Supreme Naruto

Chapter 513

Daxueshan Research Institute meeting.

Naruto suddenly thought of one thing when everyone thought about it.

“Right, there are still things you need to be mentally prepared, especially in the meantime.”

The daytime and the Mito are simultaneously looking to Naruto.

Naruto also watched the next two.

“Orochimaru, the first generation of Hokage Edo Tensei.”

Whirlpool Mito said curiously: “The original Hokage is my husband?”

Naruto nodded.

The face of the hand is so strange that it is not only an expression, but the whole person is stiff.

Black face: “So the four Kage levels of the Orochimaru resurrection on the data are one of them?”

Naruto nodded.

Thousands of hands thought that when his brother left, he seemed to die.

Say something… a big rebellion.

At that time, I thought that the two could never see it again, so there was no cover.


If you meet your brother again, the scene is worse.

The same fear is Naruto himself.

He can die much more than a thousand hands.

Not to mention the vortex Edo Tensei.

It was enough for the first generation of Hokage transgender women.

I have to think of a way to remedy it.

Naruto starts to talk and starts to talk. The two don’t agree: “I think…”

At the same time, Naruto gaze at the whirlpool.

Thousands of hands are nodded.

For a time, the ideas of the two coincided.

Muni looked at the two people. “What are you looking at? What does it look like?”

The ass of the shit.

Naruto start to talk: “Min, I think you should change your name.”

Why change the name, of course, in order not to let Senju Hashirama recognize it.

The Mito pointed at himself: “I changed my name?”

Naruto nodded and nodded in the middle of the hand.

The Mito ghosts are also very smart, and they know the purpose of the two.

“Okay, then I will go back to research.”

Naruto sighed in relief.

“Well, today’s meeting is here first. Everyone thinks about the founding of the country. I have the idea to talk about it at the next meeting.”

End of the meeting.

Naruto’s consciousness exited from Hollow’s proposed conference room, then opened his eyes and entered a desert.

The wind blows, the yellow sand oscillates, and the fine sand on the bare surface of the earth flows, and it has a serpentine shape.

This is the border of the country of Naru, which Naruto has visited a few days ago.

On the rocky beach, Naruto sits on the back of a huge tiger four meters high.

The tiger has a golden hair and black stripes, much like the familiar Siberian tiger of Naruto.

The difference is that on the back of this tiger, there is a pair of broad white wings.

“Okay, things are done, now I can go to Iwagakure Ninja Village.”

Naruto greeted him, and the tiger under him understood Naruto’s words. His body was bent, his wings were flat, he ran up and sprinted. After nearly a hundred meters, his wings flapped, and the four-meter-high behemoth suddenly flew. stand up.

A tiger, one of the many flying beasts captured by Naruto.

Because violent Haki (domineering) is deeply loved by Naruto.

The purpose of Naruto’s trip to Iwagakure Ninja village is two people.

Spirit Internet public chat room.

Naruto: “In the daytime, everything else is pushed today. I might call you to help me later.”

At the end of the meeting, I was in the process of seeing my brother in the future.

When Naruto was told, he returned to God. “Okay, what is it? What preparations do you need?”

Naruto: “Going to Iwagakure Ninja Village to grab the two-tailed Jinchūriki, you should meet the four- and five-tailed Jinchūriki, and even Tsuchikage in the village of Iwagakure Ninja, so let me know first.”

Muni listened to the conversation between the two men: “There are ten sets of armed armor, or do you want the students to practice?”

Naruto replied: “This is not anxious, armed armor can’t be exposed first.”

Xiao Ni Ni said: “I remember that I was the teacher of the armed armor.”

Muni Kaidō: “I am your elder sister.”

Then the two people didn’t talk because they were already on the truss.

“What’s the performance of Sasuke recently?”

“I see this guy can be a Captain of the squad. You have a lot of hard work?”

Daytime: “If you didn’t do anything, you gave him three Quests.”

“If he finishes, he will release the seal of his eyes.”

Three Quest?

“You made him a match for the armed forces?”

In the meantime, “How can it be so simple? I let him occupy the school list and keep first.”

The school’s list is one of the two obelisks in the Mercenary University School.

The other is the school slag list.

The credit system, a positive number before 50, and a reciprocal before 50.

Don’t underestimate this list, this list can not be occupied by a few powerful ones.

Like Sasuke, the Ninjutsu subject is definitely the first.

But even the credits for his first one one class are limited.

Others can’t compare with him. If you learn a few more books, you can surpass them.

In other words, if you want to occupy the list, then… it is impossible to relax.

Not to mention Naruto has a reward system, how many people want to go up and fight.

“with your’s.”

“What about the other two conditions?”

Kaidō: “Combines a Kekkei Genkai.”

“The third has not yet been raised.”

Naruto took a deep breath, this condition is not simple.

“Right, how is the performance of Haruno Sakura?”

“She is not a tyrant who makes me a little surprised.”

Kaidō, who is not very angry in a thousand hands: “The door is ninety-nine, and the school is second.”


The door is more than 90% than the door. It is obvious that Haruno Sakura is deliberately letting Sasuke.

“Sasuke…hes he should be mad?”

With the arrogant character of Sasuke, the results can be imagined.

Kaidō: “The brat is mad, but it’s a pity that such a good girl, the girl who looks at the Uchiha family is a fool.”

Naruto heard a sour smell in this sentence.

Have a story?

Isn’t the girl I liked in the day…and the Uchiha family ran away?

Naruto’s gossip soul is burning.

Thousands of hands shifted the topic: “But the slapstick’s hands-on Ability is a bit weak, and the armored armor has never received a place for the Deputy Captain.”

Naruto: “It seems that the strength of these several Deputy Captains is very good.”

During the conversation between the two, Naruto saw the village of Iwagakure Ninja.

“I am here, waiting for my news.”

After the account was finished, Naruto’s tiger said: “Take me here, go back.”

Say, Naruto jumped.

A Metal film stretches over the legs under Naruto’s arms.

The shape is like a flying squirrel.

At the same time A Metal mask appeared on Naruto’s face to hide his appearance.

A characteristic Akakami (Red Hair) Metal turns into a flexible Metal silk flying in the air.

Emotionally, Naruto was taken care of by the opposite side while in the village of Kumo Shinobi.

In terms of position, one is a thief and the other is a master.

But if he doesn’t come, wait for Raikage to reflect that the two Tail Beasts on the wooden man may have been taken away from the other person’s body.

The two tails were dead by the wooden man.

“No matter how……”

“I’m coming.”

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