Supreme Naruto

Chapter 504

Naruto went out.

Obito is a silly look at at.

Unbelievably said to himself: “This is… my other Sharingan?”

“This eye is not on the guy of Kakashi!”

About Obito The left eye memory Naruto has not changed, this is also to ensure the credibility of the memory.

After all, Obito will meet Kakashi and meet more people who know him.

At that time, it was too easy to understand who the left eye was.

Naruto has no time to change the memory of other people.

Naruto returns to the studio of Obito from Kamui Space.

Obito follow closely from behind also retreated.

“Is this eye only mys? Not in Kakashi? How is this for you?”

Naruto 贱兮兮’s Kaidō: “Kakashi said that this eye is too wasteful of Chakra, it is a burden, let me help him change one.”

Obito’s silly look at Naruto, repeating Naruto’s words.

Some sad: “Really?”

After all, he entrusted this eye to Kakashi, and he wanted Kakashi to replace him in this World…

How can this guy…

Look at Obito With a look of sadness and crying, Naruto shrugged. “Well, tell you the truth, this eye is my secret exchange.”

Obito glared at Naruto, and for a time thought couldn’t keep up with Naruto’s thinking.

“What do you change?”

Naruto took it for granted: “Danzo’s arm.”

In the memory of Obito, this event became a deal between Uchiha Madara and Danzo.

Obito looks at Naruto Sharingan in the left eye, hesitated on his face.

“Naruto…this is the eyes…”

Naruto smiled and said, “Well?”

Obito licked his lips: “Mangekyō has more tricks after writing the road, but it takes two Sharingans to open, I think…”

Naruto decisive Kaidō: “No, if you can give Kakashi the guy, then give me the same?”

Obito looked guilty. “What do you want this Sharingan to do?”

Naruto took it for granted: “That’s a big deal, just like I didn’t have this eye, I was shut down by the dark house.”

Obito explained: “I didn’t really want to shut you down.”

Naruto smiled awkwardly. “Who knows.”

“Well, Kamui Space, I have seen it too. I am going to do other things. You are living in this house yourself.”

Obito wants to stop Naruto, Naruto has gone through the wall.

Obito sighed and smirked: “This Smelly Brat, is it so difficult for him to call Uncle…”

As for the other Mangekyō Sharingan.

Obito thought about it. “He wants to play and let him play.”

Naruto was very excited when the inspection from Obito ended.

The Space of Obito is very big.

A Space that can hold a living thing can be a big deal.

How to use it?

Naruto was thinking, but he saw Hinata waiting for him at the door.

With a small mouth, I look unhappy.

“What’s the matter? Who is the big lady who made me feel unhappy?”

Hinata raised her head with a fierce face and looked at Naruto.


Hinata is usually very embarrassing, very shy, and is so spoiled as it is today.

Naruto bowed his head and the two eyes glared at the opposite side.

Then Naruto licked his little girl and took a nap on Hinata’s mouth.

Hinata stayed.

“Naruto Jun…”

Naruto just wanted to run away. After all, the story of a small couple should be chased by me.

However, the shyness of Hinata “teng!” turned into a steam stun.

Naruto quickly turned to catch Hinata.

Broken the general Hinata, the watery big eyes confused to look at Naruto.

The heartbeat sounds “Pump”.

What about Naruto?

Although Hinata is still young, her body has long been far superior to the person of same age.

So close distance and Hinata gaze…

Naruto’s heart also “fluttered and threw up.”

The head suddenly appeared in the head for three years, and the death penalty was not lost.

No, no, who can give him execution on this World?

And this is still your wish.

Hinata is willing?

Naruto’s quietly approached Hinata, and Hinata’s face did not escape.

Then just let the kiss go so boldly.

Thinking of his current courage is worse than when he first came to this World.

Naruto snorted and used nothing, and a bite was going to be in the spurt of energy.

Then come a French wet kiss!

What will it be like? Naruto has only heard of it before.

However, Naruto didn’t anticipate that on his behind, Obito’s door, Obito’s head was looking at him.

Then the bird quietly shrank his head back.

“Clang!” The door slammed open.

Obito loudly shouted : “Naruto !”

Naruto was shocked by this shock.

Hinata also woke up from the hustle and bustle of the cockroach.

When he woke up, Strength revived, and Hinata broke free from Naruto’s arms.

The shy head did not return and ran away.

Nest grass! Who is a good old man!

Naruto turned his head and stared at Obito in disgust.

“you do this delibrately!”

Obito half-mouthed, he was deliberate.

But Naruto’s gas field made him a little bit flustered.

“That… Naruto, you haven’t gone yet…”

Naruto’s face is darker.

Obito’s voice is getting lower and lower. “That… I thought you were gone, so I want to call you…”


Obito closed the door.

Because Naruto rushed over.

Hibiscus, wearing the door.

“You are finished…”

Naruto walked to Obito step by step.

Obito took a deep breath, “That, you have to calm down and say that I am your elder…”

Naruto continued to walk with a black face.

Obito suddenly threatened: “More, you can’t beat me.”

Naruto fist clenched a punch and went up.

Kamui, Hollow!

Look at Naruto With a punch, Obito is very proud: “Look, you can’t beat me.”

Naruto took back the fist and stared at Obito. “You let me punch and nothing happened.”

Obito’s contemptuous look at Naruto: “I am your Uncle.”

Naruto’s face is darker: “I don’t want a face? It’s a generation! You are my father’s discipline, and at best it’s a big brother.”

Obito is ridiculous: “You can’t beat you anyway…”

Naruto stares at Obito.

Obito, proudly said: “If you want to hit me, it depends on your own skills.”

Naruto thought of a move that would definitely cure Obito.

But that move is too bad.

Naruto doesn’t want to use it.

Naruto took a deep breath and said it again: “Just punch, you let me scatter this tone and finish it.”

Obito scorned: “Naruto, you are no longer a child, what you want, you need to rely on your own strength to be a man.”

Naruto turned and did not go back.

Behind Obito is still rushing.

Naruto screamed with dismay: “Give you a chance, don’t blame me for a while.”

If Sasuke or Gaara or Hyuga Neji is here, you can make a correct judgment.

Meet Naruto’s requirements, because Naruto’s expression is clearly compassion.

This is the expression that the winner has in the grip.

The people who were pitted were very clear.

Naruto left.

Obito smugly muttered: “brat, I can’t cure you.”

But soon I won’t be able to continue.

Big shout: “Naruto! You little bastard! You give me a hand!”

On the country of the snow country, next to the septic tank, Naruto drives Kamui Sharingan.

Space is distorted in front of me, and a good beach disappears out of thin air.

Naruto licks his nose.

“Welcome the fear of belonging to the farm! Obito children!”

“I gave you a chance…”

“It’s so stinking, are you growing up?”

Naruto looked awkward and a few pigs looked unhappy.


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