Supreme Naruto

Chapter 511

On the outer golem, the Akatsuki Organization’s ten people’s projections are all there.

“How suddenly did the five-generation Mizukage be seriously injured?”

At the Akatsuki Organization meeting, Naruto asked Hidan to ask this question.

Deidara Kaidō: “Ah…this is also an accident. When we entered Kirigakure, we didn’t know why it was discovered. We also brought dumplings by the five generations of Mizukage. Now I think it should be the rhythm of Orochimaru.”

The five-generation Mizukage is also Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei carries the dumplings of the Akatsuki Organization with the shinobi of Kirigakure?

Hidan asked Naruto on behalf of him: “Packaged four people?”

Deidara shook the shook head: “No, if the four Kirigakure are directly destroyed, only the ones are included.”

Even if you pack two, it’s enough to back up.

Deidara continued: “The five generations of Mizukage brought us both, and another scorpion and sneaky sneaked into the trap of Orochimaru, besieged by four dead Kage levels.”

This way…

Seeing this can come back in front of the four Kage levels, and it really is a god.

Absolutely start to talk: “The latest news, it can be confirmed that Orochimaru designed, and the sneaky Samehada taken by Orochimaru was left in Kirigakure.”

“If it is speculated, Orochimaru should help Kirigakure to take back Samehada, one of the seven ninja swords, and reach an agreement with the five-generation Mizukage.”

Sneaky start to talk: “So my Samehada is now at Kirigakure?”

Listening to the sneaky tone seems to want to go back and grab Samehada back.

There was a chuckled, “No, now Samehada is in the hands of the eight-tailed Jinchūriki in the village of Kumo Shinobi.”

Sneaky Kaidō: “Hatsuo Jinchūriki? I remember.”

When the sneaky relationship with his Samehada.

Naruto was shocked by the layout of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru is first calculated with the Kirigakure calculation Akatsuki Organization, and then with Kumo Shinobi Village Kirigakure?

Really strong.

Deidara also noticed this and sighed: “It’s a madman, so he offends Kirigakure, and he remembers hanging on Konoha’s killing list.”

The sneaky start to talk said: “Kirigakure has long been offended, and Orochimaru Edo Tensei should have thought of the moment of the three generations of Mizukage.”

Edo Tensei three generations of Mizukage!

Naruto suddenly figured it out.

Orochimaru should have not expected so much.

Orochimaru to Kirigakure should be for the three generations of Mizukage’s reincarnation medium.

Then I met the killing of the Akatsuki Organization.

At that time, Orochimaru should have three Kage levels in his hands.

But even then Orochimaru has no direct and hard steel with Akatsuki Organization.

Worried that Kirigakure suddenly joined the battle?

If Edo Tensei’s three-generation Mizukage exposes Kirigakure, it will definitely join the battle.

Therefore, Orochimaru first talks about conditions with Samehada and Kirigakure.

In this way, the imaginary enemy of Kirigakure not only does not exist but also has an additional boost.

It’s no longer important that the three generations of the Mizukage will not be exposed after the battle.

But why still return Samehada to Kirigakure?

Is it a respectful transaction?

Still want to play with the calculation of his crimes?

Inducing Kumat Shinobi Village Attack Kirigakure?

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko start to talk: “Publish a full Quest, including me.”

“full power chasing Orochimaru.”

The meeting has just ended.

It was held again once.

This is the news of Iwagakure Ninja Village and Kumo Shinobi Village.

On the way back from Raikage and Yaji Jinchūriki, Iwagakure Ninja village launched a storm on Lei Guoguo, taking away two tails of Jinchūriki, two by wooden people.

On the outer road golem, the Akatsuki Organization ten people look at each other in dismay, what should I say now?

If the fight between Kumo Shinobi village and Kirigakure is not enough to trigger a war.

That is enough now.

A total of five big countries, three hit.

Deidara looked at the sky, “Is this also done by Orochimaru?”

Absolute Kaidō: “There is no exact news, but… speculatively, the possibility of Orochimaru is great.”

“Orochimaru If I tell the village of Iwagakure Ninja about the news of Raikage and the eight-tailed Jinchūriki not Kumo Shinobi village, Iwagakure Ninja village has four tails and five tails, and there is a high probability of letting go.”

Ghost tsukkomi said: “This seems to be a good thing for me, so I seem to have a greater chance of regaining Samehada.”

No one cares about ghosts.

Naruto’s heart sank.

The two tails were caught by the wooden man.

Then wait for the two people to take the Tail Beast and transfer it to other people to make the third Jinchūriki belonging to Iwagakure Ninja Village.

In this case, the two tails will die by the wooden man.

Although the days in Kumo Shinobi village were short-lived, Naruto was indeed taken care of by two wooden people.

Also teacher and friend.

Konan, who has been talking for a long time, has finally started to talk: “If the World War is set off, the country of the rain must not be affected, and the death of Hanzō of the Salamander will not be hidden for a long time.”

I never understood what Konan was saying. He said, “Well, the death of Hanzō of the Salamander can’t be hidden, so the Akatsuki Organization will not hide in the rain country for a long time.”

The Akatsuki Organization is made up of rebellious countries. When it is not attacked by the group, it is not much better.

Deidara doesn’t care: “There is nothing, who dares to find our troubles, and it will soon be blown up.”

Never mind to Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko, the fear is that the plan to capture Tail Beast will be affected.

The best option now is to start planning before the countries notice the country of the rain.

And Orochimaru’s life is not worth mentioning compared to this plan.

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko start to talk: “Is that person back?”

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko has a head and a word to ask everyone.

Naruto guessed something.

Absolute Kaidō: “There is no news yet.”

This concludes the meeting of the Akatsuki Organization.

This was followed by the Great Snow Mountain Conference.


Level 5 : Naruto, Big Fat.

Level 4: Hinata, Datuni, Little Sonny, Sonny, Thousand Hands, Whirlpool.

Level 3 : Yakushi Kabuto, humble, white.

These people are the core of the Daxueshan Institute today.

White, originally is not qualified, but because of the convenience of Hyōton (Ice Release) became the head of the Arctic Base.

Humble, now represents the intelligence network that Naruto wants to fight for.

It was Hinata, Naruto was out of selfishness, and I didn’t want her to know.

But the combination of various factors has been added.

“Today’s meeting is a big deal. Please be prepared.”

Say Naruto sent the summaries down.

The two parts of the data, part of which is Orochimaru, set off the glorious century of the Three Kingdoms War.

In the second part, the Akatsuki Organization may be ready to capture Tail Beast.

As for why the capture of Tail Beast, Naruto did not say too clearly, only said to make the ultimate weapon.

The conclusion of the two parts is that the fourth World War is coming.

With System assistance, the speed of reading data is amazing.

The first one that responded was a thousand hands: “Good!”

Others looked at the past and looked serious in the face: “With the opportunity of this World War, we can unify the five major countries and the whole world.”

Naruto has a black face and just wants to say where you are confident.

The second voice “Good!” passed again.

It is a whirlpool.

Whirlpool: “They are bullying me with the vortex, right, then we will kill them all this time!”

Naruto thought that the two diseases were neurotic, and as a result, Muni also participated.

Muni: “Good!”

Ask for a ticket~ Seeking a reward~ Four will be there, no matter after zero or after a while! This is the determination of Xiaozhao!

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