Supreme Naruto

Chapter 503

“You entered the body of this little guy?”

Naruto looks at the little bat, and turns around and licks Hinata. Naruto notices that when Hinata uses his thoughts to control the flying squirrel, the body is still standing on one side.

Isn’t this a soul transfer? Is it just the power control that Spirit shares?

This trick Naruto will also, he often uses this trick to control his avatar.

However, Hinata uses the small bat’s body Kaidō: “Yes.”

Naruto waved his hand. “No, you are just a power control, so it’s good at close range. It’s too far away from the unstable Chakra.”

Hinata is not happy. He bows his head and whispers: “So… does Naruto Jun disagree with Hinata?”

She obviously practiced for a long time.

It seems to be practicing now.

Naruto looks at Hinata, who suddenly lost, comforting: “The Akatsuki Organization is nothing fun, even the building is a style, not comparable to the current country of snow.”

“Moreover, you can’t go to the president here to play with them?”

“If you go with me, you can’t do what you want to do when you are there.”

“Go, eat,”

“You are not saying to me…”

Naruto took Hinata’s hand, and she was sensible and sensible. The two and a half pushed the restaurant.

“Naruto big brother, aren’t you saying to ask another person?”

Little Muni looked over, because today Naruto said there were guests, so she never moved chopsticks.

Xiao Tuni asked other people to look at it.

The table at the Daxueshan Institute is Western-style.

A long walk of the rectangular body.

Sitting on the side of people, Xiao Ni Ni.

Sitting on the side of the beast, big fat, lynx snake, giant panda rolling, and the little white snakes that Naruto caught, which were cultivated by Orochimaru cells, the little white snakes were named Orochimaru by Naruto black belly.

“That guy, today is not here, everyone eats first.”

After the meal, Naruto thought about preparing a meal and heading to the room in Obito.

A few girls are talking about their own affairs.

When Naruto is gone, Muni asks Hinata: “How? Naruto, did the guy say you want to take you?”

Hinata has no choice but to say the same thing.

Xiao Niuni also listened to it over and over again. When he heard the distance limit of the power control, he directly said: “This is a good solution. Bind an ID card to your little bat, so that you can use two clients. Establishing a channel, the power control can be used directly.”

A word from Minnie, let Hinata shine.

“Is it feasible?” Although it is a question, Hinata already has an answer.


Then I picked up the little monk and lifted it up.

Spirit network, in an independent group chat, Dafei suddenly started to talk: “Boss that Xiaonioni can think of can certainly think of it, but he did not say that he did not want you to go.”

Cold field…

Originally the fiery atmosphere plummeted to zero.

Hinata bowed his head unhappy, and the little cockroaches screamed at the fat.

However, he was defeated by the eyes of Dafei.

The majesty of the Big Brother is accumulated over time, fearing.

On the other hand, Naruto has come to the door of Obito.

“When! When! When!”

Naruto knocked on the wooden door and the room was silent.

Naruto knocked again.

Shouted: “You are not hungry? If I am not hungry, I will take away the food.”

Still have not responded.

“I am leaving.”

Say Naruto turned around with a plate.

Just then the door was finally pushed open, “Wait!”

Naruto turned to look at Obito, and Obito put on his mask again.

“When you wear a mask at home, do you think you have no face to see anyone?”

Naruto teased, Obito snatched the plate from Naruto’s hand, and then “bang!” shut the door again.

In the face of the closed door Naruto Byakugan (roll eyes), “A door can stop me? This is my place.”

Say, Naruto takes a step forward.


Naruto’s body is integrated into the wooden door, and the legs are stretched in. Step by step, walk straight into the house.

It looks like it is wearing a wall.

Obito, who had already taken the mask in the house, was going to eat and hurriedly buckled the mask again.

“Little bastard! This is my room! Who will let you in!”

Obito panicked and said nothing to say.

Naruto’s contemptuous look at Obito: “Isn’t that being watched by the little brother? It’s a big deal. Hinata has seen it with Yakushi Kabuto in the past few days.”

Obito was stiff and then roared: “Can that be the same?”

Naruto thought about it seriously: “It’s really different, you are smaller.”

Hōng lòng !

Obito is like a blue sky.

But Obito still wants to struggle. “Are you not ashamed of this? You don’t want to face Hinata.”

Naruto gave Obito a blank look. “Cut, don’t forget that my family, Hinata, is a Hyuga family. It can be seen if you don’t want to see it. It’s tired of seeing it.”

Hōng lòng !

Obito was again tendered by Naruto Ray.

Then quietly patted: “Byakugan (roll eyes) So convenient?”

Naruto corner of the mouth.

Even if Obito is still wearing a mask, the wretched breath is still coming.

“Hurry up to eat, after I finished eating the Space that I saw your Sharingan link.”

Obito hesitantly took the mask and ate it.


After eating, Obito still felt that it was not enough. In fact, Obita’s Stamina consumed a lot.

If you don’t say anything else, the medicine of ten people is a big burden.

“Open your mouth.”

Naruto said that Obito opened his mouth subconsciously.

A small ball of “sōu!” was thrown into the mouth of Obito.

The entrance to the small balls is instant.

Then the hungry belly was full!

“What did you give me?”

Naruto took it for granted: “The peasant grain pill, tasteless, has not eaten?”

Obito squinted: “When I come to you, will you give me a pawn?”

Naruto pointed to the messy plate: “I have invited you for a big meal, and then it is a powerful soldier’s grain pill. I am very special and have a very good effect.”

“Well, after the meal is finished, take me to see your Space.”

Obito stared at Naruto, looking like a dead fisheye.

I can see that he is full of helplessness to Naruto.

“Well, take you there.”

Obito raised his hand on Naruto’s shoulder, and then the Space between the two distorted, and the two disappeared during the rotation.

When it reappears, it is already empty, full of cubes in the Space.

Obito smirked: “Wow! haha!haha!”

“Come on my Space, I want to go out and have to see my wishes!”

Obito hugged his shoulders and appeared in front of Naruto with a smug look.

The current Obito is a bit awkward.

Naruto tentatively asked: “Oh? Then if you want to let me go?”

Obito smirking at at at the bottom of Naruto: “Call me Obito Uncle, beg me.”


Naruto told Obito that Naruto was calling for him.

Never called Uncle.

So in the memory of the image, this has become the heart disease of Obito?

Naruto bad said with a smile : “Do you think I will call?”

Obito proud and pampered said: “Don’t call you, don’t think about going out!”

Naruto took off the eye mask of the left eye.

Corner of the mouth, three tomoe turned into Mangekyō Sharingan.

“I just don’t call, mad at you.”


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