Supreme Naruto

Chapter 522

Lei Zhiguo, Kumo Shinobi Village.

When Raikage returned to the village to learn that the two-tailed Jinchūriki was actually tied up, a thunder rose to the ground and rushed to the sky.

Subsequently, Kumo Shinobi village carried out diplomatic pressure on the village of Iwagakure Ninja.

Iwagakure Ninja village is required to return the two-tailed Jinchūriki, otherwise a full-scale war will be launched in the village of Iwagakure Ninja!

The mood of Tsuchikage can only be said to be no choice but to suffer in silence.

If the two-tailed Jinchūriki arrives, it will fight.

Tsuchikage thinks that the country of the earth has the two-tailed Ability to keep the robbed.

However, now the two-tailed Jinchūriki was rescued.

Did not put it to the sheep, but also provoked a sigh.

Country of the Earth, Iwagakure Ninja Village.

Tsuchikage office.

“Is it found? The shinobi of the steel shovel should not be much in this World.”

Anbu Ninja Kaidō: “In all the information, the shinobi of the steel shovel has shinobi hunting which was missing a few years ago in the village and a shinobi called bream.”

“The possibility of excluding the former is that there is a high probability of being humble.”

“But the look of the man does not match the information of the humble.”

Say, Anbu Ninja presented the collected hands to Tsuchikage.

Tsuchikage took it, and when he saw it, his brow wrinkled.

“This person turned out to be Konoha rebellious.”

“Well, the study of taboos fled the village.”

The behind of Tsuchikage is a girl in a red dress.

The girl sneaked a big eye and sneaked a glance.

This person is the discrimination of Tsuchikage, black soil.

“Rebellious… Doesn’t that mean that it has nothing to do with Konoha?”

The girl’s pretty voice is full of disappointment.

Tsuchikage Kaidō: “Hey! They say that rebellion is rebellion? Maybe it is the secret hidden by Konoha.”

The girl blinked: “What does the teacher mean?”

Tsuchikage blushes: “Since they are found, they can’t make them easy.”

Immediately, Tsuchikage picked up the brush and wrote it.

It is for Raikage.

There is no denial of the fact that the two-tailed Jinchūriki was kidnapped.

Then I also accounted for the two people who were saved.

This means that it is imperative now to find the two tails and let Raikage not lose sight of it because of anger.

After writing it, roll it to Anbu Ninja.

“Is the other cause of shinobi going to hunt down to find out?”

Anbu Ninja continued to report: “The damage caused by the dead shinobi was caused by Suiton (Water Release) Ninjutsu, but at the same time it was detected that all shinobi brain nerves were also traumatic, so it is speculated that the Illusion Technique was first. After being blocked by Suiton (Water Release), he died of breathing.”

“at the same time at Kirigakure’s spy, I learned that Kirigakure had the same cause of death three days ago.”

“So speculation may be a person.”

“Now I am checking the file to find shinobi that is good at this kind of Ninjutsu.”

Hearing this, Tsuchikage’s brow twisted into something: “I don’t have to check it, I already know who it is.”

Tsuchikage raised his hand and knocked on the Sun hole. “Go on, send the letter to Raikage.”

When Anbu Ninja left.

The little girl quietly asked: “Teacher, who is that person?”

Tsuchikage sighed, Kaidō: “A dead man, but now he is alive.”

Saying that Tsuchikage picked up the brush and drew a snake.

Tsuchikage smiled at the snake and looked like a self-deprecating.

The grievances between the villages of Kumo Shinobi and Iwagakure Ninja will certainly not be smoothed out by a letter.

The role of this letter is simply to postpone the war.

Unless you can find the two-tailed Jinchūriki.

At the same time Another effect of this letter is that as long as Kumo Shinobi village has doubts about Konoha, he is guilty of sin.

The contradiction will increase.

This Tsuchikage is not worried at all.

Because a few years ago, Kumo Shinobi village invaded Konoha and kidnapped the Hyuga family.

This time, if it is Konoha, the two-tailed Jinchūriki will also be said.

As long as Kumo Shinobi Village and Konoha are on the bar.

Then even add an ally to the village of Iwagakure Ninja.

An ally of an enemy enemy.

This will also alleviate the pressure and possible losses of the village of Iwagakure Ninja.

Of course, it is also possible to attract the hostility of Konoha.

