Supreme Naruto

Chapter 519

Nine-tailed seal Space.

Naruto looks at the giant egg.

Because of the role of the giant egg, he has the Ability to integrate various changes in the nature of Chakra.

But it seems to be just a fusion of Chakra nature.

There seems to be no reinforcement in other areas.

This is not true, his soul power has increased, not only can he not forget, but also the scenes that you want to remember form a memory.

In addition to this… Then there is a little demon in his avatar.

“The Chakra of Tail Beast is also a fusion of six.”

“Is only nine of them combined with this egg to hatch?”

“Is this something a bit too abnormal?”

Nine tails are also looking at the giant egg, but unlike Naruto, it is staring at the crack above.

Why do you have cracks on the smooth eggshell!

This is very uncomfortable for a fox who does not know why he suddenly suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

But he didn’t dare to touch the egg. The last time he accidentally touched it, he engulfed Chakra, who had accumulated his pain.

Huh? Why do you want to say it again? Has this happened in the past?

Nine tails began to recall.

Naruto glanced at the nine.

Seeing that Jiuwei is also staring at the Dome, I can’t help but emphasize: “Don’t mess with me this time. If it wasn’t for you, this egg may have hatched.”

Nine-tailed one turned: “I still blame me. I have so many Chucks swallowed by this guy. I am looking for someone to judge.”

Naruto said seriously: “When the eggs hatch, you can find the one inside.”

Lord? Yes, in Naruto’s opinion, this guy within the body is a grandfather.

Naruto’s thoughts withdrew from the nine-tailed Space and people stood up from the bathtub.

Then put the clothes ready for the avatar.

In the house, sitting on the sofa with a hand, I don’t know what I was thinking.

He sat here waiting for Naruto to handle everything and then exchange Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

It is communication, and it is actually teaching Naruto Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu).

Naruto came dressed and walked over.

Thousands of hands finally raised the question in my heart: “Akatsuki Organization Now that we are ready to collect Tail Beast, are we also working on Tail Beast to weaken their Strength?”

Naruto looks in the mirror while Kaidō: “Do not collect, at the very least, do not collect at this stage.”

The living room of the Daxueshan Institute, two people sitting on the sofa by wooden people.

The nose sniffed and she smelled the scent.

Not eating, it is the breath of a woman.

Then turn around and re-inquire the sofa, then find a hair on the sofa.

Very long hair, black.

Woman hair?

I found one and then saw a lot of roots.

The lengths are different, the color is different, and it is different people.

“what are you doing?”

Look at the second place by the wooden man carrying him on the sofa, Naruto could not help but start to talk.

The two were shocked by the wooden man and quickly turned around.

I saw a burly, an Akagomi (Red Hair) handsome out of the ordinary Naruto.


Naruto’s right eye is a red mullion, and the left eye is Sharingan.

This seems to give a sinister enchantment to the face of the beauty.

“I… didn’t do anything, it was…”

“Looking at your sofa.”

Naruto walked over and looked at the sofa.

This sofa is one of the rare things that is not a Metal texture.

European style, solid wood frame, red and soft sofa cushions, and backrest.

“Oh… this sofa is self-produced and sold in the country of snow. If you like, you can go shopping.”

The two are stunned by the wooden man, “The country of snow?”

Naruto did not intend to hide.

“Well, the country of snow, I don’t know if you have come in the past. The country of snow is definitely not the country of snow that you have seen.”

Two teak people nodded.

“I have seen Fengyun Princess… It is said that the film was shot in the country of snow.”

Two teak people still watch movies?

Also, watching movies is not about people.

No fuss.

“Oh, the snow country and the movie are also different.”

The two talked casually, just like two old friends.

What makes Naruto somewhat surprised is that there are a lot of feminine tastes for this time.

Unlike the past, I have been cold-faced and I don’t want to enter.

“What to drink?”

“Coffee? Or tea?”

Naruto suddenly found that there was not even a glass of water on the coffee table.

I don’t know who the guy in the hand is learning the hospitality.

There really can’t be a woman at home.

Thinking of this, Naruto thought of Hinata again.

