Supreme Naruto

Chapter 534

The body of the nine tails is still expanding, and the circular vacancies inside the Snowy Mountains are no longer sufficient.

A flying sword flew out of the body of the nine-tailed body and skyrocketed and flew out of the Daxueshan Institute.

Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)!

The nine-tailed body disappears.

When it reappeared, it was already outside the snowy mountains.

At this time, the nine tails are a hundred meters high and continue to expand.

Naruto’s Spirit World.

Naruto and the preserved egg look calm at the eyes of the nine tails.

“Preserved eggs, can you eat negative emotions?”

The preserved egg nodded: “Yes, but… will affect you.”

Influence yourself?

Naruto shook the shook head: “That’s it.”

Originally Naruto thinks that the Yin Attribute will be resurrected in the form of an individual.

I did not expect that the nine tails came out directly from the seal.

The nine tails are getting bigger and bigger, and the nine-tailed projection of consciousness in the Spirit Space is getting bigger.

Suddenly, the nine tails opened their eyes, huge as if a house’s eyes looked down on Naruto.

“You… damn it!”

Naruto looks at the nine tails that I saw in front of my eyes.

Although the nine tails are still nine tails, it is obviously not the one he knows.

Nine-tailed “呜呜” threatening voice, casually opened his mouth and bite Naruto.

Naruto didn’t move, three tomoe Sharingan changed directly into Mangekyō Sharingan.

“Hone to be honest!”

Shout out loudly, Mangekyō Sharingan!

Nine tails were directly settled.

Naruto did not reprint the nine tails back.

Since the nine tails can bring back the dead Chakra, the nine-tailed Chakra, let him take back all the Chakra.

In a blink of an eye, two hours passed.

Muni sent a message.

“I am in the country of soup.”

Naruto Kaidō: “Well, wait a minute.”

Naruto ordered the nine tails: “Go back!”

The nine-tailed body returned to Seal Space.

For a time, the huge Chakra is like a whale, sucking back into the cage.

“Preserved eggs, seal him.”

Prey Kaidō: “You can also seal, my Ability is yours.”

Naruto thought, and the seal on the iron cage re-locked the door under the control of Naruto.

“Naruto Jun!”

Nine tails were re-sealed in the seal and Naruto’s body returned to normal.

Hinata sees Naruto and it’s gonna fly over.

“I’m fine, don’t worry.”

Naruto licked the brain of Hinata.

“I will go out and come back soon.”

Hinata listened to Naruto, and quickly said, “Take me one.”

Feeling that Hinata is worried about herself, Naruto’s heart is warm.

“No, I will be back in ten minutes.”

Naruto contacted Muni Road: “Call me.”

An aperture appeared at the foot of Naruto.



Naruto’s figure disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already in the country of Tang.

“Flying for two hours in a row, I am exhausted!”

After seeing Naruto, Muniy complained.

Naruto also saw that Muni’s face was a little white.

“You didn’t use synthetic Chakra?”

If there is no synthesis, the full power of the two hours of transporting Chakra can be half life.

“Used, you may not see me without synthesizing, but even using Chakra to convert to Vapour Style is very tiring.”

“Let’s say, how do you reward me?”

Today, Muni completed Quest and did a lot of work.

Naruto is very satisfied.

As for the reward, give a first generation cell?

It feels good.

“There will be rewards. When the underground exchange is rectified, I will award you a prize.”

When I heard the reward, Muni’s eyes lit up: “Really? What?”

Naruto is not going to say the first generation cells now.

Besides, that thing does not necessarily know when it comes out.

Road: “Secret.”

Muni stared at Naruto and found that after seeing nothing, she threatened: “That can be satisfied with me.”

Naruto said with a smile : “Package you are satisfied.”

“Well, you can rest in the country of Tang, or you can go straight back, I will let you take a day off.”

Say Naruto turned and left.

Muni is like a small tail behind the ass: “What about you? What are you going to do?”

But the next moment Naruto suddenly disappeared.

The monk opened the perceptual barrier scan and found nothing around.

Anxious, squatting: “What, don’t ask!”

Wildwood Hot Springs Inn.

Since he had promised to return to Hinata in ten minutes, Naruto naturally had to make a quick decision.

Fortunately, the six-tailed Jinchūriki is now in the room and is convenient for Naruto.

Like the way to deal with the seven-tailed Jinchūriki, Naruto contacts Jinchūriki with a Spirit link.

Then vocalizes Jinchūriki when the Spirit link is established, and instantly launches Mangekyō Sharingan.

The seven-tailed class was successful.

The seven-tailed Chakra is parsed.

Prey curiously: “Why don’t you grab it now? Give it to the Akatsuki Organization, which will save you a lot of time.”

Naruto Kaidō: “No hurry, let the Akatsuki Organization not waste too much time on its own.”

Come quietly and walk quietly.

After Naruto left the hot spring hotel, he found Hinata: “Okay, when things are done, call me back.”

Hinata has been waiting for Naruto’s news.


Seeing Naruto again, Hinata hasn’t started to talk yet. The two people around him are asking by the wooden man: “What happened to Jiuwei? Didn’t you talk to Jiuwei?”

When it comes to the nine tails, Naruto’s heart is very uncomfortable.

“Nine tails…”

“This explains a little trouble.”

“You can understand…the nine Amnesia.”

The two were not understood by the wooden man, and Naruto did not intend to continue explaining.

The former Hinata’s hand left.

The two people also want to ask again, but they shut up when they thought about it.

She is only a little worried about Naruto.

Tail Beast does not work with the host, it is dangerous to enter the Tail Beast mode.

I don’t think Naruto seems to be a problem since there is Sharingan.

Just nine tails…

“And travel, can you understand what Naruto is saying?”

The two-tailed expression is also very serious. “Nine tails are definitely a problem. No wonder this guy didn’t see me this time.”

The two were questioned by the wooden man: “What is the problem?”

The two tails are uncertain: “Some guesses, but…nothing.”

Seeing the two ends and not talking, the two were asked by the wooden man; “You tell me your guess first.”

Two-tailed Kaidō: “It’s Amnesia that Naruto said.”

“But Amnesia is only experienced by death, and there is no reason for it to suddenly Amnesia.”

The two were frowned by the wooden man: “Just Amnesia?”

The two tails slammed again. “What do you do with the tube? The trick is a prisoner. Why didn’t you just escape?”

The two people who were told by the two men were stunned.

But what is said is also reasonable.

Naruto left now, why didn’t she escape?

“On ten minutes… How far can I escape?”

“The guy’s Ability will definitely catch me, and the Hinata Strength is also very good.”

Today two more

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