Supreme Naruto

Chapter 535

When the singer took the base of the country where the underground exchange was located, the trouble came.

This is the second stronghold of the humiliation.

The trouble is not from the underground exchanges, but also the major countries, but the Akatsuki Organization.

Rain Country, Akatsuki Organization Conference.

The Outer Road Golem is on ten fingers, and the Akatesuki Organization has ten members.

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko stares at Hidan: “Humble and still alive.”

In a word, let everyone look at Hidan.

As for the flying squirrel, it was ignored.

Being watched by so many people, Hidan felt that the pressure was really a bit big.

“Here is the death of the hung, isn’t he brought back his body?”

Everyone thought about it, and Hidan did bring back a body.

Then the line of sight was transferred to the face of Heavenly Dao Pain.

Absolutely start to talk: “But I saw that humble and still alive.”

Hidan didn’t know Naruto’s plan. He heard this sentence without a wrinkle. Said with displeasure: “Do you mean that the body I brought back is fake?”

Kisame Hoshigaki said with a smile : “In any case, there are two possibilities. If you want to kill, it is fake. If you want to live, it is fake.”

“But if I want to see it, I won’t have to solve it directly.”

Deidara agreed: “Yeah, don’t let Hidan take a trip.”

The missile smashed Deidara and said, “When you take a trip, you will take a trip. But if you want to make it clear, the one I killed before is definitely not fake. If it is fake, this person is fake.”

Others didn’t care too much.

Just wondering that this kind of thing doesn’t seem to be a group meeting.

Although they have been quite idle recently.

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko heard that Hidan is willing to take a look at nodded. “Very good, then this fake humble call will be handed over to you, at the same time I will follow you.”


In the first half of the sentence, everyone is still nodding, and the last sentence is for everyone.

Boss want to shoot?

This is really too Rare.

The ability of that humble to be able to let Boss shoot.

For the Six Path Pain’s Strength, everyone is clear.

There was no Young Master challenge when I came.

Of course, the most shocking is Naruto.

He thought that the Akatsuki Organization would value the underground exchange.

But I did not expect to pay attention to this level.

At the end of the Akatsuki Organization meeting, Naruto’s Spiritual Body returned to the ontology.

At the Snowy Mountain Institute, Naruto paced up in his own room.

If Naruto wants to, he can play hide and seek with Six Path.

Nothing else, because of the rings of the Akatsuki Organization, Naruto has mastered the movements of the Akatesuki Organization.

Plus this time Quest Hidan is still with Six Path.

But Naruto suddenly had a bold idea in his heart.

Spirit Spirit Network contacted Dragon Eagle Road: “You five come over.”

The dragon eagle is originally a bear, with certain wisdom. After transplanting the primary cells, learning the Ability will also be strengthened.

Naruto gave them an identity card.

A gust of wind blew, and a dragon eagle flew up from below.

Five dragon eagle, dragon one to dragon five, all blended with the first generation of cells.

When the five dragon eagle flew over, they caused the attention of two people.

I couldn’t help but mutter: “What is this guy going to do?”

Then I smashed it up.

As he approached, Naruto disappeared with a dragon eagle, leaving only four dragon hawks who seemed to be waiting for the soldiers.

The two were not knocked by Naruto’s door, and they were waiting outside with the dragon eagle.

She has a hunch that Naruto definitely wants to do things.

Five minutes later, the lab door opened and a dragon eagle flew out from it.

The two tails noticed the dragon eagle’s eyes at a glance.

Not Hawk Eyes! But Sharingan!

Naruto This guy transplanted his own Sharingan to the eagle?

What is this guy going to do?

The lab door was open, it was a gate that opened on the stone wall.

It is a place where a large body is added to enter.

Naruto didn’t come out, and then the second dragon eagle seemed to be ordered to fly in from the gate.

The dragon eagle flew in, as if the gate of the gate was closed again.

Five minutes later, let the two people can’t believe that the second dragon’s eyes were also transplanted by Sharingan!

Another one! How many Sharingans Naruto has!

The dragon eagle that came out felt the eyes of the wooden man, and turned it around.

The two were seen by the wooden man on the other side of the dragon eagle… and it was also Sharingan!

Three Sharingan? Wait for the two that will not be transplanted before!


The lab door was open and the third one flew in.

The two were swallowed by the wooden man.

Look around and look at the remaining two.

There was a bold idea inside the head.

It won’t… these also have to transplant Sharingan?


No… impossible!

The Uchiha family is extinct.

The second person was thinking about it, and the third one flew out.

Another pair of Sharingan.

Then the fourth one flew in.

The two people are hard to breathe by the wooden people.

She knows that her guess may be true.

It is very likely that the five dragon hawks will be transplanted to Sharingan.

but! Naruto, where are so many Sharingans!

It’s hard to be… It’s hard to be… Uchiha is also related to Naruto?

Not right, how old Naruto was at that time?

Or… there are other people behind Naruto!

For a time, the two teakers suddenly felt that they could not understand the World.

The fourth dragon eagle flew out.

Eight Sharingan!

The fifth one flew in.

This visual impact…

The two tails suddenly made up their minds to ask Naruto!

However, after the fifth dragon eagle flew out, Naruto did not come out.

The two were continued by the wooden man at the door of Naruto.

The fifth dragon eagle did not fly away, and it was not far away to stare at the two wooden people.

In the lab, Naruto looks at Danzo’s arm.

At this point, there is only one eye left on the arm, which is his one.

“Is it the first generation of cells transplanted to White Zetsu, or the cells on the arm of Danzo?”

Danzo’s arm is different from White Zetsu.

The difference is that the primary cells on Danzo’s arm were extracted directly from the original Hokage.

White Zetsu is the first generation of cells cultivated by the god tree.

Which is strong?

From the perspective of the vitality of the implication, the two seem to be equal, mainly because Danzo’s arm holds eleven Sharingans.

Otherwise the first generation cells on Danzo’s arm are absolutely a few streets on White Zetsu.

“Preserved eggs, do you want to combine these two?”

Preserved eggs are obviously higher levels of life, so Naruto is willing to believe in the judgment of the preserved eggs.

Pre-spoken start: “Do you want to integrate this into your body?”

Naruto nodded: “This thing should improve my Strength.”

Then, without waiting for Naruto to react, Danzo’s arm suddenly lost a lot.

Only leave a row of creases after the bite.

Naruto : “???”

what happened?

In Spirit World, the mouth of the preserved egg chewed again.

Naruto stunned, “What do you eat? Can you eat this?”

Then Naruto felt that the body suddenly got hot and hotter, and a huge vitality broke out in his within the body!

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