It stands to reason that the girl should be there?

Um… It’s possible to be bored and go to the president to play.

Rowing boats, swaying in the misty snow country of Venice Lake, looks at the snow birds flying freely under the blue sky.

When the breeze blew, the sun was warmed by Sun’s warm hair.

Thinking about Naruto, he found out that he wanted to go.

“The room is very stuffy, why don’t I take you out for a walk?”

“Familiar with the environment here?”

Going out, that’s great, because you can find a chance to escape.

The two were readily accepted by the wooden people.

Randomly, Naruto yelled at the following: “Is it silly at home?”

There was a gust of wind under the platform. Two strong tigers flew up and flew up.

The golden tiger, the black tiger, and a pair of wide wings.

Big silly two silly style is quite coquettish.

Big silly is Naruto riding to the country of the earth, to be taller than the second.

The two came by the wooden man, and some were surprised to say: “Is this your beast?”

Naruto touched the stupid and the two stupid tiger heads.

Who said that the tiger’s head can’t touch, can’t touch you that you are not strong enough.

“Okay, you know it in a few days, and there are a lot of such small animals in your family.”


Naruto said that he was used to it, but he was not used to the two.

“Plop! Plop!”

Little Heart jumped a little.

“Two stupid you go to the elder sister.”

The four-meter-tall tiger smashed on Naruto’s body and then came to the second place and fell down in front of the wooden man.

The two men touched the two silly hairs of the wood, and praised: “Good God’s beast.”

Two teak people like it very much.

But she was not happy with the two tails of the body.

Can’t help but spread a trace of Chakra.

I want to scare this silly tiger.

However, the accident is that the second stupid is unmoved.

The two tails are stunned, this should not be.

If you know that these guys have felt the scent of the nine tails all the time, you can think about it.

The two are sitting on the second stupid by the wooden man.

Naruto sat silly.

Then the two tigers flew around the inner wall of the snowy mountain.

Circling upwards.

The top is the skylight of the Daxueshan Institute.

Normally sealed by ice.

At the moment when Naruto arrived today, the ice was naturally separated, and the stupid Naruto flew out, followed by the second stupid.

Then the ice layer is back to heal.

“The front is the country of snow.”

With the two tigers side by side, Naruto introduced the two to the wooden man.

The two were shocked by the sight of the wooden man.

At this time, there are many chic buildings in the country of snow.

Like the Royal Palace, Hollow, realistic cinema, polar pavilion, etc…

There is also a ribbon like a ribbon that surrounds the Venetian lake near the castle.

On the Venetian lake of the Snow Country, a boat-like boat swayed gently.

The lively snowbirds are naughty in front of each other, very cute.

The two people looked at the sights in the eyes and couldn’t help but admire: “It’s beautiful…”

The two ends of the body are the views at the lake.

Should there be fish in the lake?

The two tails think this is the right thing.

Naruto is very satisfied with the reaction of the two tails by the wooden man. The change of the country of snow is planned by him. It can be said that his efforts are praised and naturally a sense of accomplishment: “This is your home in the future.”

The two were fascinated by the wooden people in the scenery.

The most chic is the surrounding snow.

The city is as warm as spring, but all around can still achieve the snow and ice, which is far beyond her common sense.

The two heartbeat that the wooden man feels is faster, and the sentence here is your home so that her heart is very sweet.

Can’t help but playful: “Can I leave home?”

Naruto bad said with a smile : “The premise is that you run out.”

At this moment, Hinata rode a silver hair, and the black-skinned tiger flew over.

“Naruto Jun?”

Naruto waved to Hinata: “Come, I will introduce you to the new members of the family.”

The two people who saw the lovely Hinata by the wooden man couldn’t help but ask: “Is this your younger sister?”

Naruto took Hinata’s hand and hugged Hinata from the back of a small silver tiger. “Younger sister? That’s right.”

“However, it is my wife.”

For a time, the two beautiful countries that had just been woven from the hearts of the wooden people collapsed.

She is leaving! Family! Out! go!


GodTM’s home! She is going to leave this!

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