Supreme Naruto

Chapter 493


Hidan looks at Naruto, who was dark in his throat, swallowed his mouth, but soon noticed the four coffins behind Naruto.

Naruto Is this bringing the four people promised to him?

Naruto continued to stare at Hidan and asked again: “Who are you talking about pigs?”

Hidan reacted this time and pointed to himself again and again: “I am a pig, I am a pig.”

Since this is said, Naruto is too lazy to pursue it again. “From left to right, four people are Kekkei Genkai, four kinds of fast, sly, sly, and steel sho…”

Naruto spoke a word and turned to look at Hidan.

Hidan’s eyes are bright after hearing Naruto’s introduction.

Just like the wolf in the winter saw the meat.

Naruto reconfirmed: “These four people can be handed over to you, but are you sure?”

Hidan hesitated a bit and scratched his head: “I can’t say this. When Kakuzu was still there, we both studied… He meant that I couldn’t die anyway, so it’s worth a try.”

Naruto, the brain circuit of Hidan, really doesn’t understand, can you just try it if you can’t die? Maybe this is the waywardness of immortality?

However, since Hidan doesn’t care about playing off, Naruto doesn’t have to stop it. “Then you just try it.”

Naruto let go, and Hidan tentatively pointed to the coffin, and after Naruto nodded, he rushed up.

A bite of coffin was uncovered, and Hidan’s surprise was screaming again and again.

“Boss…the fifth coffin is…”

Hidan snorted and snorted to Naruto.

Naruto is black.

The fifth coffin is Kakashi, and it is impossible to integrate Hidan.

Although in the days of Konoha, Kakashi was brutally ruined by him, but there was still a sense of apprenticeship.

“You don’t even think about the people in the fifth coffin. Let’s talk about the four together.”

Hidan didn’t ask too much, nodded and nodded and then smashed around the four coffins.

Iwagakure Ninja Village, the shinobi with steel kekkei Genkai, was finally selected.

I saw that Hidan’s chest cracked a slit, and the black tentacles stretched out of the crack and pierced the man’s body.

Hidan began to blend Heart, and Naruto was on the side of the look at.

The picture of the heart is still very bloody, but perhaps it has been in this World for a long time, Naruto found that his heart is not wavering.

It can only be said that habit is really a very terrifying Strength.

In the perceived barrier, Naruto sees it more clearly.

After the tentacles that Hidan’s chest stretched out pierced the body of Shinobi, he slowly wrapped the Heart.

Heart continued to beat, and then the strange thing happened, and the shinobi’s body withered with the speed visible to the naked eye.

Yes, it is withered, and a big living person seems to have withered plants.

However, Heart is more and more powerful, and the heartbeat sound that is “squeaky” seems to be louder in the ear.

When the last life of the body was also swallowed up by Heart, Naruto found that the pattern of Level 1 outlined by the black line was gathered on the Heart surface. At Naruto’s judgment, it was a curse.

The tentacle retracted and the Heart was pulled into the body of Hidan.

Hidan original Some slightly pale faces rise to Level 1’s healthy blush.

Strength is improving!

Feeling the cheers of every cell in the body, Hidan opened his eyes.

The left arm was turned into a sickle tentacles, but this time the scythe was no longer a soil knife, but a sharp steel knife that turned the Metal gloss.

Hidan is full of cheers like: “Boss… I think I have succeeded.”

Yes, Naruto saw it very clearly. When the scythe of the missile became a steel knife, Naruto knew that the guy had succeeded.

It took only five minutes before and after the heart to the fusion to succeed.

And immediately after integration, you can use the newly integrated Kekkei Genkai.

Naruto’s heart was filled with embarrassing emotions.

Every time he integrates a new Kekkei Genkai, it takes weeks, or even months, to master.

Hidan, this guy is good, seconds will.

“Well… I saw it, then continue to merge.”

Naruto replied that Hidan’s body was awkward as Hidan’s joyous plans to continue to merge.

It seems that the chest is stinging, carefully licking the body, even the atmosphere does not dare to breathe.

Then a blood squirted out of Hidan’s mouth.

After a sip of blood, it is followed by vomiting.

There is no such thing as spitting out meals.

But even more disgusting than the food, the red blood squirted a bite.

There are also a few pieces of meat in the blood that seem to be the internal organs of Shatter.

Is this backlash?

The fusion failed?

Naruto frowned, see Hidan spit a few mouthfuls and finally vomited and asked: “What happened?”

Hidan sighed and shook his head: “Nothing, the original Heart just rubbed.”


Heart is still dying?

Naruto in the perception barrier also saw the situation of Hidan within the body. What he asked was to know if the fusion failed.

Naruto didn’t understand Hidan’s brain circuit. See Hidan’s reaction is not too intense and went to the front.

“I will show you first.”

Naruto probed it with Senjutsu, not to mention the fact that it was really okay from the reaction of the body.

Shatter is the heart of the Kakuzu fusion of the Earth Attribute Chakra.

Others are not abnormal.

“Do you still continue to merge?”

Hidan nodded: “Fusion, anyway, it looks like you can’t die.”

Naruto is a bit worried about re-integrating the new Heart, originally re-exploded.

But it didn’t stop, “Then you will continue to merge.”

Hidan rubbed the blood of the corner of the mouth and walked over to the other coffin.

Kumo Shinobi village shinobi, 岚遁Kekkei Genkai.

Hidan’s chest split again, and the slender tentacle, which is different from the ordinary tentacles, once again shot from the chest and pierced the body of shinobi in Kumo Shinobi village.

In the perception barrier, when Naruto saw that the black tentacle was released to Heart, the scene that happened before happened only once.

The body is withered, and the activity of the Heart is enhanced. It seems that an invisible hand began to sketch on the Heart.

Eventually the body completely withered, the spell on the Heart ended, and the heart merged.

Naruto takes a closer look at the changes in each of the Hidan bodies.

This time, the heart of Hidan didn’t explode again.

The two Hearts started to jump, but when they jumped, they gradually unified the rhythm.

The two hearts in tandem also made a sound.


At the moment when heartbeat was completely unified, Hidan’s body changed.

The vitality of the two formidables emerged from the heart and merged into the body of Hidan.

Hidan’s meridians and muscles are as big as a balloon.

But another organ exploded.

Hidan’s two lungs.

Original Hidan Although Kakuzu is integrated, the internal structure is the same as normal, but this time it is completely different.

After losing two lungs, Hidan opened his mouth and seemed to suffocate and generally wanted to breathe.

Both hands are holding the neck, struggling with death, and the blue veins are exposed.

Naruto quickly reminded: “Use Chakra instead of breathing!”

With Naruto’s reminder that Hidan finally stopped struggling, Chakra replaced the oxygen to maintain the normal functioning of the body.

“It seems that you can’t breathe normally in the future.”

Naruto looks at Hidan, “Is it still fused?”

Thank you for your ticket~ Continue to ask~

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