto didn’t chase after, “Are you so waste? How do you slip through?”

The shattered part of the body of the hand was turned into ashes, and gathered back from all directions.

The chest is quickly refilled.

But the shock to Naruto in the hands of the hand is not so easy to make up.

“How can your body be so strong?”

“I actually let me have the illusion of playing with my brother.”

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