Supreme Naruto

Chapter 505

“Naruto! You are a little bastard! I am going to kill you!”

When Naruto returned to the institute, he saw the murderous Obito.

And Obito’s body… seems to have a taste of that.

I want to come and clean up what I left behind.

What would the Obito shovel look like?

Naruto resisted not laughing, and looked serious and serious. Kaidō: “This doesn’t blame me, it’s you who broke my good things first.”

Obito took a deep breath and wanted to calm myself down.

But when I think that the strange space is still stinking, I can’t calm down.

“Little bastard… you give me the eyes!”

Naruto blinked: “Do you want it first?”

Obito sounded loudly: “Get it.”

Naruto cleared his throat: “Obito, you are no longer a child, what you want, you need to rely on your own strength to be a man.”

Obito’s face is darker.

This is what he just taught Naruto, but now he is actually educated.

This mood is almost a dog.

“Do you let me do it myself?”

Obito wants Naruto to go, Naruto fingers out: “Would you like to go outside, spacious outside!”

Obito nodded and agreed.

However, out of the lab, Naruto ran away from the madness of a cigarette.

Obito, Naruto, what is it?

For a time, there was a little smugness in my heart, and a small satisfaction.

In his opinion, Naruto ran, indicating that Naruto was afraid of him.

This anger has dropped a lot.

I chased it up and shouted: “I am afraid now? Late!”

Naruto did not return until he ran into the farm.

Soon Obito also caught up.

“Little bastard, run, why not run?”

However, sniffing the nose, the brow wrinkled, this taste… a little familiar.

The line of sight shifted from Naruto’s body.

This is… pig farm?

Obito’s face turned black and he finally understood why Naruto had to run.

It is not a runaway at all, but a bad heart.

“Naruto…you are not right.”

Naruto looked smug and asked: “Don’t you teach me?”

Obito bit his teeth and figured it out. Naruto has been used twice before and after.

Naruto is not a Uchiha family and should be reaching the limit.

In other words, the current Naruto is really Hollow.

Oh, I was almost scared by this Smelly Brat.

Thinking of this, Obito had a bottom in mind.

I also strengthened my mind and must teach this little bastard.

“What happened just now, I am also wrong…”

Obito apologized to Naruto and then suddenly accelerated!

However, Naruto was faster than him and rushed directly into the farm.

Naruto reminded: “You can think clearly, now you have an apology.”

Obito rushed into the air, and he was a little surprised. He praised: “Oh, Smelly Brat, this speed is not bad.”

Step by step to Naruto went over.

Naruto reminded: “Are you sure you don’t think about it anymore?”

Obito scorned: “Don’t Hollow, it’s a move for you, Obot Uncle, I don’t, I will ask you, my eyes, can you still use it now?”

Naruto Kaidō: “Can you use it, why can’t you use it?”

Obito curl one’s lip : “You have used the Ability twice, even the Uchiha Itachi guy. In such a short period of time, the use of Mangeky 连续 to write the road eye in such a short period of time can not support.”

Said Obito went to Naruto and walked in two more steps.

Naruto raised his hand and stopped: “Don’t come over, you are coming out, I am really welcome.”

Obito continues to move forward.

Naruto’s left eye, three tomoe Sharingan directly becomes Mangekyō Sharingan.

Obito stayed.

Secretly thought in my heart is not good, can Naruto be used by this guy?

Hesitating, Naruto once again reminded: “You will take a step forward, I am not welcome.”

Obito suddenly smiled on his face.

“Then you use it.”

Say that Obito continues to move forward.

In Obito’s opinion, Naruto stressed again and again that Naruto Heart Hollow is in Hollow.

“Little guy, you are going to deal with your Obito Uncle yet…”

Obito’s words came to an abrupt end, and Level 1 Ripple was created in a Space twist on the septic tank!

not good!

“and many more!”

Obito wants to stop Naruto, but it is already late, a whirlpool appears in the septic tank, and then the big one disappears.

“Naruto! I want to kill you!”

Thinking of yourself going to shovel, Obito’s eyes are red.

However, the whirlpool of the next moment disappeared again, and disappeared again!

Obito stunned Naruto with a look.

For four times in a row, Naruto didn’t even breathe! This is too enchanting!

Obito looks at Naruto, Naruto also looks at Obito: “Even if you are my elder, you have to admit mistakes when you do something wrong, or… I will use the entire septic tank…”

Naruto’s corner of the mouth smirked.

Obito forehead jumps straight.

Look at the septic tank again…

Obito shuddered.

But he is an elder, how can an elder confess to the junior?

That’s too cheap, right?

When Obito hesitated, Space’s ripple appeared again.

“Stop! It’s my fault! Stop now! Stop!”

The ripple of Space disappears.

Obito looked at the septic tank again and only felt the stomach tumbling.

I couldn’t help but ran out and spit.

“Oh, it seems that I won.”

Naruto is proud and frowns.

Also quickly grabbed his nose and ran out.

It is really stinking.

Outside the farm, Obito spits out.

“Little bastard, you see!”

Naruto tried to breathe the fresh air, Kaidō: “I also know that there is a little bit too much to do this, but ah… I reminded you, so you can’t blame me.”

Obito stared at Naruto, and looks at looks at the smile.

Asked: “How many times can you use?”

Naruto Honest Kaidō: “I don’t know, I can use it many times.”

Can I still use?

Obito was really shocked.

Taking Naruto without Obito, grab Naruto and start Sharingan.

The next moment The two were transferred to Kamui Space.

Kamui Space This stinks, Naruto feels spicy eyes as soon as he goes in.

I didn’t even think about launching Sharingan’s Ability in an instant and fleeing from Kamui Space.

Obito yelled: “Smelly Brat Don’t run! Clean me up!”

Naruto ran faster: “You still clean up yourself! I still have something!”

Obito Kamui Sharingan launched, the next moment appeared at the Snowy Mountain Institute.

He wants to block Naruto.

Naruto didn’t let him wait too long.

“Don’t run, don’t you want me to throw those things in your Base?”

Obito’s proud look at Naruto.

Naruto was shocked: “How can you be so shameless!”

Obito corner of the mouth A pumping, oh, you can hang me, can I be shameless if I hang?

The stench of the two was not small. Muni first looked over and stared at Naruto. “Naruto, are you pulling your pants?”

Naruto’s face is black.

Go to the TM pull pants, GodTM pull pants!

As soon as Naruto raised his hand, the water molecules in the air began to condense together, and the odor particles scattered in the air were mixed into the water and then frozen into ice crystals.

In the chakra of Naruto’s Chakra, the stench was swept away.

Explain: “The two of us went to the pig farm just now. It is no smell now.”

Obito stares at Naruto, his eyes shining: “Naruto! You have to help me clean the Space!”

First update, typo in the evening to change ~ seeking rewards, seeking a variety of votes ~ today will be completed four more!

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