Supreme Naruto

Chapter 520

Ps: For this month’s explosion, I want to make a full reservation. If the book is less, the book will end in this month. Sorry, after all, Xiaozhao will support himself.

Good scenery requires a good mood to be gorgeous.

But beyond imagination, the beauty and surprise can also make the bad mood disappeared.

When Naruto took two people from the wood to enter the Venice built in the snow.

When the three people watched Hollow’s realistic movie “The Last Sword Ji”, the two were unexpectedly depressed by the wooden heart, and replaced by a little girl, full of childlike joy.

In particular, Naruto also took two people who had eaten by the wooden man, the snow fish pot unique to the country of snow.

This is not only the two people who are beautiful, but also the emotions of the two tails.

As for the misunderstanding that Hinata and the two were born when they met, they were also thrown into the topmost clouds during eating, drinking and playing.

After satiating, the three men sat down on the chair.

“Hey, who are you?”

The two were finally asked by the wooden man.

She also asked at the village of Iwagakure Ninja, when Naruto told him it was not the time.

Now I am on the site of the opposite side, playing and playing, eating and eating, it should be time.

Naruto wiped the mouth of Hinata with a paper towel.

“My name is Uzumaki Naruto, and I am Jinchūriki. Please advise.”

It’s him!

For the vortex Naruto, the name two is known to the wooden people.

His face also cooled down, with a questioning tone: “You are not saying that you are not from Konoha!”

Naruto Kaidō with a smile: “Yeah, I don’t belong to Konoha, although I was born from there.”

The two were all moderated by the wooden man’s face. “So you are a traitor?”

Naruto nodded: “There is nothing wrong with this.”

The two men were again looking at Naruto, the big boy who was nearly two meters in front of him, and the rumor was not the same.

The information received by the village of Kumo Shinobi is also different.

“Then why, save me? What purpose do you have?”

The two tails are staring at Naruto by the wooden man.

Naruto grinned: “Ask your big cat.”

big cat?

The two were slightly stayed by the wooden man and asked: “What are you talking about?”

The expression of the two-originally face-like enjoyment was frozen when I heard the nine-tailed Jinchūriki.

How could he forget that Chuck was drawn more than half of the scene.

It turned out to be this disaster star!

If there is anyone on this World who is the least likely to see it, then except for the nine tails, there is only the nine-tailed Jinchūriki.

Two tails pay attention to Naruto’s pupil, the red erect squat, isn’t it the nine-tailed eyes?

It should have been thought of.

The two were asked by the wooden man to the second tail: “Do you know him?”

In the two-tailed Seal Space, the two-tailed face is reluctantly nodded: “Well… not only I know you, but also the sweet and sour fish, the braised fish.”

The two people heard the two dishes by the wooden people and suddenly realized it.

“You are a Sarui!”

“No, you are a vortex Naruto, so say you…”

The two were squatting by Naruto.

Naruto bent the corner of the mouth. “Well, when I sneak into the village of Kumo Shinobi, thank you for your care.”

The two were asked by the wooden hostage: “Is that Sarui Amnesia is also related to you?”

Naruto didn’t hide it. “originally is going to kill him, but seeing him still have a childhood car that cares about him, so I touched his memory.”

The two were not spoken by the wooden man.

Biting his teeth: “He is dead…”

he died? Saruy?

The two were faint by the eyes of the wooden man: “When the people in the village of Iwagakure Ninja suddenly attacked, he fought for me to die.”

There is nothing to feel about Sarui Naruto.

Instead, there is some embarrassment for the girl who loves Sarui.

“What about the girl? How is it now?”

The second was made by the wooden man Kaidō: “The girl has been taking care of him after Sarui Amnesia, but the Saruy has never remembered her.”

This is a bit sad.

“Now… the girl, should still cry at his grave.”

“Maybe I will blame me.”

The expression of the two wooden figures is even more bleak.

The whole person is languid.

Celebrities comforted: “You are the top of the village of Kumo Shinobi, protecting the adults and dying. It is a shinobi honor, don’t be too self-blaming.”

The two were looked at by Naruto, and asked: “Do you think so?”

Celebrities raised their eyebrows.

He can see that the two people do not like this statement.

“Do you want to hear the truth?”

The two were nodding by the wooden man.

Naruto Kaidō: “I think shinobi is a neuropathy.”

The two were picked up by the wooden man.

In her education, shinobi is glory.

It’s just that she doesn’t think it’s right to die for her.

“I don’t want you to say shinobi!”

Naruto shrugged and didn’t pick up.

The two were silent for a moment, and the two were again started to talk by the wooden man: “First, I should thank you for saving me, but… I have to go back, Kumo Shinobi Village needs me.”

The two men’s expressions are very firm.

Naruto nodded, then pointing at himself, “Yes, if you beat me.”

The two were stared at Naruto by the wooden man, who could save her from the village of Iwagakure Ninja.

Its Strength must be above her.

But the two tails were nodded by the wooden man: “Good!”

So the three went out of the store, re-taken the tiger, and found a wild forest that was not a scenic spot.

Two teak are ready.

Then move the two-tailed Chakra, and the thing that broke the chain happened.

After establishing the partnership from the second tail, the second tail refused her for the first time!

Two-tailed seal Space.

Two teak people said to the second tail: “I need your Chakra.”

Two-tailed Kaidō: “The weight has been a bit too high recently, I don’t want to eat fish.”

The meaning is that taking fish to threaten not to borrow Chakra.

The two are squatting by the wooden man: “Are you serious?”

The two tails glanced at her: “Although I also want to leave this, you can’t win him.”

The two were refuted by the wooden man: “I haven’t played yet! How do you know!”

Two-tailed Kaidō: “You can propose to let him not use the nine-tailed Chakra, I think he will agree.”

“You are a cheaper one, and the guy at the end of the nine-tailed Chakra is more than me.”

There is no way for two people to take two tails from the wooden man to Naruto: “We don’t use Tail Beast’s Strength.”

Two people have been organized in the heart to persuade Naruto’s words.

However, Naruto was very simple and nodded directly. “Well, is this your proposal? I have a proposal, you lost… I will listen to me later.”

“Of course, I don’t listen to anything, I don’t listen all the time. I challenge you to my Quest every month. If you win, you don’t have to listen to me.”

This proposal seems to be beneficial to her.

The two were agreed by the wooden man, “Okay.”

The game opened, and for a moment, the two players could not move, and the game was lifted.

A flying sword arrived at the neck of the wooden man, and the tip of the sword just plunged into a millimeter.

A drop of blood is slowly getting bigger and flows down the neck.

“You lost.”

Flying swords are recovered.

Naruto took out a mercenary college student card and threw it to two wooden people.

Said to Hinata: “You teach her to use the card.”

The two were only returned by the wooden man when they received the card.

I touched my neck.

I dare not set the channel: “Why is your speed so fast!”

Naruto grinned: “Continue to cheer.”

“Oh, yes, I said that I will give you a challenge to my Quest every month.”

“This challenge Quest is not unconditional. Your next condition is to join the Mercenary University and then occupy the 1st place.”

“You have finished, I will give you the opportunity to challenge.”

“Come on, relax for a day and I have to go back to practice.”

Naruto is very happy.

I also found a person who grabbed the first, I don’t know if Sasuke’s classmates can still be strong.

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