Supreme Naruto

Chapter 518

Naruto Liquid Metal is separated from the sky.

Then it was demolished by the first generation of violence.

In Senjutsu mode, a punch of strange power.

The flying sword is hidden in the liquid itself, and the slow barrier is launched, but it is invalid.

Because it is Sage Mode?

Naruto is not clear, the original calculations are lost, and only the distance can be drawn.

So what about Sharingan’s Illusion Technique?

It seems that this thing does not need to be tried to know that most of it is not good. If it is so good, then the spot will not be defeated.

But Naruto tried it.

Mangekyō Sharingan, Illusion Technique!

The body of the first generation of Hokage paused, and then the iron cone that the iron sand condensed formed, and he came over to Naruto.

Naruto’s dual-use, the first generation of Hokage got rid of the Illusion Technique and wanted Naruto to launch a storm.

In Sage Mode, a strange punch!


Naruto was shot.

At this time, the voice of Orochimaru came.

“Don’t waste time, use your strongest Ninjutsu.”

This order, the first generation of Hokage’s face is a little helpless.

Hand seal ,Senjutsu ! Really thousands of hands!

The giant Buddha rises, behind the giant Buddha, is a round of bergamot!

The size of a giant Buddha is like a mountain.

There are so many bergamots, just like Lin Yu.

Is this trick useless when dealing with Uchiha Itachi?

There was a question in Naruto’s heart.

Second, it is this move that cannot be matched.

Is this Senjutsu? Sure enough, it has a cloud and mud with Ninjutsu.

Naruto will also be able to make this kind of arbor, but compared to the original Hokage, his tricks are just that Hollow has a watch.

“Naruto! Give you a chance, how about coming to me?”

Orochimaru’s feminine voice was introduced into Naruto’s ear.

Naruto looked over to Orochimaru.

If Orochimaru can be solved, then the problem seems to be solved.

But the problem is that this Orochimaru in front of you is not necessarily true Orochimaru.

If it is fake, it is useless to kill.

Cunning guys.


Naruto’s answer made all around a quiet.

Even the big Buddha like a mountain has settled in general.

Then Naruto asked: “But I promised, would you dare to accept me?”

Orochimaru hesitated.

Taking advantage of this effort, Naruto looked at the original Hokage.

Three tomoe Sharingan turned into Mangekyō Sharingan.

Orochimaru sees this taunted: “It’s useless, even if it’s Mangekyō Sharingan, it’s not enough to deal with the original Hokage adults.”

Orochimaru didn’t move, the others didn’t move, it seemed to be watching Naruto’s jokes.

However, the next moment Space is distorted.

A whirlpool will be the original Hokage cage.

In the blink of an eye, the first generation of Hokage was gone.

Lost the original Hokage, the giant Buddha had cracks on his body.

Then collapsed.

The advent of the flower tree world also began to collapse, breaking down into Chakra scattered in the heavens and the earth.

Orochimaru horrified: “What have you done!”

And at the same time Obito was also shocked.

Contact Naruto on the Spirit network: “What kind of Monster you sent me!”


Naruto Kaidō: “Are you looking at it carefully?”

Obito went to look at the original Hokage carefully.

Orochimaru hand seal, want to re-call the original Hokage, but Naruto’s speed is very fast.

A sword slammed into Orochimaru.

“Strength is only trustworthy in your own body.”

A sword crossed.

Orochimaru’s body is split in two.

Orochimaru still smiles on his face: “Teached, I look forward to seeing you next time.”


The detachment was lifted, and a white snake that was broken into two pieces was placed.

Flying swords turned to three generations of Kazekage and two generations of Mizukage.

But the first flight of the sword, the two guys were summoned away.

“sōu! ”

The flying sword controls the aspect and flies to the side of Naruto.

Collapsed by Naruto.

“Sage Mode turned a blind eye to the slow barrier.”

“Well… it seems that I want to deal with Sage Mode, I have to learn Senjutsu.”

Obito came over the message: “The person you sent was summoned away.”

Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes) One turn: “Your Space is so junk? Can’t even keep people?”

Obito Kaidō: “You give me another eye, maybe you can close it.”

Naruto irresponsible Kaidō: “Don’t be so stingy, wait for me to play for a while.”

“Right, thank you for this eye this time, otherwise I will not explain it today, I have to ask for half my life.”

Obito was surprised: “Your Strength is not weak, who have you met?”

Naruto asked: “You didn’t recognize the person I sent to the past?”

Obito: “I just got to look carefully, and the person was summoned away.”

Naruto took a deep breath, “I met Orochimaru, Orochimaru took his three Kage level men and gave you the first generation of Hokage.”

Obito was surprised: “Is Orochimaru really so strong?”


Naruto wants to say that even Orochimaru’s body has not been seen.

Naruto’s headless Kaidō: “You can only say that technology is Strength.”

“Compared to Orochimaru, I am actually curious about how Uchiha Itachi fled back.”

“There are still ghosts that guy didn’t even sacrifice.”

Obito Kaidō: “I know some of this, the two were chased to the beach, surrounded by Amaterasu not breaking through the fire, then sneaking around with the sea, then the sneaky shark bears dragging the two from the water The national tour returned to the country of fire.”


It also sounds fantastic.

“Well, it’s all cattle.”

Naruto intended to use the Spirit network to contact Muni, so that Muni called him to the past.

But if you look down on the current look, you can still think about it.

Change the contact with the wolf woman: “Call me over.”

The wolf woman is also looking for the vein of this stone of Grae at the junction of the country of fire and the country of the wind.

“Boss, you are…”

In the aperture, when the wolf girl saw a ragged Naruto, the whole person licked big eyes.

She was the first to see Naruto so miserable.

What is this happening?

Is there anything else on this World that can make its own master like this?

Naruto simply said: “Don’t care, it’s the activity of the body.”

Then contact the hand.

“In the daytime, you go to my room and then summon me.”

Leading the life.

When I saw Naruto in the daytime, my expression was serious.

“Is Tsuchikage so strong?”

Naruto goes directly to the bathroom.

“Not Tsuchikage, it is your brother.”

Thousands of hands stunned, “Have you met your brother?”

The voice is weak and powerful: “Yeah, your brother is now amazing, and even Senjutsu has made thousands of hands.”

There was a chill in the hand, and my brother was so powerful… If he saw it, could he still run?

For a time, I felt that a cold chill came up from the bottom of my foot along the back of the ridge.

“Where is the two-tailed Jinchūriki arranged?”

After a thousand hands, I quickly returned to Kaidō: “In the public Great Hall.”

The sound of water huā lā lā.

Naruto started taking a shower.

In fact, Ninjutsu can also be solved without taking a bath.

It was just Naruto who needed hot water to ease his body and mind.

“Oh, I will see her later.”

“Right, after I finished the matter, I discussed the Hiraishin no Jutsu (Flying Thunder God Jutsu) technique, and I can see if I can learn.”

Thousands of hands: “Yes!”

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