Supreme Naruto

Chapter 510

Ghost buds have no abnormalities.

The role of Obito came into play, and the beast was loaded.

The butterfly, the white-bone butterfly, the two-winged tiger, and the dragon eagle have caught a lot.

The beast was brought back to the country of snow.

Naruto has a forest in the snow country to give them activities.

As for the temperature problem, Naruto solved it with a geothermal meter.

A perceptual barrier has been established for supervision.

The person in charge, Naruto appointed Dafei.

As for Dafei, whoever looks for an assistant Naruto will not care.

But Naruto also knows something, such as eating and sleeping every day, eating the snake, and “Orochimaru” are gone.

It should have been thrown in the forest by Big Fat.

On this day, Naruto is trying to transplant the first generation of cells to the Dragon Eagle.

The first generation cells are extremely exclusivity, which is only visible in Orochimaru, which creates only one big sum.

But it is not difficult for Naruto.

The reason why the primary cells are difficult to fuse is because the cells contain the will of the first generation.

And Naruto can erase the will of the first generation.

The biggest difference between eradicating will fusion and direct integration is that the face of the original Hokage does not appear on the body.

Just like a little squirrel.

“What do you call me to do?”

Naruto’s lab, the only living White Zetsu, is a watchful look at Naruto.

Naruto had a smile on his face, and Naruto in the perception of the barrier saw the face of the original Hokage behind this White Zetsu.

“I want to use your flesh, do you do it yourself or do I do it?”

White Zetsu made a splash.

The scared body will retreat backwards, at the same time. Carefully look at all around and study how to escape.

However, both at the foot and all around are all Metal.

“Forget it, let me come by myself.”

Sharingan! Illusion Technique control!

White Zetsu settled, and soon the projection of Sharingan three tomoe appeared in the eye.

“come on.”

Naruto screamed and White Zetsu came over honestly.

The experiment continued, and the dragon eagle on the bench was motionless, and the projection of Sharingan was also reflected in the eye.

The difference between an ordinary dragon eagle and a normal eagle is that there are scales behind it, and the sound is like a beast.

The difference between a dragon eagle with Chakra, like a human, will vary according to the nature of the different Chakra properties that will be used.

This is mainly due to the bloodline, that is, the old man of the eagle, or the old man.

As for how the hawks practiced, most of them were bears that had signed a contract with Shinobi.

Then shinobi died, and the beast was in the mountains with his formidable Strength.

Of course, there are also Talents who don’t need humans to master Chakra.

The experiment continues.

Cut the meat, the cut meat heals, shrinks, and turns into a meat ball.

Naruto stuffed the meat ball into the mouth of the dragon eagle.

As for how to integrate Naruto, there is no need to bother. The meat ball enters the body of the dragon eagle. After feeling the stomach acid, it begins to counterattack and actively invades the body of the dragon eagle.

When I saw the big face of the original Hokage, the belly of the dragon eagle appeared.

Then the body of the dragon eagle began to be wooded.

If you don’t stop it, the body will turn into a plant.

Naruto’s Spiritual Body enters the body of the Dragonhawk.

For three seconds, the big face on the dragon eagle’s belly disappeared, and the wooden body returned to the flesh and blood.


Next, you are transplanting Sharingan.

System Tip: “Hey bell, received a text message.”

Naruto opens the chat panel.

Flying squirrel: “Back to the country of the rain.”

This is a reminder for Naruto settings.

Naruto counted the time and sighed: “It’s very fast, it seems that there are wings that are different.”

On the experimental platform, the body of the dragon eagle changed.

The muscles of the body are all in one, the muscles contract rapidly, and the huge Strength pulls the bones directly.

Then the life of the formidable contained in the cells of the first generation began to heal again.

This process has also been experienced by the flying squirrel.

That time Naruto took the pain of replacing the flying squirrel.

Naruto feels that the flying squirrel has no independent reason, that is, he has not completed the transformation.

Naruto lifted the Dragon Eagle’s Illusion Technique, and the Dragonhawk screamed in a huge pain.

The Sharingan in Naruto’s eyes turned into Mangekyō Sharingan, “hold on, live!”

The mark of Mangekyō Sharingan in Dragon Hawk Eyes has passed away, which is what Naruto has hinted at.

System Tip: “Received text message.”

Chat System is open.

Flying squirrel: “See Deidara.”


How is Deidara in the rain country? Didn’t he go to Kirigakure to support Uchiha Itachi against Orochimaru?

So coming back so soon?

“Xiaojiu, I am going to the country of the rain to deal with it. This eagle is handed over to you, don’t let it run away, don’t help it.”

Nine-tailed Kaidō: “Don’t help it, this little guy is vomiting blood.”

Naruto asked: “What can you do if you let me help?”

Jiuwei smiled and said: “Help it understand the painful life.”

Naruto turns over Byakugan (roll eyes), Spiritual Body in vitro, Kaidō bedroom, and the body of the pufferfish.

Then the pufferfish is transferred to the soul world of the flying squirrel.

A blink of a squirrel is in Deidara’s palm.

Seeing the flying squirrel Zhang came to the eyes, Deidara looked contemptuous: “Every time I see you I will think of another animal.”

Naruto ignored Deidara’s words and asked: “Kirigakure’s Quest is finished? Orochimaru is dead?”

Deidara curl one’s lip : “Don’t mention that broken Quest, Orochimaru didn’t die, we almost died.”


what’s the situation?

Uchiha Itachi, Kisame Hoshigaki, 蝎, Deidara.

Is this four Kage levels?

Didn’t even win Orochimaru?

“What happened? Orochimaru is not so strong even if it is completely restored?”

Deidara looked like he didn’t want to remember, and sighed: “The guy didn’t shoot, the shot was… a bunch of dead people?”

Naruto: “Dead?”

There is speculation in Naruto’s heart.

Deidara sighed again: “Well… a group of people who should have died, there are three generations of Kazekage, the second generation Mizukage…”

Sure enough… it should be Edo Tensei.

Deidara continued: “Three generations of Hokage, the first generation of Hokage.”

The first generation Hokage!

For a moment, Naruto felt the whole person Sparta.

The original Hokage was summoned by Orochimaru…

Also, Orochimaru has the summoning medium of the original Hokage.

He should have thought of this.

But it seems that it can’t be prevented, because the original Hokage refused to be Edo Tensei.

This is one of them, and there is…

Naruto came out of the whirlpool Edo Tensei.

but! But even if Orochimaru summoned these people, it shouldn’t be.

EStr Tensei’s people, Strength, should be greatly discounted?

There is no reason to lose.

“Uchiha Itachi, that guy?”

Naruto asked subconsciously.

After asking, Naruto felt that it didn’t seem to be very good.

However, Deidara did not notice, directly Kaidō: “The guy Sharingan used to die too much, and Tsunade is treating him.”


He almost died in the hands of Orochimaru?

Can the news be even more exciting?

Naruto is still in shock, and more exciting news is coming.

Akatsuki Organization meeting.

Heavenly Dao Pain Yahiko: “There is a message back.”

“Orochimaru passed the news of the five-generation Mizukage serious injury to Kumo Shinobi village. Raikage and Kuwei Killer B of Kumo Shinobi village sneaked into Kirigakure, killed the guards of the five-generation Mizukage, and took away the blue Byakugan (roll eyes).”

How did the five-generation Mizukage suddenly be seriously injured?

Is it related to the Akitsuki Organization going to Kirigakure?

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