Supreme Naruto

Chapter 492

Naruto’s hand was on the head of the shinobi in the village of Kumo Shinobi.

Because this person is not dead, no soul is absorbed by Naruto.

Naruto can only try to connect with this person using the Spirit link.

no respond.

This is also expected.

After all, the Spirit link needs to be approved by the opposite side to be established.

Naruto then used the technique of spiritualization.

The overbearing spiritualization does not require the opposite side of the consent, directly attacking the soul world of the opposite side with violent strength, and finds the soul of the opposite side.

There is no wise soul, floating in the soul world.

Naruto’s Spiritual Body touches the soul of the opposite side.

Like other Attributes, Naruto knows when the soul of the opposite side is partially swallowed up by him.


A clear sound came from the depths of the Naruto soul World.

It’s very light, but for Naruto it seems like a sunny day in the ear!

In the nine-tailed Seal Space, outside the nine-tailed cage, the white and white giant egg suddenly broke a seam!

Naruto’s consciousness sank into this piece of World.

Xiaojiu’s curious cockroach looked over the cage. “Hey? The stone cracked a seam!”

Naruto also stared at the crack. “This is not a stone, this is an egg!”

The two waited for a long time, but there was no other change in the egg except for a crack.

Xiao Jiu Zuo waited for something to get out and couldn’t help but tsukkomi said: “Is it not a stillbirth?”

Naruto’s face was black.

God’s stillbirth! It is absolutely impossible to have a stillbirth!

Naruto has been looking forward to the day the egg hatched.

After all, because this egg Naruto can fuse other people’s Kekkei Genkai.

“There should be a fusion of Kekkei Genkai not enough.”

Naruto’s consciousness retired from the soul world and then walked into the other coffin.

Devouring again!

This is the fastest speed of speed!

The giant egg swallowed part of the soul of the opposite side, and the gold line on the aperture on the giant egg was more composed of a continuous circle.

No response?

Naruto stared at the egg with Jiuwei.

Just when Naruto was disappointed, “Oh!”

Once again, the giant egg cracked a gap!

wait! No sound!

Naruto merges with the third person! Can engulf Chakra’s meditation!

This time there were no cracks, only the two cracks became longer.

But in fact, even if it is getting longer, it is still a little small for this extremely large dome.

This is gone?

Nine tails couldn’t help but say: “looks at me, I am in a hurry, Naruto will either let you go and punch.”

What is a punch?

Naruto listened to the white one and looked at it. “I want to punch you.”

Nine tails didn’t talk back, only the eyes stared at the crack above: “But the looks at it is uncomfortable.”

“Would you like to turn the egg to a position and let the cracks hit me?”

Naruto snorted, what is wrong with this?


Naruto didn’t dare to touch the egg in front of him. The nine-year obligation told him that he couldn’t help the chicken to break the shell.

Otherwise the chicken is easy to die.

Xiao Jiu stared at the two small cracks: “You are not born, I am shot!”

Then the nine tails really grabbed from the cracks in the cage.

Is this going to dry up? Want to turn the sky?

Just as Naruto was about to reprimand the nine tails, a colored thread floated out of the giant egg.

Going to the nine tails.

This scene… is simply too familiar!

Nine-tailed looks at the furry thing, subconsciously, I plan to shoot with my claws. “What is this?”

Naruto does not return.

Then the nine-tailed Chakra hand and the white silk are lifted together.

Then it was like a pumping pipe, and the nine-tailed Chakra was sucked into the dome by “zī zī”!

Feel the passage of Chakra’s lapse of nine tails and quickly retracted the hand but could not get rid of those white silk.

“Naruto! What is this!”

Naruto blinked.

The giant egg continued to swallow, and the reminder that the recovery of a lot of nine tails narrowed again.

“Naruto! Help me cut this thing! This thing is eating me!”

Naruto wants to say that if he doesn’t die, he won’t die.

If it weren’t for the nine-tailed provocation, the giant egg might…and wouldn’t devour nine tails?

Well, after all, the giant egg used to call the nine-tailed Mama.

“Naruto! Save me soon!”

Xiaorui mourned, Naruto looked back at the egg.

Swallowed so many Chakra, is this egg to hatch?

Naruto is looking forward to it.

The result is what Naruto absolutely didn’t expect!

The two cracks above the giant egg… have grown up again! To heal!


I thought it was fast hatching. Is there a return?

This is a trick!

At the moment when the crack on the eggshell was completely killed, the white thread wrapped around the nine tails was taken back.

Xiao Jiu’s body shape is a pitiful return to the time he just came back from outer space.

Small, skinny.

“Naruto! I hate you…”

Nine-tailed, unrecognizable, squatting on the ground, eyes fiercely staring at the giant egg.

Naruto is also very painful.

“Hate me to do it? If you didn’t provoke it, maybe it’s a few days. I’m incubating with several Kekkei Genkai eggs.”

“Now, I don’t know what year and month…”

“You are good, the crack is heal, and you don’t have to worry about it.”

Nine tails are weak and powerful: “I would rather continue to struggle…”

Then I couldn’t help but complain: “What is this thing?”

Naruto didn’t answer, because Naruto didn’t know.

The Dome didn’t hatch, and there was no movement. Naruto’s thoughts could only be withdrawn from the nine-tailed Space.

“Naruto Jun…Kakashi teacher…”

Naruto stood up and glanced at the only coffin that didn’t open, hesitatingly said: “It’s good to be so close.”

“Do you think Kakashi is with us now?”

Hinata bit her lip. “But… this Uncle said that the seal of this coffin is just for people to go into deep sleep and not hunger like a corpse… Kakashi teacher can’t wait inside… will starve.”

Uncle? Said to be humble?

Naruto looked at the humble and looked at him, and humbled and was looking at him.

See Naruto and look down on himself.

“Let’s wait a second, anyway, it’s not anxious.”

Naruto perfunctory, he really doesn’t really want to see Kakashi.

Although Kakashi left the village to find his behavior, he was also moved by the heart of the stone.

But Naruto knows the more it is, the more Kakashi will not be calm when he sees him.

At that time, there was no more beatings.

And… electric shock!

Naruto, who feared being beaten by Kakashi electric shock every day at Konoha, couldn’t help but shudder.

Um… I can’t put Kaka out now, at least I have to wait until he learns Lightning Style.

“I am going to send these four people to Hidan.”

With this at the same time, in the barren hills of the country of the earth.

Hidan hammered his head and muttered on the floor: “I clearly gave the four people’s Heart to me…”


“True bully…”

The little squirrel was asleep in Hidan’s pocket, and no Naruto dominated the little guy and the ordinary hamster.

Hidan glanced at the little guy who slept very sweetly in his pocket and continued to complain: “Sleep! Sleep! Sleep! You know sleep all day long! Are you a pig?”

I don’t know when Naruto appeared in the behind of the missile. He shouted, “Who are you talking about pigs?”

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