Supreme Naruto

Chapter 507


Under Naruto’s order, five flying swords were placed around the five-pointed star.

Hidan’s body stayed motionless.

But if you have the time to continue watching, wait a ten-minute period and you will find that in fact, Hidan is still moving, but the speed is too slow.

This is because the slower barrier affects the nerve response speed of the creature.

It is Naruto’s upgrade to the medical Ninjutsu.

Therefore, its shortcoming is that it is only valid for the creature.

But even so, the formidable of this move is beyond doubt.

As for non-creature, Naruto has other tricks.


Naruto took back five flying swords and Hidan returned to normal and fled again.

Naruto shot again, and a flying sword quickly shot over Hidan and nailed it to the ground.

The ground is frozen with the flying sword as the center.

This is Naruto’s infusion of the ice Attribute Chakra into the flying sword through the squall line.

Hidan jumped up.

Four flying swords smashed the machine up.

Wind Attribute Chakra, Wind Blade!

The flying sword that condenses the wind blade sweeps to Hidan, and the Hidan body instantly becomes Metalized.

Just listen to “Hey!”.

Hidan is intact.

Fūton (Wind Release) changes the magnet.


Naruto reached for Hidan and Hidan’s body was sucked over.

Naruto’s hand pressed and Hidan squatted on the ground.

Hyōton (Ice Release)! Frozen!

Hidan’s body is frozen.

The final expression is to turn Byakugan (roll eyes) to Naruto.

Ninjutsu was lifted and the cold was recovered. Hidan’s body returned to normal again, but this time he did not run, and he sat down on the ground and played.

“If you don’t fight, don’t fight, Boss, I have been tossing for a long time! You can’t kill me like this!”

That is, Hidan can practice with Naruto, and most people have tossed to death.

Naruto’s interest has not disappeared, and the good words advised: “After practicing for a while, have you not found that your promotion is also great?”

“In the past, your steel shovel could not catch up with the speed of Feijian.”

Hidan corner of the mouth A pumping, how many passes has this progress been accumulated?

He doesn’t remember it anyway.

Only the pain can be remembered!

“Boss is here today, can’t you practice tomorrow?”

Hidan’s poor looks at Naruto.

Naruto waved his hand. “Today is the last day, and tomorrow you will leave.”

Today is the last day?

Hidan’s Spirit head came up at once. “Really? Can I go back to the rain country tomorrow?”

Seeing Naruto nod, Hidan simply promised: “Well, then continue to practice!”

“But I have a condition.”

Five swords around Naruto are flying around Naruto, “You said.”

Hidan rubbed his lips. “I don’t want to run, I want to fight with you!”

Naruto has some unexpected look at Hidan, and Naruto always wants to play with Hidan. Hidan only knows to run.

“Okay, then you have to do full power.”


Naruto thought about it, and the five flying swords flew around Naruto’s “sōu sōu sōu”.

Hidan didn’t hide his hand and hold a sword.

Not affected by the slow barrier? Not the ontology is the Metal avatar!

Then, what happened to Mingge happened, and the Chakra on the flying sword was swallowed up, and the line was broken.

It is the meditation that can absorb Chakra.

“Yes, I can take my sword.”

Naruto waved to the sword, magnetic.

However, the word hilt shivered and was not recovered.

Magnetic enhancement!

Naruto’s sword was taken along with the Metal avatar.

Metal slammed a punch at Naruto.

Naruto greeted the left palm and pressed it on the opposite side of the opposite side.

The right hand is lying on the sword hilt.


Hidan’s Metal avatar is split in half by Naruto.


The steel scorpion was lifted and the Metal cube, which turned into a big finger, fell to the ground.

Obviously this Metal avatar is not entirely made up of equal volumes of Metal.

Instead, Chakra, a steel shovel, catalyzes the expansion of Metal.

After the metal block landed, “zī zī !”

Several arcs flashed on Metal and instantly burned red! explosion!

There is a second voice! “噼里啪啦”

The scorching juice shoots the surrounding trees through the sieve.

Naruto disappeared.

What about Naruto?

Hiden hidden in the dark is looking for it.

At this time, the body suddenly could not move.

Slow barrier!

Hidan was settled, Naruto took out the carbon pen and wrote a “defect” on Hidan’s face.

The slow barrier is lifted.

Hidan stared at the eyes and didn’t dare to set the channel: “What happened? When did you come to me?”

Naruto smiled: “I will tell you when I continue.”

Then Hidan was abused by Naruto for ten rounds.

Hidan is going to cry when he is abused.

“what is the problem!”

The Naruto in front of me suddenly turned into ink, in one minute.

Cut three swords to Hidan in three directions.

Only Jianguang, the speed of the sword can not be seen at all!

Konoha Sword Technique! Three-day dance!

Hidan body was cut into three sections


Illusion Technique is lifted.

Naruto stood in front of Hidan.

The Sharingan red in the left eye is heart-rending.

“The answer is your Illusion Technique.”

The trick that Naruto made was the trick that Kakashi was preparing for Naruto.

Hidan treats the body and Naruto looks at the side.

Look at those black little tentacles stitching together the body of Hidan.

After sewing, Hidan is still lying on the ground.

Naruto knows that he is pretending to be dead.

“Get up, don’t fight, you can go back to the rain country.”

After hearing this sentence, Hidan sat up.

“Hidan, do you want to have a pair of wings?”

Naruto’s words made Hidan nervous.

Carefully probed: “Boss What do you want to do?”

Naruto smiles and looks good.

“Don’t worry, the choice is in you.”

“I found a kind of Ninjutsu that can be combined with the beast.”

“You have seen it before, you want to learn, when you find a winged beast, you can fly.”

“The most convenient thing is that the Ninjutsu can be lifted at any time, except that it consumes Chakra without side effects.”

Say Naruto took out a transcribed Scroll and handed it to Hidan.

Hidan didn’t want to pick it up, but Scroll has already been put into Hidan’s hands.

Hidan is crying and sulking: “Boss, aren’t you saying that the choice is right for me?”

Naruto and goodness: “The choice is in you.”

Hidan asked cautiously: “That… if I don’t learn?”

Naruto’s kindness with a smile: “That tomorrow you will continue to practice with me.”

Threat! Naked threat!

resistance? nonexistent.

Hidan’s head pulled down and Scroll rolled out.

“I learn.”

Then Naruto sent a copy of the learning experience to Hidan.

This is from the dog Ji Na.

Naruto is not in a hurry today, just on the side of the look at Hidan.

Hidan continued to look at the scalp.

“Boss… This Ninjutsu needs a beast to practice and needs to sign a special contract.”

“That… I don’t have a bear… I don’t want to learn.”

Naruto smiled and leaked a row of neat white teeth. “As long as you want to learn, there is a way. Let’s go grab a flying beast tomorrow.”

Hidan: “…”

Seeking rewards ~ tickets ~ continue code words ~

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