Supreme Naruto

Chapter 509

If the temporary version of Ghost Buddy has no side effects.

Naruto intends to transplant Sharingan to the beast.

This way you can switch between different Sharingans by switching to the beast.

After all, he now has a lot of Sharingan.

It’s really troublesome to switch in and out, especially when you can’t switch between them in battle.

Another point, he saw in Uchiha Obito’s memory that Uchiha Madara taught Obito, Sharingan’s strongest sorcerer Irene.

Also, Uchiha Obito digs away the 200 only Sharingan in the Uchiha annihilation night.


In the misty forest, there was a roar.

Naruto raised the head looking in the direction of the sound, at the same time to expand the perception barrier.

Soon Naruto was one kilometer away and saw two huge butterflies fighting.

One is the magic butterfly that Naruto sees from the data, and the other is a creature whose bones are like undead.

“Found it, here.”

Naruto greeted, speed picked up, behind Obito Hinata followed.

Hidan sighed and looked reluctant, but still kept up.

At the point of the explosion, Hinata was attracted by the colorful butterfly.

The three-meter-high giant butterfly is very beautiful, but because of the fighting, the wings are damaged.

The other one, to be smaller, more than two meters, the exoskeleton is all white, with spikes, looks like a white bone connected, very fierce face with a rebellious face.

At the very least, what Hinata sees at first glance defines it as a rebellion.

Hinata looks at the injured colorful butterfly is very distressed, “Naruto Jun, let’s save it.”

Naruto raised her eyebrows and felt that her value was justice.

Hinata, a start to talk, the colorful butterfly that was hit by the flight, looked at the crowd, then got up and flew over to Naruto.

Speaking: “shinobi? Save me!”

This butterfly can talk?

Although there are many people who can talk in the beast, there are great differences in intelligence between speaking and not speaking.

The colorful butterflies flew to the behind of the crowd, and the sly white-butterfly turned to look at Naruto.

Roared: “Shi!”

The butterfly stared at a few people, and Naruto was also looking at the butterfly.

“Hidan, I think this white bone butterfly is quite suitable for you.”

Hidan glanced at the biting intent of the white-bone butterfly, and then licked the behind’s stroke of the butterfly.

Agree: “This is really better.”

As Hidan walked a few steps forward, the white-eyed butterfly shifted its sight and hit Hidan’s body.

One person and one butterfly stare at each other.

The squeaking sound of the white bones and butterflies is constantly changing.

Hidan began to look at the white-bone butterfly in a circle. The butterfly kept staring at Hidan, and the body shifted its direction with Hidan.

The butterfly that was wrapped around a half circle couldn’t help it anymore, or didn’t want to expose the back to Naruto.

So I launched Attack to Hidan!

It swept its way to Hidan with its wings.

Hidan greeted him, “Boom!”, Hidan was hit and flew…

Naruto took a forehead with his hand.

Is Hidan a fool?

Didn’t you see that the four or five people’s trees were fallen?

The one that can cause this kind of Attack is obviously this one.

Hidan’s left-handed tentacles entangled in the tree during take-off, and the three-handed tree, the tip of the tree was slightly bent.

Hidan settled, then folded back under the elasticity of the tree and shot at the butterfly.

Half an hour, Hidan finally got the butterfly.

Use a tentacle to tie the butterfly to the tree trunk of a big tree.

Then I signed the contract.

A special contract requires a ritual array to transform the bears.

“Pull Obito and this butterfly into your Space.”

Obito led the way to Hidan.

Naruto turned and looked at the colorful butterfly that washin.

“As for you… no you have anything.”

The big butterfly looks down on Naruto.

This human attitude makes it somewhat unhappy.

The phosphorescence floated and the surrounding scenery was distorted. The colorful butterfly disappeared.

left? The butterfly in the perception barrier is still in sight.

The butterfly didn’t mean to go there, and the scene in Naruto’s eyes began to change.

The figure of Hinata has disappeared.

This butterfly is psychedelic with Illusion Technique.

Bad heart.

Naruto didn’t even pick up the eye mask, and kicked her foot and kicked it.

At the moment Naruto raised his foot, the big butterfly slammed. It is reasonable to say that the person who fell into the Illusion Technique could not control his body. The big butterfly was preparing to hide, but Naruto’s feet were too fast.


The big butterfly was kicked by this foot.

Illusion Technique is lifted.


The Illusion Technique of the big butterfly should be related to the scale powder on the body.

Hinata didn’t guard against the scales on her body, and I also had Illusion Technique.

When the Illusion Technique was lifted, I was a little worried. “What about the big butterfly?”

“Fly away.”

Say Naruto pulls Hinata and disappears into the woods with Obito.

It has appeared in Obido’s Kamui Space when it reappears.

The white-bone butterfly was tied by Hidan, and the two were blindfolded.

“Start signing the contract.”

Naruto knows that Hidan will not be able to drag on.

The crack starts to talk on the hand, and the blood drops.

It is different from the contract of Kuchiyose no Jutsu.

This contract of Ghost Buddhism requires the fusion of shinobi’s blood into the body of the beast.

Then under the special Rule, the body of the bear will undergo a transformation.

If the success of the ghost bud is successful, shinobi and the beast can be merged.

Failed, the beast will die.

At the beginning of the ceremony, Hidan unrolled the prepared Scroll, and the curse was touched. The curse like Edo Tensei developed was spread.

The two circles are surrounded by the big butterfly and Hidan.

Naruto perceives the barrier expansion and records the entire process.

In this note, this step has the highest failure rate.

The Bone Butterfly struggled for a moment, then moved, and Hidan did not move.

Hinata is a little worried: “What happened to them? Is it okay?”

Naruto Kaidō: “The notes in the notes that the body of the two will temporarily temper a temporary whole through the curse, such a body has two wills, they want to compete for the mastership of the new body.”

It is also recorded in the notes that it is generally the first to sign the contract of the spirit and beast to cultivate the feelings.

Let the beasts agree with shinobi, so it will be much simpler to compete for the mastership when it is integrated.

five minutes.

The curse on the forehead of the Bone Butterfly condenses into a symbol under the influence of Rule.

Then one person and one butterfly at the same time opened the eyes.

Contract into!

“Is Boss going to merge now?”

The tentacles of the white bone butterfly are loosened.

Hidan looks at Naruto, and the white-bone butterfly also looks at Naruto. The idea of ​​a butterfly is synchronizing.

Naruto senses the barrier sweeping through the body of Hidan, comparing the body before Hidan, no exception.


Hidan turned and the white bone butterfly stood up, with six feet supporting the ground and two making a hug to Hidan.

At the same time The body of the butterfly has also shrunk a bit.

A pair of feet hugged Hidan, the second pair also hugged up, the third pair.

Three pairs of feet on Hidan’s body seem to be bare ribs.

Then the body of the butterfly is integrated into the body of Hidan.

One person and one butterfly finally became a whole.

With his wings moving, Hidan flew up.

It became.

And it will be done once.

Naruto’s eyes lit up and he did a full-body check on Hidan. If there is no abnormality, this Ninjutsu can be used not only by him but also by the Mercenary Academy.

Today is still four, seek rewards! Ask for a ticket! Xiaozhao this salted fish has to turn over!

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