In the case of Strong, which Konoha now shows, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Snow Country, Da Xueshan Research Institute.

The two were standing in front of Naruto by the wooden man, and they were responsible.

In the self-entanglement, there is a prayer.

“Naruto, you will put me back.”

“Otherwise, Kumo Shinobi Village and Iwagakure Ninja Village will be caught in the flames of war.”

Naruto didn’t care to eat a large glass of ice cream that Hinata gave him.

“Because you can pick up the war? You can see too much.”

The two were pointed to by the wooden man: “I am two-tailed Jinchūriki!”

Naruto still hangs on Lang’s Kaidō: “I am still a nine-tailed Jinchūriki.”

“You see that I disappeared and Konoha and who fought.”

The two were anxious, and seriously said: “This is not the same.”

“You defected yourself, and I was kidnapped by Tsuchigage.”

Naruto Kaidō: “Yeah, you know that you were tied up by Tsuchikage. Raikage is a good parent to teach Tsuchikage.”

The two were squatting by Naruto.

At this point Naruto’s image has only two words left in her heart: “Oh!”

“How come you can let me go!”

Naruto Meimei enjoyed a big cold drink.

Then use the spoon to point to himself: “Simple, beat me, or kill me, as long as you are stronger than me, then I want to keep you and can’t stay.”

The two people are even bigger by the beauty of the wooden man.

What Naruto said is justified and can’t be refuted.

“If I can beat you, I must educate you like the bear child you saw on the street yesterday!”

The bear child I saw yesterday?

Hinata gave two people a pair of ice cream, and gave a drink to the whirlpool, the hand, and Yakushi Kabuto.

I just ran back at this time.

I heard that the two bears mentioned by the wooden man yesterday were good with a smile.

“That bear child, I don’t think he will make any mistakes in the future. The ass is almost being scored four times.”

Well, take off your pants and slam on the street…

Naruto’s face rises to the black line of Level 1.

I didn’t get angry. I took a look at the two people. “You can pay attention to the words. You can’t take me. It’s irritating me. Maybe you can smoke like that.”

Naruto lowered the voice: “Twilight pants on the street, then a big a slap.”

Two people who are popular with wood seem to be blowing puffer fish, hū chī hū chī staring at Naruto.

Naruto said with a smile : “In fact, there is nothing. You forgot to be in the village of Kumo Shinobi. Did you hang me on the street?”

The two were stayed by the wooden man.

Is there something about this? Really.

The two people were weakened by the imposing manner of the wooden man, and then they rose up.

“That is what you are looking for!”

“You tell the truth! At that time, things are all calculated by you!”

Naruto has some heart Hollow.

Perfunctory: “How is it possible, it is a coincidence.”

The second one was asked by the wooden man: “It is a coincidence that the foot slips off the bridge?”

Naruto vaguely said: “That is because I was really weak at the time, and the body used was not my own.”

“What’s so unexpected about the slippery foot.”

“You have to know that it is not my body, the control is very laborious.”

Hinata sat next to Naruto and started eating ice cream.

The two were also ate by the anger and anger of the wood.

The two were eaten by the wooden man. The color said: “If the village of Kumo Shinobi and Iwagakure Ninja are fighting, it is definitely not a matter of two villages. It will definitely spread to the whole World and will set off the fourth World War. ”

“What good is this war for you?”

Naruto is annoying, swear, “Do you want to know?”

The two were seriously nodded by the wooden man.

Naruto said with a smile : “I am all incarnate and I will be the Savior to calm the war and unify World.”

The two were left by the wooden man, and Naruto glanced at him: “I am telling you seriously!”

Naruto took another sip. “Why, don’t you believe this answer? Then I am ok… then I will change one.”

“Well… As a Jinchūriki, it was a terrible thing when I was a child. I want to retaliate against World.”

The two were believed by the wooden man, and the eyes were glittering out of the radiance of the motherly love. It was with sympathy and pity. “Naruto… I believe those who bully you must be wrong, but you must use this method. Come back, what difference do you have with those people? You are just creating more of the past and creating more sadness.”

Naruto blinked: “What you said makes sense. I don’t even know how to pick it up.”

The eyes of the two men were softer, and all the things Naruto had made that she hated in the past became lovely.

This is the materable mother’s love filter.

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