Supreme Naruto

Chapter 533

Quest goal: feather height

Sex: Male.

Height: 1.7 m eight.

Features: Like to blow bubbles, use the bubble type Ninjutsu.

In a hot spring hotel in Tangzhiguo, a casual woman glanced at the man who was sitting on the tree raft and blowing bubbles.

The specific characteristics have been matched, the name and whether Ninjutsu will not confirm, but that is not important, her Quest has been completed.

Subsequent explorations will be done by others.

The woman walked naturally under the tree.

After returning to the room, I recorded the information and psychic out a small bird like a sparrow.

The woman handed the information-recording Scroll to the bird, and the bird swallowed a scroll that was several times larger than the body.

Then, the smog of “bang!” disappeared.

The day, noon.

Naruto, who studied in Daxueshan, received a message from the singer.

“Boss, six-tailed Jinchūriki has been found.”

Say Naruto received information about the six-tailed Jinchūriki.

Tang Zhiguo, Wildwood Hot Spring Hotel, 202 room.

Check-in time: 4 hours, expected to leave: tomorrow.

“well done.”

Click on the map, Tang Zhiguo is at the junction of the country of fire and the country of Lei.

In the map… the nearest…

In the country of water, that is, humble them.

Naruto contacted the three girls in Tangzhiguo: “You have the fastest speed, how long it will take to get to the country of soup.”

Muni Kaidō: “My speed is the fastest, I am Vapour Style, armed armor with wings full power flight, can arrive in two hours.”

The armored armor is a uniform specification, and what kind of weapon is equipped to look at personal hobbies.

As for the wing, there is only one at present.

Only suitable for Muni’s Vapour Style.

Because the flight principle uses the jet proposed by Naruto.

“Then you will immediately go to the country of Tang, and notify me upon arrival.”

Hanging up the call, Naruto continues to transplant the first generation of cells to the Dragon Eagle.

This is the fourth one.

Erasing the first generation will in the first generation of cells.

Naruto used Mangekyō Sharingan to give a hint to the fourth one and left.

After the six-tailed Chakra is parsed, the nine Tail Beasts have only three tails and nine halves.

Then there are ten tails left.

To resurrect ten tails, Jinchūriki within the body of Tail Beast has to be pulled out.

But the problem is that Tail Beast is pulling away and Jinchūriki is going to die.

Naruto has the other half and nine tails to replace.

But the two are not by the wooden people.

There is also the guy of Gaara, and I am also a dry younger brother.

Add a Killer B ratio?

Naruto’s consciousness sneaked into the nine-tailed Seal Space.

The nine-tailed cage has been pulled out of the hole by a number of holes, and the lock on the main seal has been bitten through a hole.

A few more copies of this seal will almost be lifted.

“Naruto, how many bites do you let the preserved eggs bite?”

Nine tails with a praying look at at Naruto.

The last time I thought I was going out at the end of the nine, the preserved egg suddenly said that she was full.

Naruto can’t see the preserved eggs. This is deliberately disgusting.

Naruto nodded, he is here today to see when the seal is lifted, the nine tails can still continue in his body, or will leave.

Spirit network.

Naruto contacted the flying squirrel: “Preserved eggs, come back and eat the nine-tailed cage.”

Soon the eggs were drilled out of the vortex.

Snow white little fox looks unhappy at the look at the nine tails.


After biting down, the nine-tailed cage was bitten off.

The location is a new place to find.

It is far from the ground that was bitten before.

Nine tails eagerly pointed at the lock. “Eat it, you don’t have to worry about it.”

However, the little guy simply ignored the nine tails.

Nine-tailed help to look at Naruto.

Well, this little guy is still angry with the nine tails.

“Take the lock.”

When you heard Naruto, the egg was a mouthful, “Hey.” swallowed.

Then take another bite.

The gap is locked.

Nine tails stared at the door lock.

Just every bite is a small bite and a bite.

Jiuwei rushed to scratch the heart.

This time Naruto did not urge the preserved eggs.

There is always a small mouth, there is always a bite.

What’s more, Naruto also thinks that the nine-tailed look is very fun.

Even the ones I saw were recorded as videos.


The door locks were eaten, and the round lock in the middle of the seal door opened.

Nine tails rushed directly outside.

However, a new lock suddenly appeared and locked the door again.


Nine tails slammed into the door, and the current formed by the force of the seal hit the nine tails and flew back to the nine-tailed bomb.

The seal seems to be stronger than before!

Where is the lock?

The nine-tailed eyes are round, and then look at the smirk of a smug look.

Nine tails couldn’t help but learn Naruto and sweared: “Rely!”

Naruto didn’t hold back and laughed directly: “pū!”

This video has great commemorative significance.

When Naruto laughed enough.

“Okay, don’t bully the little nine, let it out.”

Because the lock is made up of the preserved egg, it doesn’t need to be eaten. The preserved egg will move, and the seal will be “small, and the cockroach will open.”

The iron gate opened wide and the nine tails stepped out.

The Snowy Mountain Institute, Naruto body suddenly emerged from the red Chakra, like the boiling Magma.

One tail, two tails, three tails…

Naruto’s red Chakra continues to expand.

The figure is rapidly rising from two meters.

Five or six meters to ten meters.


The nine-tailed Chakra broke out.

Sixth tail!

A huge fox appeared in the snowy mountain to study the interior of the mountain body.

The gas field formed by the violent Ability will be awakened by the two teakers who took a nap in the room.

What happened!

The two men whispered by the wooden man within the body: “Old Man is eccentric.”

The two were rushed out of the house by the wooden man and soon saw the nine tails.

The nine-tailed body is still skyrocketing.

Pulling from a dozen meters to tens of meters.

The seventh tail!

The two were shocked by the wooden man. “Is this the nine-strength Strength?”

Hinata also rushed over.

“Naruto Jun!”

Naruto in the Spirit network appeased the two to: “I’m fine.”

The steel and iron at the foot of Naruto have been deformed by the stepping on.

Naruto jumped down and jumped directly to Level 1.

This is spacious.

The eighth tail!

Naruto’s body continues to swell.

Article 9!

Naruto was completely turned into nine tails.

Then suddenly an alien Strong joined the body of Naruto.

More and more.

Naruto stunned.

The preserved egg swallowed the Strength.

“The half of the ninth Attribute Chakra.”

There are more and more Strengths gathered together.

The nine tails that have stopped growing continue to rise.

And there is an ominous atmosphere.

A negative emotion of formidable broke out from the nine tails.

The nine tails of the fire red become dark red.

The two were stunned by the wooden eyes, big eyes, and said: “What happened! Nine tails did not accept Naruto!”

This arrogant atmosphere is very familiar to the wooden people.

When she first saw the two tails, the two tails looked like this.

There is a destructive will to eat people all over the body!

Naruto’s soul World, the nine tails closed the eyes, and the lost part of the memory in my mind was remembered again.

Those originally belong to the Yin Attributes of the nine-tailed memory.

Nine tails showed a fierce face.

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