Supreme Naruto

Chapter 521

When Naruto returned to the bedroom.

It was found that a thousand hands lying on his sofa seemed to be asleep.

The floating aperture of Naruto’s front operating panel locks the hand.

System Tip: “The goal is at the Mercenary Academy.”

System Tip: “Voice messages from thousands of hands.”

Naruto click to answer.

Thousands of hands: “I arranged my homework to go to class immediately.”

A thousand hands in class?

Naruto wants to go and listen, but I haven’t been to Naruto to find a place to lie in the Mercenary Academy, and wake up in a thousand hands.

“I am still reminding you so soon, I am going to attend your class.”

Naruto is having a fun.

Kaidō: “It’s just fine, so I answered the questions of several students.”

Is this blaming me for coming back late?

Ok, it’s a while, it’s really late to play for one afternoon.

The main thing is to play with Hinata very rarely. I am also happy to see Hinata today. I have visited the country of snow.

“Right, that two-tailed Jinchūriki is also your student.”

“I arranged her Quest for the first time, oh.”

If you know, Sasuke will be very happy.

“However, it is not such a simple matter to win the top spot.”

“At least half a year should not pose a threat to Sasuke.”

Naruto is also very clear about the system of the Mercenary Academy.

There is no upper limit for credits and there is no upper limit for subjects.

Of course, this subject does not refer to a category.

Take medical Ninjutsu for example.

There are also many small categories in a large category.

Each subcategory has exclusive credits.

After completing the study, you will receive credits when you complete the exam.

Therefore, Sasuke, who first occupied the top of the list, must have a huge advantage.

The two people want to catch up with the wooden people, they must first catch up the credits one by one.

“I feel that two months, two people can catch up with Sasuke, or do you want to gamble?”

The difference between the three months and the half year is half.

I was a little surprised by the thousand hands. “You are so optimistic about the two men?”

Naruto bad said with a smile : “I am not optimistic about her, I am not optimistic about Sasuke.”

“The Sasuke guy will definitely shift more energy to cultivation after he has taken the first place in the battle list, so this credit is an advantage but it is just an advantage.”

Nodded in a thousand hands, “You seem to make a point, but I still don’t think I can catch up in three months.”

“Gambling is OK, what do you want to bet?”

Naruto corner of the mouth: “Gambling, if the existence of the whirlpool is known to your brother, when the time when the teacher asked the sin, whoever took this thing down, you lost your resistance, I lost my resistance. ”

Naruto is squatting in the middle of the hand, and Naruto is holding a handful of hands.

In the end, I nodded decisively: “Bet!”

The two clap, Naruto reminded: “But you can’t tell Sasuke that the second person is going to grab the first, and can’t turn the corner to remind you that you can add lessons but the quality of the course I will investigate if there is a suspicion of sending points… …oh, you are terrible.”

I don’t bother to pay attention to it: “The kind of little tricks I don’t bother to do, but the course you said…”

Naruto Kaidō: “Because the course starts, the old rules come, the public class, other students can participate, you can watch the video to participate in the evaluation.”

Everything was negotiating, and the two people looked at each other and laughed.

Now that Senju Hashirama is back, the stronger the pillar between the pillars, the greater the power of the whirlpool.

It is good to be able to send it out.

“Well, let me teach Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) now.”

“But I am a bit worried about my Talent in the haze.”

Thousands of hands swayed, and vowed: “You are so pitted, and the Talent in the haze is definitely not lacking.”

Naruto: “…”

“I said seriously.”

Kaidō: “Then I answered seriously, since you can make a fantasy, it means that your Talent in the haze is no problem.”

“Light Style and Haze are a branch of the Yin Light Style.”

“Yin Light Style is the creation of the world, the haze is responsible for creating tangible from the invisible, Light Style is responsible for injecting life into the tangible things.”

This statement Naruto knows.

Thousands of hands: “Follow me, I built a separate classroom at the Mercenary Academy, classroom number S012.”

Naruto was surprised. “Building a classroom, you shouldn’t be… Want to use Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) as an open class?”

Thousands of hands nodded: “I teach you, record the image, and then put it in the elective subject.”

Put out Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu)?

Will it be a bit too big?

Wait, this is not the point.

Naruto pointed at himself: “You want to record the image, then do I have to record it? I am the principal, if it is seen by the students…”

Thousands of hands scorned: “The three-person line must have my teacher, choose the good person from it, this is what you said.”

Naruto stared at the eyes and wanted to refute what Confucius said.

If you think about it, don’t destroy your tall image.

Naruto shrugged helplessly, went to the place to lie down, and then entered the Mercenary Academy.

At this time, I asked a thousand hands: “How many credits does Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) award?”

Naruto replied casually: “Sin-level Ninjutsu, isn’t it unified 1000 credits?”

Naruto suddenly reacted. “Do you want Sasuke to learn this?”

Suddenly, Naruto found that a handful of laughter was also very lascivious.

Sasuke haze is definitely fine.

If you learn this, you will be 1000 credits.

Tsk tsk 啧.

Originally at 1st place, plus 1000 credits, how many streets are there?

Have to think of a way.

Um… that S-class Ninjutsu is suitable for two people by the wooden…

It’s better not to be suitable for Sasuke.

In this way, Hehehehe 嘿.

The way Naruto counterattacks is simple, that is, he also starts classes.

Coincidentally, he also has a lot of S Level Ninja skills.

Multiple shadows!

For a Jinchūriki, it is definitely the amount of Chakra.

Naruto lying in bed smiled.

System Tip: “Entering the Mercenary Academy requires that the body is in an absolutely safe place.”

System Tip: “If security is not completely guaranteed, please turn on the Security System.”

System Tip: “Do you want to turn on the Security System?”

Naruto Choice: Yes.

System Tip: “The Security System is turned on and the security scan is one kilometer.”

System Tip: “Through the body nerve center motion signal transmission.”

System Tip: “Deep Spirit links start to build…”

“10%, 20%, 30%…”


Naruto shines on the login space.

A six-sided cube Space.

College Tip: “Please choose to enter style.”

Enter the style to enter normally, and enter directly into the designated classroom.

Normal entry will send the trainees to the school gate.

Participants will go to the school through the training grounds corridor.

Or the privileged class, there will be auxiliary tools for wings.

Specify classroom entry to enter the room number directly.

Naruto chooses the specified room number.

Enter: S012.

Naruto’s body disappears from the login space.

When it reappears, it is the S012 classroom.

It is not a classroom with a blackboard, a desk, or a desk bench.

It is a canyon version of the plum pile.

Broad and boundless.

“Are you sure the system that simulates Ninjutsu has stabilized?”

Naruto is somewhat suspicious, using Ninjutsu in the Hollow Academy of Reality to achieve the same effect as in reality, theoretically feasible.

Because the Spirit network can pass Chakra.

Of course, it is not really used, only the train(ing) effect is the same.

The principle is to scan the body condition with the identity card, and the body is released by the System to a minimum to release the weak chuck.

Scan to release the form of Chuck and determine if the operation was successful.

The released Chakra will be absorbed by the Spirit network.

The results will be reflected in the Hollow class in the classroom.

Kaidō: “Is this not a test?”

Naruto corner of the mouth: “Take me the president of the university as a teaching record. Do you still use my university president as a white mouse?”

The majesty of my university president!

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