Supreme Naruto

Chapter 506

Mix Hiyton (Ice Release) with Suiton (Water Release) to help Obito clean up the Space.

Naruto and Obito are also shaking hands.

In the different Space, Obito sighed and sniffed. “How do I feel… there is a smell?”

Naruto also shrugged his nose. “Is there?”

The two looked at each other.

Naruto directed Obito: “Then you hide a little.”

Naruto hand seal, let Ninjutsu, Katon (Fire Release) learned from Kakuzu! Hard work!

But Naruto made a two-color fire.

I saw a dozen deep blue with a black pattern of fire to spread out, landing, explosion! The formation of a wave of fire and even the city swept the four sides.

Plus Fūton (Wind Release) sweep.

Only the smell of Jiaohu is left in the air.

Obito frowned: “You don’t think it tastes bigger? And it’s hot!”

Naruto despised: “I just disinfected at high temperature.”

The Naruto handprint changed again and it began to rain in the sky.

The rain washes the air and falls into the ice before being removed from the Space.

Kamui Space is finally clean.

Obito went out, went in and out, sniffed several times, and made sure that there was no smell and praised it: “Oh, great.”

As for Obito, why can’t I transfer all of the Sharingan’s Ability.

It should be related to his only one Sharingan, and the Ability control is not perfect.

There is no problem with solids, but liquids and smells are bad.

After Space was finished, Naruto started his left eye and left from Obumi’s Kamui Space.

“Naruto, that eye can put you there, but! This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed to do it again!”

Naruto’s eyebrows picked and picked: “I can’t guarantee this kind of thing, but I can guarantee that if I have this, I will definitely not clean it for you.”

The two of them had a big eye and a small eye, and Naruto slammed away.

Just venting?

The first time was, but the second time Naruto wanted to see if he did this out of Obito, would it change what Obito thought of him.

It is also a test of Kotoamatsukami Sharingan Ability.

As for the test results, it can only be described by terrifying.

Obito was angry and yelled, but Naruto could see that Obito had never shown resentment.

It can be seen that Obito really regards him as a relative.

So terrifying Strong makes Naruto happy at the same time.

After all, Uchiha Itachi has a Kotoamatsukami Sharingan.

Be careful!

If you give him such a thing, the consequences are unimaginable.

But then again, a Kotoamatsukami Sharingan is soformable, what if two?

can not imagine.

When Naruto saw that he was cleaning up, he waved: “Come on, it’s been a long time, I think you should think clearly.”

Hurried and timidly came over and didn’t even dare to look at Naruto’s eyes.

His heart was very scared at this time, and the source of fear was the change of Obito.

He didn’t know the reason, but he saw the result.

Naruto came to a conference room with a humble call, “Say, how can I handle you.”

Hearing the voice of Naruto, the humble body shook.

The head is still low, and it seems that I can’t wait to get into the ground.

Naruto frowned, “raised the head to talk, you are also a character in underground trading.”

Humble and nervous, raised the head.

“I…will be loyal to you.”

Then he squatted down on one knee.

Naruto looks at the hurry, he can see that the contempt of the loss of Strength has lost all his enthusiasm.

Such a person can be said to be a waste person in general.

“Ghost Buddy is what you invented?”

Humble nodded and nodded, “Yes.”

“What is the flaw in this technique?”

Humbled and respectfully said: “The flaw in the version I gave is that it can only be temporarily merged, Chakra stops supplying, or it will be lifted when it is exhausted.”

“The version I use needs to complete an Ancient sacrifice to truly blend.”

Naruto is not interested in the version used by the squatting, because the person who wants to get together five unique Kekkei Genkai is not a simple matter.

This is one of them. The second Naruto does not think that the fusion of the five kinds of Kekkei Genkai can become a god. If it can, then he has already become a god.

It can only be said that a monodable Monster will be merged, but it is absolutely impossible to be a god.

What Naruto is interested in is the version that can be temporarily merged.

“Which technique did you give to your hand, after the fusion, will it have a bad influence on the individual?”

“That is, if one of them gets sick, will fusion be contacted by another person?”

Kayō Kayō: “No, what it is before the fusion, there will be no change except for the consumption of Chakra.”

Naruto is more interested in this technique. As for the actual situation, I only know it when I try.

Naruto is indulging for a moment.

“Tell one thing to you, your current state is not a real resurrection.”

Hidden nodded, he can feel the situation of his body.

“However, this World Dead can be resurrected. I think that if you can develop a magical technique like Ghost Bud, then give you some time… Do you understand what I mean?”

Humbled and raised his head slightly. “You mean… let me study the technique of returning to life?”

Naruto nodded: “You can understand this.”

There is a little more in the eyes of the humble.

Naruto raised his hand and threw an identity card.

“The second Quest is to get you back to the underground exchange, and the Dark Vice Admiral underground exchange is unified.”

This was Naruto’s deliberation, and he thought that the humble call would bring him the greatest benefit.

Humbled and looked up, some surprises, but soon lost again.

“I am afraid that you are disappointed. Now I am… there is no such kind of Ability.”

Naruto uses the Spirit link to inform the monks who are waiting outside: “Okay, come in.”

After a few people enter the house, the eyes are hungry.

There is hatred between them.

“Naruto big brother, I want to say that this guy should kill directly.”

Little 咕 气 gas toot.

She can remember that at the time of Konoha, the singer called to arrest them.

Naruto cleared her throat, “cough, um… this…”

Muni started to talk: “Nothing, not killing is good, sometimes it is more painful to live.”

Ok, don’t explain anything without Naruto.

“Cough, that, these three people will complete this Quest with you.”

“As for your subordinate relationship, the real situation is that you are servants, they are the Lord.”

“Only when the underground exchange needs to show your face, you are the Lord, they are servants.”

“Which is God and which is a fake servant, I think you should be able to understand.”

Humble nodded and nodded: “I understand that you are a servant, they are the Lord.”

Naruto smiled with satisfaction and said to Muni: “Well, for how to bind the identity card, how to use System is handed over to you, and you take him away.”

The three girls smirked on the face.

Naruto saw the hungry body shivering again.

It should be indispensable to eat some bitterness.

I have arranged the humble call, what else is there to do?

Naruto glanced at the ghost bud, and he didn’t understand it before he used it.

Going to study ghost buds?

Or… go to Hidan?

Calculating the time, it is time to let Hidan return to the country of the rain.

Then go to Hidan.

Continue to write the third more ~ ​​seek rewards, ask for tickets ~

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