Supreme Naruto

Chapter 512

“What are you?”

Naruto’s dead fish eyes look to Muni.

The Muni sink reported: “The basic technology of armed armor has matured and can be put into battle.”

Armed armor technology is mature?

Naruto stayed, he didn’t really care about it recently.

The Daxueshan Research Conference, like the Akatsuki Organization conference, uses the consciousness projection conversation in the Spirit network.

But than the higher level of the Akatsuki Organization, either the clarity of the projection or the other.

When Muni saw the surprised look on Naruto’s face, he was dissatisfied: “How do you look surprised? Don’t tell me that you didn’t read the technical report I gave you!”

“I emphasized it many times before I left!”

Naruto was a little embarrassed. In those days, he had been busy catching the beast, and he had arranged for the beast to arrange the living, and he had already looked at the information that Muni gave him.

“Who said that I didn’t look at it and looked at it.”

While perfuncating the monks and nuns, Naruto opened the kit that he had given him a few days ago and then read it with his super brain.

The technology in the kit is a complete piece of information about armed armor.

From production technology to practical combat applications.

There are also physical video materials.

Very comprehensive, the remote control technology proposed by Naruto is also inside.

Remarks: Number of physical machines: 10. (now used for mercenary college teaching)

Ending additional information:

Mercenary Academy, 100 College has completed the complete combat operation course of the physical machine.

500 students complete the Hollow course for civil and combat classes.


Click on the student information.

Naruto was surprised to find that the Captain Deputy Captain of the 100 team was selected.

Captain: Sasuke, grade: six stars.

Deputy Captain: Chang Juro, score: five stars.

Deputy Captain: Snow Wolf, score: five stars.

Deputy Captain: Chitose, score: five stars.

Nagaro, Naruto was robbed from Kirigakure, originally wanted to mix into Kirigakure with his identity and ended up with Orochimaru.

Snow Wolf Naruto knew that he was involved in the first enrollment of the Mercenary Academy.

Chitose… I also have the impression that this guy is very character, refused the free student card, and then used the point bank loan to buy the student card himself, for freedom.

After reading the information, Naruto pondered.

The machine can be produced and the driver has ready-made.

If Obito is involved, it is responsible for shipping.

Obito sneaked in and summoned these…

Naruto associates with another application prospect of the Obito Space.

“I really have you.”

Naruto didn’t look at it anymore, and gave a thumbs up to a few girls.

Muni smugly raised his head and snorted.

Naruto looks at Hinata again.

Hinata’s eyes looks at Naruto, needless to say, it’s all about listening to your expression.

Look at Yakushi Kabuto again.

Yakushi Kabuto nodded.

“Is it all decided?”

Naruto is also serious.

Everyone was swept away again, except for those who didn’t know why, and others were surprisingly determined.

Even in the Arctic, there is no general understanding of Naruto’s Strength.

Is this going to start playing the world?

Naruto’s heart is inexplicably a little excited.

If you are playing the world… how to arrange it.

The thoughts are a bit messy, after all, I have never done this kind of thing.

But when Naruto saw the humble call, he had an idea.

“In this case, then the first step is to hold the intelligence network of the underground exchange in the hands.”

The intelligence network of the underground exchanges is all-encompassing, not only the information of the various villages in various countries, but also the material information of the whole country.

If you don’t say anything else, you can say that this Naruto captures the flying beast without the information provided by the underground exchange intelligence network. It is not easy to find the necessary beasts with your own strength.

This is near to say.

Far away, if Naruto really unifies the countries, then the things that the underground exchanges can use can make the time of the development of the entire empire less than 50 years or more.

“Here, your Quest is great.”

Naruto looked at the humble, and humbled the whole person and made a sigh.

“Next, I will personally be with you to help you control the underground exchange.”

Naruto thinks about the core members of the underground exchange he got from the Akatsuki Organization.

Although those people have died a few, there will be newbie replacement, but most of them are still there.

Take these people to control, and then you can’t control everything, and you can control half the sky.

It was shocked by Naruto to name the whole person Spirit.

These people are not laughing!

But why are they?

Humble thought of a lot, Naruto’s unfathomable Strength, Mask Men’s Strength, Hidan’s Strength, and the three girls who helped him.

There is also their technology.

Humble does not know what the armor is, but the System that the identity card is on makes him open his eyes.

They have this Strength!


“I have a proposal!”

Humbled and felt that his passion was ignited.

Naruto didn’t expect that there would be a proposal for the humble, and it was a good idea to have a proposal.

How many proofs have been left to think about the interests of the organization.


Humble to go to his identity card, did not come out, no pocket.

It’s only to think that it’s just a projection of consciousness.

How can the identity card come out in his real body pocket?

I said directly: “I want to issue this identity card on the underground exchange, as well as the Rank system.”

Is the identity card issued on the underground exchange?

Naruto raised her eyebrows. I wanted to play Naruto. I really thought about it, but I didn’t expect it to be so fast.

“Okay, your proposal has passed.”

“But it has to be implemented in several batches and spread from the top, because the production of identity cards does not form a fixed assembly line, and it needs a piece of portrayal. Now there are only a limited number of people who can make such identity cards.”

Identity card pipeline?

It seems necessary to study it.

It’s really impossible for him to manipulate his own avatar.

Humble nodded and nodded.

Seeing the humble and not talking, Naruto’s fingers began to tap the table.

“Right, the armed armor has not produced a line?”

This sentence is mentally retarded, and ten teaching machines are all made up of one part and one part of the three girls.

“Well, make 100 first, and the production line will talk later.”

Then Naruto thought of one more thing: “That… is the material enough?”

Ask this sentence Naruto’s bottom of the heart is Hollow.

Light has technology, no productivity, no material, and still play with hair.

But I didn’t expect Muni to give him a thumbs up: “Some, steel and other materials have been kept in reserve.”

Naruto asked sillyly: “Always stocking? When?”

Kaidō: “Since you said that you want to unify World, I have been monitoring this matter.”


Naruto wants to wipe the sweat on the forehead.

At that time, Naruto just flicked and tried to keep this beating.

What is this? Unintentional willows?

“Cough, very good.”

Naruto coughed and covered the shackles and gave a thumbs up to the shackles.

The war has started, and it is too late to reserve supplies.

If you don’t say anything else, the price of food alone, if the country of Lei and the country of the earth still have action, it must be turned over.

“Well, I have to talk about what you want to say about the battle.”

Originally, just Naruto doesn’t know what to say about the topic.

I didn’t expect to stand up in the day, and I looked seriously: “My idea is that this battle is not only for the major villages, but also the civilian countries. We have to abolish the system of one country and one village.”

Abolish the old system? Have strength!

So what is it going to do? How about the six provinces of the three provinces? The talent of your own country center is cool.

Naruto is serious: “So you think… when did we get involved in this battle?”

Um, even if it’s too late, it’s done~

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