Supreme Naruto

Chapter 426

At the moment I felt the red pill, Naruto dissipated the perception barrier.

This thick nerve of Maitekai can’t find the perception barrier, it doesn’t mean that others can’t find it.

Even better, the Illusion Technique Strength is not low.

On the ice, the snow in the sky is still under, the branches and leaves are far and near high and low, and the heavens and the earth are white.

Several people from the Maitekai team stopped in place.

The inverted Li and Matekai looked up and looked at the few people who greeted them.

Two women and two men, one high and three short.

The high one is Kurenai Yuhi. One of the three shorts is a girl with brown hair and oblique bangs.

The girl looks very quiet and has a special family-like restraint.

Two dwarf boys, one with black sunglasses, all face hidden in the hood, a red oil painted on the face with two triangles is also characteristic.

“Hey! It’s Kurenai Yuhi! You are back!”

“Is Quest going well?”

Maitekai continued to stand upside down, and next to him, Xiao Li stood upside down and stood in line with him.

Tenten and Hyuga Neji are the same retreat away from the two guys.

Kurenai Yuhi looked over, courteous Kaidō: “Quest is still going well, you…this is to practice? Go, I won’t bother you.”

Mattek had one hand and the other hand had a thumbs up, and the fangs made a smile that was self-confident.

“Then we met at Konoha.”

“Little Li! Come on! See who is going to the village door first!”

“Oh, call!”

“Youth! Mercedes!”

A wolf smoke rolled, and the snow was picked up.

Naruto body fits into the tree trunk and sees the two fools disappear from the front.

Xiao Li’s body, he will not die!

But what makes Naruto more concerned is the girl next to Kurenai Yuhi… Who is it?

It seems to be replacing the location of Henana originally.

This girl seems to have the same temperament as Hinata, which is the kind of restraint that the big family has.

The feet are closed, the toes are close, and the body is very straight. Standing in the snow, there is a beauty of plum blossoms.

Not overbearing, not arrogant, quiet, but absolutely unusual.

Naruto looks at the girl, the girl seems to have a sense of it.

Naruto subconsciously avoided the girl’s gaze, walked along the roots of the tree trunk, and reattached to another tree.

Did she notice it?

Is this a woman’s instinct?

“Yakumo, what are you looking at?”

The dog fangs found that the girl had been looking at a place and asked.

The red pellet “ao wu?” on the ground is also confused.

The girl named Yakumo shook the head: “Nothing, maybe it’s the wind, it’s an illusion.”

Naruto didn’t look at the girl again, but the conversation between the two was clear.

This girl is called Yakumo? No… is that Yakumo Kurama?

That Konoha has a special family of Kekkei Genkai.

The Kekkei Genkai’s Ability is to transform the illusion into reality.

However, because of the scarcity of people, Kekkei Genkai can make a leader every few generations, and gradually fade out of sight, which is easily overlooked.

If so, don’t use it, it should be.

Naruto glanced at several other people.

Excluding Tenten, Hyuga Neji, and Leroy, you can choose now.

Um… canine teeth.

Or oil women take roots.

The oil female takes the body and is full of insects. What does it feel like when the bug moves in the body?

Itchy? Does it hurt?

And the bugs should be self-conscious and will not see changes in the Spiritual Force.

After the discovery, there will be no jade and fire to launch Attack on him.

What should Spirit have to do is not, but is it possible to swallow the body?

The Naruto brain made up a picture of the worm eating it, and the scalp was a little numb.

It seems that only dogs and fangs are the best fit.

That’s a big look…Spiritual Force shouldn’t be much.

If you operate it properly, you may be able to temporarily seal the awareness of the opposite side.

There is only a problem here. The dog’s teeth are a little far from him, and he is standing next to Kurenai Yuhi and the Yakumo.

His Spiritual Body suddenly can be found in the past.

How to do it?

At this moment, Akira’s nose swayed and sniffed.

Chimaru found him?

No way?

Is his Ability so scum?

The movement of the red pill to this side also attracted the attention of others.

The sight of everyone was coming over with Akagi.

Naruto couldn’t help but get nervous.

Then transfer a location?

No, if Akagi really can find him, he will be exposed directly.

After all, the dog’s nose and the woman’s intuition are not a system.

Naruto tries to reduce Chakra’s breath.

That is to let the body relax, so that influenced by the will, the gas field generated by Chakra will also be weakened.

Time is one second and one second.

The red pill went straight to the tree.

The look of the nose and the look of the person made the person staring at it nervous.

Yakumo whisper: “Red Pill This is…”

The dog is squinting and serious.

Tenten puts the handle on the Scroll pocket.

Hyuga Neji brows up, raises his hand and is ready to hand seal to condense Chakra to open Byakugan (roll eyes).

But at this time, the red pill that came under the tree suddenly raised his leg and sprinkled a big splash of dog urine against the tree.

For a time, the atmosphere was bungee in the weirdness.

Yakumo and Tenten snorted and looked red-faced.

Kurenai Yuhi’s nervous expression also eased to smile.

Of course, the most embarrassing thing is the dog’s owner’s dog.

Don’t go too far and look aside, as if to say that this is not my dog.

In order to conceal the embarrassment, others are also busy transferring topics and chilling a few words.

What about Naruto?

His careful liver sputum is still pulping.

This silly dog ​​can scare him.

The red pill’s swaying feet sprinkled with dog urine, and the small buttocks still shook, and a gust of wind blew, which was called a real coquettish.

Naruto is so angry and funny that looks at this silly dog.

Suddenly, when he has a chance, he can be attached to the body of Akagi!

Then look for opportunities to transfer from the red pill to the dog’s fangs!


It is a godsend!

Naruto didn’t hesitate, and quietly a black line emerged from the bottom of Akagi’s sole, and filled the body of Akagi with a very fast speed.

Sticking to the skin, the appearance of the dog hair can not be seen.

Body charm!

The body of Chimaru was settled.

Naruto took advantage of this opportunity to separate from the body of the red pill by taking the practice of spiritualization.

The seal was changed, and the dog’s eye of Akaru was lost.

Nerve interception!


The red pill did not move for a second.

The confused dog’s eyes finally flashed a glimmer of light.

Successful, the body of Aiwan is already in control.

In soul world, the dog cage made up of a spell is called a tightly locked dog.

Inside the cage, the little white dog grouped into a group of quiet and asleep. From time to time, it seemed like a beautiful dream.

“Red Pills! Almost got it, it’s time to go!”

Akira is sleeping, but the dog’s body is subconsciously “Wang!” after hearing the call of the dog’s fangs.

Then he ran and eagerly rushed past.

Naruto, who controls the dog, has a black face and suddenly feels ashamed.

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