Supreme Naruto

Chapter 495

Hidan was once again hit by Naruto with a spiral pill.

“Boss! Do you want to teach me this?”

After fully understanding the formidable of the spiral pill, Hidan couldn’t help but make a small calculation.

Naruto hooked the hook again. “Okay, you beat me, I will teach you.”

Hidan was excited to sit up directly from the crater and was surprised to say: “Really?”

Naruto hooked the hook again, “Really.”

Hidan rushed over.

Dodge! Dodge! fight back! Avoid again! Fight back!

Naruto is entangled with Body Technique and Hidan.

Maybe it’s adapted to your own Strength, or four Hearts’ upgrades to Hidan are not over yet.

Hidan became more and more brave, and was suppressed by Naruto from the beginning, and then gradually suppressed Naruto.

In the end, “bang!”

Naruto was shot.

“Boss! I beat you!”

Lost? What?

Naruto suppressed too much Strength.

Did not use strange power, did not use Sword Technique.

Not to mention other miscellaneous things.

However, Naruto did not deny it and nodded and agreed: “Well, I will teach you when the battle is over.”

Speaking of getting up and actively launching Attack to Hidan.

“Boss! When is the battle over?”

“I only see blood when I see it.”

Hidan stayed.

Then he was hit by a whip leg from Naruto.

This time Naruto didn’t stop Attack, and the sprint progressed forward and started to move.

After Hidan hardened for a few times, he also tempered the body, and he listened to the sound of “Mean! Dangdang!”

“Boss! This is too difficult!”

Hidan quickly evaded Naruto’s whip leg with a quick acceleration, and even the move was interrupted.

“It’s not difficult, just see the blood.”

Naruto launched an offensive again.

Hidan’s vision has caught up with Naruto’s rhythm.

The two struggled again.

This time, Hidan once again has the upper hand and there is a growing trend.

Naruto’s close proximity to Attack has failed.

If you use a avatar…

Naruto’s heart raised an idea.

But then it was rejected.

This time I was fighting with Hidan in order to find new ways to fight. I can no longer use the past fighting habits.

So use strange power?

Naruto was very tangled and Naruto was shot.

“Boss! Why don’t you hide?”

Hidan did not continue Attack, standing on the side of the look at Naruto.

How to answer this sentence?

It is really impossible for him to avoid the situation just now!

But with the avatar, Hidan certainly can’t beat him.

It’s impossible to beat him from the ground with Earth Style.

Use strange power…though let alone.

But to find a new battle placement…

“Come back!”

Naruto got up and was knocked down again.

Get up again, or knock down.

After Hidan’s reaction came up, Naruto was completely at a disadvantage with the speed advantage of swift overwhelming.

Naruto still didn’t bleed, but he was beaten a little.

This time, Naruto was caught by Hidan’s tentacles, a hell cradle, and increased backs!

Naruto’s head has the closest contact with the ground.

“Boss, see blood?”

Blood is not there, but Naruto is angry.


First gear! Second gear! Third gear! Four gears!

The film formed by Chakra is invisible, and only Naruto can be seen to emit Level 1 red light in vitro.

This Tsunade has nothing, just because Naruto’s Chakra is also affected by the nine tails.

“You asked me to see blood?”

Naruto’s both hands pressed to the ground and pulled the head out of the ground.

Strength broke out! Naruto appeared in front of Hidan.

Feeling the wrong atmosphere, Hidan is a little aphasia.

“That…it doesn’t look like that…what… come back?”

The question says, Naruto disappears in place!


Instant surgery!

Not a storm, Naruto has no wind blade explosion.

However, speed is very fast, close! An uppercut!

Hidan’s chin was hit and the man was flying up by Naruto’s fist.

Raise your hand and grab Hidan’s ankle.

Go back and slam up!

“See blood?”

“See blood?”

“I let you dare to ask me if I see blood!”

Hidan’s body was rounded by Naruto, and it was a slam to the ground!

“啪啪”, all the anger that Hidan had violently accumulated before him fell out.

The last blow, hell slam dunk!

Naruto planted Hidan’s onion on the ground.

Hidan didn’t have a big injury, but his head was fainted on the ground.

After standing up again, there is no difference between being drunk and drunk.

Wait, don’t you want to find a new combat style?

Can’t use strange power.

Naruto puts aside the strange powers.

Hidden hook on Hidan: “Come on.”

Hidan was a little scared by Naruto’s round.

“That Boss…just won’t come…”

Naruto hooked the hook again: “I haven’t seen blood yet.”

Hidan shook head said: “This…you don’t see blood…”

Naruto asked: “You don’t want to learn spiral pills?”

Hidan will shake his head like a rattle: “Don’t learn! Don’t learn!”

Naruto and goodness: “Let’s learn.”

Hidan shook head: “Don’t learn.”

Naruto adjusted his smile and tone, and he was more kind: “Let’s learn.”

Hidan’s head is shaking faster: “Don’t learn, I really don’t learn.”

Naruto violent shouted: “Learning!”

Then he initiated the Attack to Hidan.

Because of the lack of use of the power, this time Naruto’s speed strength, once again fell.

Hidan found some guilty after discovering this. Can the Boss outbreak only break out?

Hidan played Spirit and I hid! I am flashing! I will hide again!

After a few times, avoiding Naruto’s Attack Hidan, he regained his confidence.

Then launched a violent Attack to Naruto.

Hit a heavy punch! Naruto was shot.

Naruto: “…”

Grab Naruto with your tentacle, big back!

Naruto was planted again on the ground.

Naruto: “…”

Hidan’s courage is big, and the tentacles are ready to catch Naruto’s ankle!

Then boldly round up!

Just like Naruto is like him.

“This time I saw blood!”

“See blood!”

“Ask you! See the blood!”

Naruto Metal’s shiny face is exposed!

Hand seal !

Multiple shadows!

“bang! 嘭bang! bang! ”

Spiral pill!

Thousands of Naruto held spiral pills in their hands and slammed them up against Hidan.

“Also asked me to see blood!”

“I asked you to ask me to see blood!”

“I let you ask!”

A single shot of a spiral pill is a question, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a thousand people.

Put Hidan on the ground for a while of crazy friction!

The anti-Hidan is very cool.

Naruto is cool after the fusion of thousands of avatars!

Then the fire will drop.

Well, you can’t use multiple shadows.

Naruto hooked Hitan, who was about to be deformed by the shackled body. “Come on, continue, haven’t seen blood yet.”

Hidan is crying and sulking: “Boss… I see blood…”

Naruto looked over.

No, I don’t know how Hidan’s steel smashing is partially removed.

Then Hidan’s big front teeth were blown away.

That blood flow.

“You can’t see blood, you have to see blood.”

“Hey? Don’t run first! I will cure you.”

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