Supreme Naruto

Chapter 494

Still merging?

Naruto stared at Hidan, and Hidan got rid of the suffocation and seemed to be mad with a smile: “Of course!”

Hidan’s left arm was made into a Metal scythe tentacle, followed by Lightning.

Different from the previous blue or purple Lightning, it is like a streamer.

Naruto knows that it is a kind of Strength called Suiton (Water Release) and Lightning Style.

It became.

Hidan’s arm slammed forward.

Just like the swordsman’s unparalleled warrior, the sword is flashing.

Very fast! And the power is unparalleled.

Hidan’s tentacles were cut on the rocks in front of him.

The light weight of the rock is like a tofu that is directly destroyed.

After witnessing the promotion of his own strength, Hidan walked to the third coffin.

Shinobi of Sha Ren Village, Xun Wei!

Hidan’s chest split again, the slender tentacle plunged into the man’s body and then contacted Heart.

The body is withered, the Heart is enhanced, the mysterious curse is emerging, and the heart is blended.

The three hearts start to sync.

After the synchronization was completed, Hidan’s stomach was blown up.

Not only the stomach, but all the digestive systems of the large intestine and small intestines were blown up.

Hidan started a severe cough, just like the late stage of lung cancer.

The snoring of the cough is exhausted.

Naruto looks at a mouthful of blood, a mouthful of organs were spit out.

When I saw the intestines, I couldn’t bear to look straight.

Perhaps it is also felt that the intestines are a little uncomfortable, and Hidan has opened his stomach and then went straight to his own surgery.

This picture is absolutely perfect.

“I don’t think you will have to eat anything in the future.”

I don’t have anything to absorb and digest, and I still have a wool.

Hidan finished the removal surgery and closed the mouth from the chest to the abdomen.

“If you don’t eat, you don’t eat. Kakuzu, the guy said that my body will be gone after his body is normalized.”

After saying that Hidan didn’t try the new Ability, he just ran to the fourth coffin.

The last shinobi.

Kirigakure shinobi, able to engulf Chakra’s meditation Kekkei Genkai.

What should I say?

Just now Naruto was still thinking that Hidan couldn’t eat properly afterwards. Would you like to give him a core spell?

In this way, Hidan can also live by swallowing Chakra.

But now it seems that there is no need to worry about anything that is in ruins. Since this thing can swallow Chakra, it may be able to replace it.

I just don’t know if I can break down the vitality from Chakra.

But even if it doesn’t matter, Naruto can help Hidan complete the transformation.

The fourth fusion.

This time, only the remaining internal organs are gone.

Hidan didn’t vomit the same sputum, and dumped all the miscellaneous.

Only four weird Hearts are beating together.

Yes, it’s four, and the Heart of Hilton’s Heart is gone.

At the beginning, Hidan escaped with the heart of the Earth Attribute Chakra.

“How are you feeling?”

Hidan is even taller, not only the muscles of tall bodies are ripened and proliferated in successive rapid growths.

The whole person looks like an iron tower.

And Hidan’s height also broke through the original value, surpassing Naruto, reaching a two-meter two terrifying height.

Hidan is active under the body.

“It feels great, it seems that there is an endless strength.”

Hidan took a step forward.

An ordinary step, but directly trampled the ground out of a hole.

Hidan snorted and then laughed.


Hidan seems to have disappeared from the shell.

However, because there was no sudden increase in Strength, a lot of pits were blown up on the ground.

“Oh! Call!”

Hidan screamed, and in Naruto it looked like a monkey in the forest with a buttock.

I can’t see people, I can only hear the sound of the ground, and the holes that are constantly coming out.

Naruto took the left eye mask off.

Sharingan’s turn turned around and became familiar with the surrounding environment.

This time Naruto saw Hidan’s figure.

Sharingan’s dynamic vision is a true compliment.

Would you like to change another eye to Sharingan?

Naruto has some intentions.

The rapid acceleration, the steel shackle tentacles smashed to the surrounding stone mountain, steel raft assisted.

Hidan is sung this time.

Naruto shouted: “Come here! Let’s practice!”

Hidan stunned, and when a few pieces stopped on the ground, there was no sound.

Hidan turned and looked over.

“Boss… are you really?”

Naruto hooked Hidan’s hook. “Less nonsense, come on, let me see your current skills.”

Hidan said with a smile : “Come on!”


Speed ​​broke out!

A dazzling Hidan disappeared.

Naruto injects Chakra into Sharingan, and the dynamic vision of Sharingan is activated to the limit.

See it!

Not only did I see it, because Hidan wasn’t accustomed to the sudden strengthening of Strength, and the buzzing sound continued, Naruto heard it.

With prediction, Naruto mobilized Fūton (Wind Release) to avoid Hidan’s offense in centimeters!

Naruto noticed a weakness in the missile, although the speed of the missile increased, but the response, vision is short.

Hitan noticed Naruto’s Sharingan, “Boss, your Sharingan recovered?”

Naruto Kaidō: “No, I changed one.”

At the mouth of the speech, Naruto avoided the view of the missile, and a whip leg took Hidan away and set it on the rocky mountain.

“Be careful, take out all of your Strength.”

Naruto sipped for a while.

Hidan’s body climbed out of the body.

Some are embarrassed, but it is not difficult to see that there is not much from the way they live.

“Boss, do you want me to come up with all the Strength?”

Naruto hooked his hook: “Crap, though.”

Hidan’s holding with a smile: “That… the death division does not count in the blood?”

Death Division by blood? That is a trick.

Naruto is said with a smile : “Good, it seems that you have the consciousness to make all the Strength.”

“It’s not just the death of the company, but all the tricks are not limited.”

Say that Naruto’s body is completely Meal.

With a steel shackle, Didan could not get his blood as long as the steel shovel was not lifted.

Hidan crazy with a smile: “Well, I am full power!”


Hidan’s Strength is promoted to the extreme, and Naruto’s Sharingan can barely see the figure.

I have to say that speed is really fast on speed.

I listened carefully to the sound.

However, after the explosion that broke the ground, it suddenly disappeared!

Hidan’s figure has disappeared.

Nothing left and right, above? No! It is below!

Naruto suddenly jumped and left to leave.

The next moment The missile’s fist rushes out of the ground.

Then change Naruto charge!

The spiral pills in the hand converge instantly, and then Fūton (Wind Release) accelerates the storm and goes to Hidan.

Hidan’s momentum has not dissipated, and it is still rushing under the influence of inertia.

Naruto’s spiral pill just squatted on Hidan’s abdomen.

Hidan was shot again!

Naruto taunted: “No! This is your ability to be serious?”

After Hidan’s body landed, he got into the ground.

At this time, Naruto can use Katon (Fire Release) to melt the ground, or Hyōton (Ice Release) to create a home of their own.

Especially the second one, Naruto hides in the ice. Hidan thinks that Attack is difficult for him. If he is equipped with a avatar, it will be even worse.

However, Naruto did not. He did not intend to take advantage of Chakra’s nature change this time. He wanted to go straight to and play a good match with Hidan.

One is to evaluate your own strength.

Second, it is to find their own fighting methods.

A way to get the most out of it!

Seeking, that, the ticket… 哟~ Don’t fight for the gimmick, sigh with anger… (A Bao’s “Shandandan Flowering Red Yanyan” rhythm sings ~ funny)

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